10th March 2015, 12:54 PM
How to apply in mechanical companies for 6 weeks? I am a student of mechanical engineering
i m a studant of machanical engg. 3rd year studant in summer i m go to summer traning plz sugast me haw to apply in mechanical companies for 6 week .give me list..
26th April 2015, 10:04 PM
For getting summer training in any of the company you must have to take a college recommended letter. You simply have to submit the college recommended letter in the HR department of the company in which you want to complete your summer training. Every company provide training to the limited number of students so my suggestion to you is that you should submit your application as soon as possible. Once the company approve your application then you will be issued a ID card and after that you can start your training. My suggestion to you is that you should do your training with full of your effort because training is the only period in which we got maximum practical knowledge.