13th July 2012, 02:26 PM
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Any possibility to change the pattern of HCS?

whether any possibility for change of pattern of HCS or not. just like , i heard that the succeeding exam of hcs shall be done on the pattern of IAS. means optional subject will not be add seperately.

26th June 2019, 09:48 PM
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Default Re: Any possibility to change the pattern of HCS?

HCS stands for Haryana Civil Services Exam.

Pattern of HCS Exam:-

1) Preliminary Examination.

2) Mains Examination.

3) Personnel Interview.

Optional subjects are also added in Preliminary and Mains Examination.

19 Optional Subjects for Preliminary Examination:-

1) Agriculture.

2) Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science.

3) Botany.

4) Chemistry.

5) Civil Engineering.

6) Commerce and Accountancy.

7) Economics.

8) Electrical Engineering.

9) Geography.

10) Indian History.

11) Law.

12) Mathematics.

13) Mechanical Engineering.

14) Physics.

15) Political Science and International Relations.

16) Psychology.

17) Public Administration.

18) Sociology.

19) Zoology.

23 Optional Subjects for Mains Examination:-

1) Agriculture.

2) Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science.

3) Botany.

4) Chemistry.

5) Civil Engineering.

6) Commerce and Accountancy.

7) Economics.

8) Electrical Engineering.

9) English Literature.

10) Geography.

11) Hindi Literature.

12) Law.

13) Mathematics.

14) Mechanical Engineering.

15) Physics.

16) Political Science and International Relations.

17) Psychology.

18) Public Administrations.

19) Punjabi Literature.

20) Sociology.

21) Sanskrit Language.

22) Zoology.
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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