31st May 2012, 04:45 PM
Can I expect top 10 colleges in Orissa after scoring 4020 rank in OJEE?
could i expect top 10 colleges in orissa after scoring 4020 rank in ojee.
16th June 2013, 10:46 PM
Which colleges will I get after getting 5013 rank in ojee and what are fee of these?
9th May 2015, 03:15 AM
OJEE stand for Odhisa Joint Entrance ExaminationCommonly called as: OJEE following are the colleges avilable-
**Padmanava College of Engineering Orissa Total Fees 2,35,000/ **Einstein Academy of Technology and Management Orissa Total Fees 2,20,000/- **Padmashree Kruthartha Acharya College of Engineering... Orissa Total Fees 1,80,000/ **Government College of Engineering - Kalahandi Orissa Total Fees 1,77,600/- **Sundargarh Engineering College Orissa Total Fees 1,85,000/ **Modern Engineering and Management Studies Orissa Total Fees 2,84,000/ **Gopal Krisna College of Engineering and Technology... Orissa Total Fees 2,20,000/- **Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT) Orissa Total Fees 80,900/. |