7th January 2012, 09:20 AM
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How to go about for summer training while in B.Tech 3rd year ECE?

sir,i m akhilesh student of b.tech 3rd ece branch ,please give me information for the summer training. email id .akhileshvit [email protected]

7th January 2012, 08:50 PM
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Default Re: How to go about for summer training while in B.Tech 3rd year ECE?

summer training is very much essential for engineering students. because in your institution generally you get overview of the engineering in theoretical basis but in summer training you will get idea about how work is done in industry.as an engineer you should know at least about industry environment and process and you will get idea from your training.

you should choose your training according to your interest. in which field you want to work in future you should go for training on that field. if you are confused about two fields then go for two training one per one of your interest.like if you are interested to work in software field as well as core engineering field then go for two training one is in software field and other is in electronics field. you may also confused about core electronics field as well as communication field. in this case also do one training from an electronics industry and other from communication industry.

if you want to do training from electronics industry then you may go for some of electronics industry and may know about their training process. but it's very much difficult to find out core electronics company where you may be selected for training without any reference. if you have nay relative working in an electronics industry and he/she refers you then may be it will be easy to get the training but other wise it is so much difficult. in that case there are so many private training institution those provide training on electronics like PLC, Micro controller etc. you may go for training in these types of institution for training with some minimum fees.

if you want to do training on software then there are a huge number of training institution those provide training on computer related subject with some fees. you may learn some language like JAVA, C++ etc as you are from electronics and communication engineering students. you may also go for Database, HTML, Visual basic etc courses.

if you are interested in communication field specially in mobile and broadband communication field then best organization for training is BSNL. there are so many training institution in every region of BSNL those provide training for the engineering students. try to contact with your regional BSNL training institution and apply for the training. you will get chance for the training.

the procedure to apply for the training is first you have to contact with the training institution or training industry. if they are ready to provide you the training then contact with your institution training department. from their issue one training letter addressing to your training institution or training industry. for more details about training letter contact with your institution's training department. submit this training letter to the training institution or industry. some organization may have exact application form. in that case collect the application form and fill it then approve it from your institution and submit it to the training organization. if you are selected for the training they will contact with you. don't forget to collect your training certificate after the end of your training. this training certificate is very much important as this document is the only proof that you have done the training.

best wishes.
7th January 2012, 09:16 PM
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Default Re: How to go about for summer training while in B.Tech 3rd year ECE?

Summer training has very much importance for engineering student.summer training from best company play a important role in the placement.

From last year summer training is conducted after 6th sem.so you have to fix your company in which you want to do training.

For summer training you have to send NOC which is provided by the college in the company which provide summer training.you can send NOC in many companies.

First you have to choose in which field you want to do you training.you have to choose most demanded field for training.compaines select the student for training .if you are selected you can go for training in the company.

In the summer training you should get good command on the field because after summer training Presentation is conducted.if you have good knowledge you can put good impression on teacher.

In the interview training related question are asked.so summer training is very important.
7th January 2012, 09:18 PM
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Default Re: How to go about for summer training while in B.Tech 3rd year ECE?

dear friend,

As you are a student of Electronics and Communication Engineering (E.C.E.) then after 3rd in B.Tech you can do any of them.There are so many option/subjects among which you can choose any one in your summer training. You have mentioned some subjects which you will get master degree and besides this, I have also mentioned some other subjects. These subjects are ....

1. Digital Communication,
2. Antenna,
3. Analog Communication,
4. Digital Communication,
5. Basic Electronics,
6. VLSI etc.

But I think it is completely depend up on you . The subject which you will feel better it will also be better and beneficial for you.

In my opinion V.L.S.I. (Very Large Scale Integration) system will be best for you.Although it is one of the toughest subject in E.C.E. department. But it has a bright future and once if you make your carrier with this subject then in future you will also be beneficial. Again I shall tell you that the subject which you like most and want to learn and also want to pursue your master degree, you can choose it and make your carrier.

all the best.
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15th April 2012, 09:39 AM
sabira m
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Default Re: How to go about for summer training while in B.Tech 3rd year ECE?

pls snd me some important course viva questions that can be askd for Btech IT students
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25th July 2012, 09:25 AM
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Default Re: How to go about for summer training while in B.Tech 3rd year ECE?

how much summer training after 6th sem matters in terms of job???
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25th July 2012, 03:55 PM
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Default Re: How to go about for summer training while in B.Tech 3rd year ECE?

Summer training has very much importance for engineering student.summer training from best company play a important role in the placement.

From last year summer training is conducted after 6th sem.so you have to fix your company in which you want to do training.

For summer training you have to send NOC which is provided by the college in the company which provide summer training.you can send NOC in many companies.

First you have to choose in which field you want to do you training.you have to choose most demanded field for training.compaines select the student for training .if you are selected you can go for training in the company.

In the summer training you should get good command on the field because after summer training Presentation is conducted.if you have good knowledge you can put good impression on teacher.

In the interview training related question are asked.
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29th June 2013, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: How to go about for summer training while in B.Tech 3rd year ECE?

which training is better for e.c branch which help in find job?
dilip raj
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16th February 2017, 08:02 PM
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Default Re: How to go about for summer training while in B.Tech 3rd year ECE?

Private company or government company which one is better for doing summer training for electronics and communication?
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