3rd November 2011, 10:53 PM
Can I get scholarships to study MBA course in IIM's?
hello friends, i am doing my engineering degree, my aim is to do MBA in IIM. but recently i found that the fee structure is enormously high. we have to pay about 15lakh for the course. i can't afford such a huge amount. is there any solution for this? and i am from small town. please help me... thank you
25th March 2012, 10:57 AM
is there any scholarship provided for doing MBA in IIMs?
25th March 2012, 11:00 AM
Is there any scholarships provided for doing MBA in IIMs??
1st July 2014, 09:19 PM
hi. im dng my 5th sem b.tech. my aim is to join iim for mba. i hav started preparing for CAT exams. but mine is middle class family. as the fee for iim seems to be a very large amount to us...is there any way for me to get scholarship? pls guide me.thank u