1st October 2011, 08:04 PM
Details for joining AMIE course?
Dear Sir/Madam
I am bharath I have completed Diploma in electronics & communication in one govt. polytechnic. Now am working in biomedical department as a service support engineer.For me need degree certificate in engineering. i would like to join AMIE by correspondence. I want to know details for joining AMIE. Please send me as soon as early. |
15th October 2011, 07:24 PM
iam completed diploma in instrumentation and control. now iam working in an mnc company. i wish to do amie exam but i dont know proper information about it. pls send me the details as soon as possible
17th October 2011, 02:53 PM
Need information about AMIE
23rd December 2011, 01:26 PM
I have passed Diploma in Electrical Engineering and completed 4 semistar in electrical Engineering (B.Tech) under WBUT
Can I get examption the paper which I have passed in B.Tech under WBUT.Kindly inform the matter in my Email address [email protected]. Now I am in job under seimens |
29th December 2011, 02:52 PM
hello sir i have done diploma in electronics and tele com. How to get admission form and from where? What is it's fee structure? My id is [email protected]. I request u to send me details about 4t.
15th January 2012, 05:27 PM
i completed my diploma in iete.i want to s/w js.am i eligible to that
plz rply me as early as possible dis is my [email protected] |
20th January 2012, 02:37 PM
hello sir, i have diploma in computer engg Need information about AMIE .pls send me the details as soon as possible & i am graduation in Hindi unity I want to MBA as possible
My id is [email protected]. I request u to send me details about 4t. |
26th March 2012, 10:59 PM
Guest Posts: n/a Re: Details for joining AMIE course? iam completed diploma in civil engg.. now iam working in an pcs company. i wish to do amie exam but i dont know proper information about it. pls send me the details as soon as possible. [email protected] Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/details-joining-amie-course-396613.html#ixzz1qNgB6s2F |
10th April 2012, 08:28 PM
I am Pramod I have completed Diploma in electronics & communication in one govt. polytechnic. Now am working in a pvt polytechnic as a instructor ,.For me need degree certificate in engineering. i would like to join AMIE by correspondence. I want to know details for joining AMIE. Please send me as soon as early.
25th May 2012, 09:12 PM
hi sir,
i am srinuvas i have completed correspondence diploma mechanical in srikakulam govt polytechnic andrapradesh,now am working in govt industry BHEL hydarabad,i would like to join AMIE by correspondence.please send me details as soon as early [email protected] m.no-9640651872. |
29th May 2012, 03:51 PM
![]() Quote:
27th June 2012, 03:07 PM
I am Bishram I have completed Diploma in electrical power system. I want to know details for joining AMIE. Please send me as soon as early.
my email ld [email protected] |
19th August 2012, 07:08 PM
i have compete diploma in eletronics & communication in one govt.colleage then i have join in amie for degree so please send me information about amie soon.my email id is [email protected]
19th June 2013, 09:27 PM
AMIE = B.Tech AMIE stands for Associate Member of Institution of Engineers. To put in simple words, it is a degree level examination in engineering, recognized by all State Governments, Central Govt., AICTE, UPSC etc as equivalent to B.E/B.Tech. That means, those who pass AMIE examination will get equal opportunities for job as well as higher education in both Govt. and private sectors, just like a B.E or B.Tech holder. The Institution of Engineers (India), the largest multidisciplinary body of engineers in the country is the authority that prepares syllabus, conducts examination and issue certificates etc. of AMIE. Distance learning The attraction with AMIE is that it is a recognized engineering degree course that can be studied in distance education style. Since this course does not demand any class room attendance, anyone who meets the specified eligibility criteria can become a graduate engineer in the least possible time and expense! Since we arrange AMIE Postal Class, this course is especially suitable for employed person, as they can study this course without being interfering with their job, whether they are in India or abroad. Who is eligible? Those who wish to do AMIE must have any one of the following qualifications. 1. A recognized 3-year Polytechnic Diploma or its equivalent in any branch of engineering. (No marks restriction) OR 2. +2/HSC/PDC with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics with minimum 45% marks. Any educational qualifications equivalent to the above, are also eligible to apply for AMIE. Those who pursue AMIE after their Diploma course are usually known as Diploma Stream Students (Senior Technician members), and others are known as Non-Diploma Stream Students (Technician members). Branches Available Following engineering branches are available for study 1. Chemical Engineering 2. Civil Engineering 3. Computer Science and Engineering 4. Electrical Engineering 5. Electronics & Communication Engineering 6. Mechanical Engineering 7. Materials and Metallurgical Engineering 8. Mining Engineering 9. Production Engineering 10. Textile Engineering SYLLABUS The syllabus of AMIE is similar to B.E/B.Tech. The AMIE syllabus is made up of two parts:- Section A and Section B (similar to First year , Second year etc. of any formal degree course). Those who join for AMIE should first study and clear all subjects in Section A. Based on one's qualification, the total number of subjects in Section A varies. After passing Section A, he should study Section B. The total number of subjects in Section B is 9. See table below Exam Passed Section A Section B Total Sub. Max. Time Plus Two 10 9 + Lab 19 + Lab & Project. 6 Years 3 Year's Diploma 4 9 + Lab 13 + Lab & Project. 6 Years Hence a plus two holder has to study total 19 subjects and a Diploma holder should study just 13 papers to clear AMIE In Section A we study subjects which are fundamental to engineering. In section B, we make specialized study in our chosen branch of engineering. When a student clears all subjects in both sections A and B. he is said to have passed A.M.I.E examination and becomes a qualified graduate engineer. Duration The duration of AMIE is flexible. A period of 6 years each is allowed for completing Section A and B.Since this is the maximum duration, a student who systematically studies the course can successfully finish the course in minimum time.Students who study the course under any of our coaching programme can complete the course in 4 semesters (Diploma holders) or 6 semesters (+2 holders) Fees The fees depends on the mode of your study. A student opting postal study can complete the full course at just Rs 30,000 AMIE Benefits You can become a graduate engineer, studying at your spare time Get same qualification as B.E/B.Tech Recognised by Government as well as Private sector Try GATE/M.Tech/Better job after AMIE No regular College study, No Attendence Least expensive Full support from Jyothis Academy |
28th October 2014, 11:32 PM
Hello Sir,
I completed Diploma in Electronics &communication engineering....how do apply the AMIE course?tell about AMIE full detail...plz send me as soon as early... mail id:[email protected] |