7th April 2011, 09:25 PM
Application form for Special Commission Officer Exam?
How to get the application form for Special Commision Officer Exam?
thanks |
9th May 2011, 06:35 PM
special commission officer exam conducted by Upsc every year.you can get the application form offline or online. For that you can visit the official site of UPSC-www.upspc.gov.in ok. Best of luck. |
12th May 2011, 01:23 PM
Sir, plz can you tell me the qualification and the procedure to apply for the special commission officer in the army
24th June 2011, 01:01 PM
sir my name is Anil Rai and I'm 27 yrs old presently i'm serving with my Inf Battalion and now I'm preparing for SCO commission so could you please tell me the all rules and adequate requirement for the commission. specially i want to know the date of entry or forward of application.. for this kind support i will be very thankful to you..
19th July 2011, 09:30 PM
sco eligibility:age should be 28yrs-35yrs by the time of pre-commission course starts at ota,gaya.min 05 yrs of service with 10+2 qualification .no red ink entrywill be there.the person should be recommended by his co/oc and two levels aboue not below the rank of brig.
19th July 2011, 09:36 PM
sco eligibility:age should be 28yrs-35yrs by the time of pre-commission course starts at ota,gaya.min 05 yrs of service with 10+2 qualification .no red ink entrywill be there.the person should be recommended by his co/oc and two levels aboue not below the rank of brig.
5th November 2011, 12:55 PM
Sir my name is M.K.Gurung ,now Im serving in inf BN and sir preparing
for SCO Comission. so Iwant know the date of submit Apllication of SCO Nov or Dec2011 for this kindly motivate thank you very much |
3rd December 2011, 06:22 PM
Sir, I am Sgt SHARMA Santosh, my perent unit is 10 Inf Div Provost Unit presently serving with UNITED NATION MILLITARY POLICE at UNDOF, ISRAEL. Sir I want to know how to apply for SCO Comission and what are the previous prerperation for the same, kindly guide me.
With warm Regurds.... Sgt SHARMA Santosh Military Police UNDOF ISRAEL |
3rd December 2011, 08:41 PM
Special comission officer examination is conducted by upsc only. You can find the all the details, procedure and form from the official site only. www.upsc.gov.in Thank you and all the best. Regards suleman pathan. |
25th January 2012, 02:24 PM
This is Sanjev Kumar from mohali and presently serving in a Army from last 13yrs with Artillery corps ...... I m passed 12th from K V Palampur with Arts stream in the year of 1999.I want become an officer in a Army through SCO commission .....Can u tell me what is the age limit and egibility...to join SCO..... Thanks Regds Sanjeev |
3rd March 2012, 11:01 AM
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2nd April 2012, 12:55 AM
I am nayan jyoti from 510 Army Base Wksp.i want to know the date of submission of forms of sco commission.i shall be remain very grateful tou you for your kind information.pls give me the information as soon as possible.
7th April 2012, 09:44 PM
SCO application should be signed by CO,counter signed by Formation Cdr in the Rank of Maj Gen rank,age should be 27-35 and qualification should be 10 2 pass and no red ink entery and a latest ACR & in case of Sepoy a secial ACr is to be Filled and Forward to your record office for further process.be prapered for SSB right from the day 1 after submitting the application.any question can please be raised and can be sent to [email protected], Vivekanand who got selected through SCO and going for Training.
10th July 2012, 09:41 PM
hi, i am inf solder. In past last 3 year i clear three time ACC written exam and two time SSB Conference out and one time screening out.Now i wants to preparation for SCO Commision can you tell me in which month form is summit and what is all cretaria pl reply.
20th October 2012, 08:07 PM
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