4th December 2010, 09:52 PM
Doing Masters in Biotechnology : Books to refer for CSIR UGC/NET JRF exam in Lifesciences?
i am planning to prepare for csir-ugc/net-jrf in lifesciences..i am persuing my masters in biotechnology..can you please suggest me the books that i can refer regarding my preparation.
16th December 2010, 04:37 PM
CSIR-Net Life Science By B. L. Chaudhary, CSIR Life Sciences By Dr. Pramod Singh CSIR-UGC JRF/LS(NET) Life Sciences By GK Publisher Reference Book, Csir-Ugc Net/Jrf/Slet Life Sciences By Dr. A. P. Singh & Kumar Pushkar, Latest Books CSIR UGC Net/JRF/SET Life Sciences By Singh Csir - Ugc Net / Slet Life Science (paper I & II ) Joint Ugc, Csir Net Life Sciences Also For State Level Entrance Examination By Ziaul Hasan Faruqi free download e books
16th December 2010, 05:00 PM
[QUOTE=krishmurali;262057]i am planning to prepare for csir-ugc/net-jrf in lifesciences..i am persuing my masters in biotechnology..can you please suggest me the books that i can refer regarding my preparation.[/QU
You can select these books 1. Lubert Stryer Unit no. 1,2,5 and basic metabolism portion 2. Pathfinder books for CSIR-UGC net, Part-1 and 2 3. Ecology NCERT -12th 4. Evolution NCERT- 12th 5. Population Genetics chaptor by Gardner 6. Previous year paper |
18th December 2010, 03:31 AM
Hi dear,i give you list of CSIR JRF Life Sciences - Study Books
Here is the list of CSIR books you need to get CSIR JRF. Will be updating regularly. Biochemistry Books Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry by Nelson and Cox Biochemistry by Lubert Stryer, J.M., Berg and J.L. Tymoczko Principles and Techniques by Keith Wilson and John Walker Microbiology Books Microbiology: Fundamental and Application, by Ronald M. Atlas, Microbiology by L.M. Prescott, J.P. Harley and D.A. Klein, Genetics Books Genetics: BD Singh Genetics: A Molecular Approach by T.A. Brown Principle of Genetics by E.J. Gardner, M.J. Simmons and D.P. Snustad Cell and Molecular Biology Books Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments by G Karp Molecular Cell Biology - Lodish Immunology Immunology by Janis Kuby Recombinant DNA Technology Books Gene Cloning and DNA analysis by T.A. Brown Plant Tissue Culture by M.K. Razdan Biotechnology by B.D.Singh Human Physiology Books Essentials of Animal Physiology by Rastogi Review of Medical Physiology by William F. Ganong Plant Physiology Plant Physiology by Salisbury and Ross Ecology and Evolution Books Text Book of Biology: NCERT XI and XII Basic Ecology by E.P. Odum Ecology and Environment by PD Sharma Ecology unit from Dinesh's Objective Biology Organic evolution from Veer Bala Rastogi BIOLOGY Books General Biology (10 +2 level) Biological Science by N.P.O Green, G.W. Stout and D.J. Taylor Text Book of Biology: NCERT XI and XII PHYSICS Concepts of Physics (Part 1 and 2) by H C Verma Text Book of Physics: NCERT XI and XII CHEMISTRY Text Book of Chemistry: NCERT XI and XII Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd Physical Chemistry by Atkins You also need books for statistics, Computer, Maths etc. If u have any suggestion please write to us on [email protected] or use comments below. |
18th December 2010, 08:03 AM
Biochemistry, Lubert Stryer, Berg J.M. and Tymoczko J.L. (2002). W.H. Freeman
Bioingermatics, A practical Guide to the analysis of genes and protein (2002). Baxeuarus A.D. and Francis Ouellehe B.F. A John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Biotechnology, J.E. Smith, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (1988). Bhojwani, S.S. and Razdan M.K. 1996. Plant Tissue Culture: Theory and Practice (Revised Edition), Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc., Boston. Biochemical calculations by Irwin H. Segel (1985). John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Biotechnology: Theory and Techniques, Volume II, J.G. Chirikjian (Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston), 1995. Concepts of Genetics, W.S. Klug and R.A. Cummings (Prentice Hall, New Jersey), 6th Edn, 2000. Discovering Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics (2002) A Malcolm Campbell and Laurie J. Heyer, published by Benjamin Cummings. Gamborg O.L. and Philips G.C. 1996. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organic Culture, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. Glick B.R. and Pasternak J.J. 1998. Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA (Second Edition), ASM Press, Washington, D.C. Introduction to Biotechnology, C.M. Brown, I. Campbell and F.G. Priest, Published by Panima Publishing Corporation (2002). Oksaman-Caldentey K-M and Barz W.H. 2002. Plant Biotechnology and Transgenic Plants, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. Proteomics from protein sequence to function (2002) Pennington S.R. and Dunn M.J. BIOS Scientific Publishers Limited. Molecular Biotechnology, Glick and Pasterneck, Panima Publishing Corp., New Delhi (1999) 2nd edition. Protein: Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Gary Walsh (2002). John Wiley and sons, Ltd. Practical Biochemistry: Principles and Techniques edited by Keith Wilson and John Walker (2000). Cambridge University Press. Principles of Biochemistry, Albert L. Lehninger, Nelson D.L. and Cox M.M. (2000) W.H. Freeman. Proteins: Structures and molecular properties by Thomas E. Creighton (1992). W.H. Freeman. Gene and Chromosome Analysis, Adolph K.W. (Academic Press, New York), 1994. Short Protocols in Molecular Biology, Ausubel F., Brent R., Kingston R.E., More D.D., Seidman J.G., Smith J.A. and Struhl K. (John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York), 1995. The AGT Cytogenetics laboratory Manual by Barch M.J., Knutsen T., and Spurback J. (Lippincott-Roven Publishers, Philadelphia), 1997. Molecular Cloning-A laboratory Manual, Sambrook J. and Russell D.W. (Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbour), 2001. Theory and Problems of Genetics, W.D. Stansfield (McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York), 1988. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis, A.J.F. Griffths, J.H. Miller, D.T. Suzuki, R.C. Lewontin and W.M. Gelbart (W.H. Freeman and Company, New York), 2002. Genomes, T.A. Brown (John Wiley and Sons, Singapore), 1999. Genes VII, B Lewin (Oxford University Press Inc., New York), 2000. Molecular Biology of the Gene, J.D. Watson, N.H. Hopkins, J. W. Roberts, J.A. Steitz and A.M. Weiner (The Benjamin/ Cummings Publishing Company Inc., California), 1987. Genetics: A Molecular Approach, T.A. Brown (Nelson Thrones Ltd, Cheltenham), 1998. Genetics: An Analysis of Genes and Genomes, D.L. Hartal and E.W. Jones (Jones and Bartletit Publishers, Boston), 2001. Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experimens, G. Karp (John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York), 2002. Genetics: Analysis and Principles, R.J. Brooker (Addison Wesley Longamn Inc., New York), 1999. Discover Biology, M.L. Cain, H. Ddmman, R.A. Lue and C.K. Yoon (Sinauer Associates, Inc. Sunderland, Massachusetts), 2000. Principles of Genetics, E.J. Gardner, M.J. Simmons and D.P. Snustad (John Wiley and sons, Inc., New York), 1991. An Introduction of Genetic Analysis, A.J.F. Griffiths, J.H. Miller, D.T. Suzuki, R.C. Lewontin and W.M. Gelbart (W.H. Freeman and Company, New York), 2000. |
26th January 2011, 07:55 PM
Pls guide me how to prepare for CSIR NET/ GATE/ICMR.
pls mail me at [email protected] |
16th February 2011, 06:47 PM
am planning to prepare for csir-ugc/net-jrf in lifesciences..i am persuing my masters in Biochemistry..can you please suggest me the books that i can refer regarding my preparation
6th March 2011, 12:16 AM
Hi...I am Pratima, preparing for CSIR NET, ICMR and JNU Ph.D entrance exams. Can anyone suggest me what all books I should refer. I also want to know the syllabus for JNU exam. Your help will be much appreciated.Thank you!
8th July 2011, 06:39 PM
hii....i m doing m.sc in chemistry nd want to appear in CSIR UGC/NET JRF in chemistry ....so plz refer me books for preparations.
plz mail me at [email protected] |
17th September 2011, 02:53 PM
i have completed my masters in pharmacy(pharmaceutical chemistry) i am planning to prepare for csir-ugc/net-jrf in chemical sciences.can you please suggest me the books that i can refer regarding my preparation.
30th March 2012, 05:41 PM
Sir, i have done my msc in biotechnology in 2011 and want to do integrated course i.e mphil/phd in biotechnology i just want to know that after enrolling in this will i be able to write csir jrf and if i get the fellowship can i continue my integrated course and as well work as jrf and get the fellowship given by csir
18th January 2013, 10:16 PM
hi can anyone suggest me the books having complete notes about the msc biotechnology preparation of csir net jrf /srf preparation . i m doing msc in biotechnology . plz suggest on my email as well . [email protected]