20th September 2011, 12:47 PM
Is the degree of Shiksha Vishard equivalent to B.Ed in Haryana?
i want to know that the degree of shiksha vishard is equilliant to b.ed in haryana
state. |
7th March 2016, 03:34 PM
Yes, The degree of Shiksha Vishard is equivalent to B.ed in Hariyana and Shiksha Visharad is recognized by the Government as being equivalent to the B.Ed Course also this is recognized by UGC.
But One of the main issue with the Shiksha Visharad degree is that It is not recognized by NCTE. Hence this degree will not be consider in some of states. And as per NCTE notification Education obtained from an institute not recognized by NCTE is not valid for the purpose of Employment under the Central Government or any State Government or University or in any School. So before going for this institute please consider our answers. |