9th May 2012, 08:00 PM
Can I expect admission in MIT, Pune after scoring 92 marks in AIEEE? Which are the good colleges in Maharashtra? I belong to OBC category
i m expecting 92 marks in aieee 2012(obc category)......can i expect admission in mit,pune?........ plz also suggest some good colleges in maharashtra for this score!!!!
15th May 2012, 06:07 PM
I am resident of Indore MP and not appeared for MH CE 2012 , I have appeared in AIEEE , am I eligible for admission in MIT Pune in BE/Btech in 2012 .
Vishnu Indore |
15th May 2012, 06:13 PM
I have not appeared in MH CET 2012 , am I eligible candidate for admission in BE in MIT PUNE . I am resident of Indore MP and appeared in AIEEE 2012 .
26th May 2012, 03:32 PM
if I got 110-130marks in AIEEE2012, Then there will be any chance to take a admission in pune university for general(open) category
5th June 2012, 03:00 PM
sir,please tell me the minimum marks in AIEEE for SC/ST candidates to get into MIT PUNE.PLEASE REPLY SOON. MYEMAIL IDIS- [email protected]
17th June 2012, 01:20 AM
sir, I scored 113 marks MHT-CET 2012 & is there any hope getting admission in MIT pune IT ENGINEERING i am from nagpur open category from Nagpur
17th July 2012, 01:02 PM
sir i am graduate in mechanical engineering and i want to undergo design training. please suggest some institutes in pune