5th August 2011, 09:50 PM
Which engineering course has more scope for girls? Does BSc possess more score than engineering? Which engineering college is the best in Delhi?
hello sir,i just want to ask that which engineering has more scope for girls.what we will do after 12,is bsc is has scope more than engineering.which college is best for engineering in delhi
6th August 2011, 03:18 AM
Various engineering branches suitable for girls ,infect today girls are almost every branch of engineering doing well in her work.
branches like Computer Science,Chemical engineering,electronic engineering,IT . |
6th August 2011, 09:21 AM
hi....i think you should know that the days of supressing girls and not giving them equal chances are gon ,in todays modern worl bothe the girls and boys are given equal opportunity in life to grow and succeed and hence various corporate companies also do not make any special distinction between and boy and girls so what ever engineering field you choose you will be having an equal opportunity same as an boys to succeed in your career so you need not worry from that point of view.
as for as the choice between the bsc and engineering is concerned i dont think that bsc is an better option than engineering leaving some exceptional cases were some times bsc students get better opportunities ,its always the engineering students get better opporturtunities ,were as if you do msc after completion of your bsc then you can get an equal opportunity same as an engineering student |
10th June 2012, 12:42 AM
Wich engineering course shall help a girl for becoming an ips officer after getting graduation in engineering field....,,,,,......