22nd January 2011, 12:48 PM
Can I apply for civil services exam during final year of B.Tech.?
my daughter is a final year student of B.tech.(E.C.) can she appear in IAS exam to be conducted in 2011
22nd January 2011, 05:33 PM
Yes she can apply in the exam but if she belongs to general category i will suggest you that she should not apply this year because she will waste her 1 chance if she fails at certain exam of state because there are only 4 chances for General.
From This Year CSAT is coming so if she waits this year she can see this new paper & can save her 1 chance |
22nd January 2011, 05:41 PM
the eligibility for the IAS exam requires that it should be a graduate from any recognized university. So your daughter is eligible for the IAS exam. you can get the information from www.upsc.gov.in Civil Services (Prel) Exam, 2011 Date of Notification: 19.02.2011 Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 21.03.2011 Date of Exam: 12.06.2011 Best of luck!!! |
22nd January 2011, 07:17 PM
yes she definitely can apply for the civil services examination even though she is in final year of her graduation, the notification of the ies exam will be out in the month of February and the exam is scheduled to be conducted in the month of June, i will give an simple advice .as the number of chances for ies exam are limited to just 4,its always better to not waste the chance by writing the exam without any preparation, so it would be better if she prepares well and then write the exam all the best |
22nd January 2011, 08:01 PM
The students in the final year can attend to the priminary exam of the IAS. but when they are attending the mains they should be the graduate holder. the minimum qualification for IAS is Age Limit: Minimum Age: 21 as on 1st August during which they will write Exam. and the graduation course from any recognized university. thank you................... |
22nd January 2011, 08:25 PM
Well sir,
Before i say somthing about Eligibility You should gain some knowledge about Notifications and Conduct of Examination. Civil service aptitude test (CSAT) Conducted by UPSC every year. There will be Two Exam one is preliminary Exam, and another one is Mains( if preliminary Exam passed) The notification for CSAT 2011 has not been published yet in leading Employment news paper. official website for UPSC 2011 CALENDER CIVIL SERVICES (PREL) EXAM., 2011
Now Eligibility For writing Preliminary Exam You must have A degree from a recognized University or equivalent. And age must be between 21 - 30 years as on 01.08.2011 As your daughter in Final year , yes she is Eligible to write Exam because she will be passing her graduation in the month of May and In june there will be the Prilims Exam For CIVIL services. |
22nd January 2011, 09:52 PM
Hello Sir,
Yes your daughter is eligible to appear in IAS exam 2011 as an appearing candidate. The eligibility criteria for the exam is 1. A Graduate in any discipline form recognised university/college , a final year student can also apply for the exam as an appearing candidate. 2. Age Limit is 21 to 30 years. Kindly visit www.upsc.gov.in for more details regarding the exams. Good Luck. |
25th January 2011, 12:22 AM
Yes, your daughter is eligible for IAS examination because the eligibility criteria for IAS examination is graduation from any recognize university.
The final year students are also eligible for IAS exam. So your daughter is eligible for IAS exam. For more information you can see the official website of UPSC. all the best. |
1st March 2011, 12:44 AM
yea final year students of engineering are eligible for civil service examination if they fulfill other eligibility criterion like age must be in between 21 to 30 for general category students.
the eligibility criterion for civil service examination is candidate should have minimum of graduation degree from any recognized university and also candidate those are final year of graduation may apply for civil service examination. so your daughter is eligible. now the form fill up for civil service examination is going on. to know about the examination visit the website http://www.upsc.gov.in to fill up the online form for civil service examination visit the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in the last date to fill up the online application form is 21st March, 2011. here i am attaching the notification for this year civil service examination. |
1st March 2011, 12:53 AM
ya of course you can apply for the civil services exam during the B.tech final year ...
but then you should fulfill all the eligibility criteria for the civil services exam ..... |
1st March 2011, 12:57 AM
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are as follows: 1) You should have a graduation degree from a recognized college or you should be in final year of graduation from a recognized institute. 2) Age limit: 21-30 years As you are in final year of your graduation, if you fulfill the age limit criteria then you can surely apply for the IAS examination. For more details you can visit the official website of UPSC. Thank you... |
1st March 2011, 12:57 AM
The minimum education qualification required for the civil service examination is that a candidate should be graduate in any discipline. Candidate who are in final year are also eligible for the civil service examination. Since the engineering candidates are also eligible for the civil service examination and you are saying that your daughter is in final year so she is eligible to apply for the civil service examination. The candidate applying for the civil service examination should have age between 21 to 30 years. For more information visit the UPSC web site which is www.upsc.gov.in |
1st March 2011, 12:59 AM
Hi there ,
Yes you can apply for the Civil service exam. The minimum age limit is about 21 and i think you are satisfying the limit. For details visit www.upsc.gov. The prelims for this year 2011 is to be held on JUNE . Kindly visit the website for details. |
1st March 2011, 07:23 AM
Respected Sir,
Yes final year of B.Tech candidate can apply for civil services exam . For civil service exam notification is already published. To know about the examination visit the website http://www.upsc.gov.in And to fill up the online form for civil service examination visit the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in The last date to fill up the online and offline application form is 21 March 11 All the best. |
1st March 2011, 09:07 AM
Yes you are eligible for given the civil services exam.
These tests are required for specific groups including foreign service officers, customs, some secretarial and clerical, air traffic control, law enforcement, postal service, and for certain entry level jobs. The majority — approximately 80% — of government jobs are filled through a competitive examination of your background, work experience, and education, not through a written test. |
1st March 2011, 10:18 AM
yes she can apply for IAS exam which is to be conducted in 2011 .
1st March 2011, 10:55 AM
Civil Services Examination are conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission). YES, you can apply for civil services exam during final year of B.Tech. because minimum eligibility for civil services examination is graduation in any stream or equivqlent with minimum 60 % marks from a regonised institute / university and final year appearing candidates can also apply for civil services exam. For more details & updated information visit www.upsc.gov.in Good Luck |
1st March 2011, 12:13 PM
for general category age limit is 21-30 years and chances are 4 .there are some relaxations also for sc/st and obc.so if shehas prepared for thi s great exam according to rules then definately she can appear in csat-2011
1st March 2011, 05:31 PM
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Of-course sir, your daughter can appear in IAS exam.some datails are listed below:- The eligibility for the IAS exam requires that it should be a graduate from any recognized university. So your daughter is eligible for the IAS exam. you can get the information from www.upsc.gov.in Civil Services (Prel) Exam, 2011 Date of Notification: 19.02.2011 Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 21.03.2011 Date of Exam: 12.06.2011 all the best... |
1st March 2011, 09:27 PM
Can I apply for civil services exam during final year of B.Tech.?
Yes, Definitely ! Final Year Appearing Students Are Also Eligible to Apply for UPSC Civil Services Examination. Graduation From the Recognised Colleges And University Is The Minimum Eligiblity To Apply for UPSC Civil Services Examination. So, If You Are in The Final Semester Or Have Taken Your Final Degree Exam But Are Awaiting The Results, Then Dont Worry, You Can Also Appear For The IAS and IPS Preliminary Examination Provided Your Proof of Degree While Apply For The Main Exams. So, If Your Age Is Between 21 to 30 Years, Then You Are Eligible to Apply for Civil Service Examination. The Notification Was Availiable In The Official Website - http://www.upsc.gov.in Last Date Of Apply for This Exams - 21/March/2011 The Premils Exam Are Going to Be Held On - 12/June/2011. |
1st March 2011, 09:47 PM
no, you are not eligible because minimum age required is 21 years. start your preperation from now only it will help you....
1st March 2011, 10:45 PM
Can I apply for civil services exam during final year of B.Tech.?
Yes.Definitely your eligible for the UPSC exam.If you interested give exam. Those in the final year of degree course can also Eligible. The candidate must possess graduate degree from any recognized university. Age limits : 21 - 30 yrs. The Notification was already released.See the Employment News 19 - 25 feb Last date for receipt of application : 21.3.11 Date of Examination : 12.6.11 Visit the website : www.upsc.gov.in |
1st March 2011, 11:05 PM
yes she can appear in IAS exam to be conducted in 2011.
1st March 2011, 11:26 PM
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the notifiaction of the exam comes in the employment news. for more details regarding the exam, you can visit www.upsc.gov.in |
2nd March 2011, 01:23 AM
yes she definitely can apply for the civil services examination even though she is in final year of her graduation. the minimum qualification for IAS is Age Limit: Minimum Age: 21 as on 1st August during which they will write Exam. and the graduation course from any recognized university. good luck............... |
2nd March 2011, 01:25 AM
Yes she can apply in the exam but if she belongs to general category i will suggest you that she should not apply this year because she will waste her 1 chance if she fails at certain exam of state because there are only 4 chances for General. you can get the information from www.upsc.gov.in best of luck.................. |
2nd March 2011, 03:53 AM
Yes she can apply for it but she should be in 21 to 30 years old.the last date to fill up the online application form is 21st March, 2011. www.upsc.gov.in for more core detail. good luck.............. |
2nd March 2011, 10:52 AM
Yes, she is eligible to apply in final year.
But there are some age requirements also : She must be between 21 - 30 years as on 01.08.2011 Regarding Number of attempts: 4 attempts for General category 7 attempts for OBC Unlimited attempts for SC/ST. Application form: Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 21.03.2011 Date of Exam: 12.06.2011 Please visit the following websites which would be helpful for her preparation: http://www.upscportal.gov.in http://www.onestopias.com |
2nd March 2011, 12:48 PM
Yes she can apply for this exam.
(i) Age limits : 21-30 years as on 1.7.2011. (Upper age limit relaxable for SCs/STs, OBCs and certain other categories as specifie. (ii) Educational Qualifications : Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification. |
2nd March 2011, 01:39 PM
DETAILS- CIVIL SERVICES (PREL) EXAM., 2011 publication of Exam details - 19.02.2011 Last day of submission of forms - 21.03.2011 Date of exam - 12.06.2011 FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OFFICIAL SITE http://www.upsc.gov.in |
2nd March 2011, 03:58 PM
the eligibility for the IAS exam requires that it should be a graduate from any recognized university. So your daughter is eligible for the IAS exam. you can get the information from www.upsc.gov.in
Civil Services (Prel) Exam, 2011 Date of Notification: 19.02.2011 Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 21.03.2011 Date of Exam: 12.06.2011 |
2nd March 2011, 07:34 PM
Graduation From the Recognised Colleges And University Is The Minimum Eligiblity To Apply for UPSC Civil Services Examination. The Notification Was Availiable In The Official Website - http://www.upsc.gov.in |
2nd March 2011, 09:30 PM
yes sir
definitely she can apply if she can satisfy the age requirements of the exam the basic age requirements of the CSE is 21 years of age when on application .. and she should have her degree when got selected in the civils.. the degree should be produced before the pannel of the directors when the candidate goes for the verification i hope your doubt got cleared .. for any further details click on this link www.onestopias.com all the best Quote:
3rd March 2011, 05:06 PM
Yes sir she is eligible to appear for IAS exam 2011.
The candidate should be a graduate ,indian national having age between 21 to 30 years.Final year students can also apply. The last date to submit the form is 21st March 2011. Exam will be on 12th June 2011. You can fill the form both online & offline. Offline:You can purchase the form from any General /Head post Office on cash payment of 30Rs/- . Online: You can apply Online by through the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in . Detailed instructions for filling up online applications are available on the above mentioned website. |
5th March 2011, 03:30 PM
Eligibility for IAS are-
Age limits : 21-30 years as on 1.7.2011. (Upper age limit relaxable for SCs/STs, OBCs are 5 and 3 years ). (ii) Educational Qualifications : Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification (Para 3(iii) of Notice). If your age lie in the feasible region, then your daughter is eligible for it. |
7th March 2011, 03:10 PM
Yes your daughter can appear for civil services exams as any one appearing for the exam needs to have a bachelors degree for that so she is eligible.
Civil Services (Prel) Exam, 2011 Date of Notification: 19.02.2011 Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 21.03.2011 Date of Exam: 12.06.2011 For complete details go to http://www.upsc.gov.in |
25th March 2011, 08:53 PM
The minimum criteria for writing ias exam is to have completed any degree of any branch of studies.from any recognized univesity. you have mentioned your daudgter is in the final year,she is eligible to apply for the exam.and she can attend the preliminary exam in the final semester.
27th March 2011, 06:52 PM
Yes she can apply in the exam but if she belongs to general category i will suggest you that she should not apply this year because she will waste her 1 chance if she fails at certain exam of state because there are only 4 chances for General. From This Year CSAT is coming so if she waits this year she can see this new paper & can save her 1 chance Thanks |
29th March 2012, 08:39 PM
Candidate who are in final year are also eligible for the civil
service examination. Since the engineering candidates are also eligible for the civil service examination and you are saying that your daughter is in final year so she is eligible to apply for the civil service examination. The candidate applying for the civil service examination should have age between 21 to 30 years. For more information visit the UPSC web site which is www.upsc.gov.in |
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