30th May 2011, 02:05 AM
How to find a training job in Mumbai after completing diploma in Mechanical Engineering?
I have just copleted my diploma in the field of mechanical engg. and want to do the job, my result is on painding, so what can I do, also I'm intrested in some subjects like automobile engineering, power engg, advance manufacturing process, thermal engg, industrial fluid power, fluid mechanics, design of machine elements,theory of machine and machinery, etc.
2nd July 2015, 07:23 PM
Every candidate is not capable to complete the degree at time as they don't care at time if a person study carefully at the time of degree he or she can easily pass the degree within the time.
>> in your case you can apply for the company job for this you have to submit your resume to the company and then you will be called for the personal interview and if you qualify for the interview then you can get the job. |