15th February 2013, 09:33 PM
How to join RAW if I am a ex serviceman from Indian Army Corps of Signal
i am Ex-serviceman from Indian army Corps of Signals, 45 year old, i wish to join raw, how i can apply?
22nd July 2013, 02:31 PM
I am Mr R C Chauhan serving in army corps of signals and 49 years old , I want to reemployed in raw you are requested to guide me.
23rd December 2014, 05:51 PM
sir i am virender kumar exservicemen age 37 yers hav from arty unit army. I wish to join in raw indian pl give me suggestion .how to aply and recrutment policey at ex servicemen in raw .sir my cont no 09810932846
28th January 2015, 10:02 PM
I am Mr sub maj (JE SYSTEM) Ramakrishnan serving in army corps of signals and 50 years old , I wish to re-employed in RAW after retirement. Sir pls you are requested to guide me. my contact no is 9457581795 & e-mail add [email protected]
11th March 2015, 10:57 PM
Sir, I am Sub (OSS) Milap Chand going to retire from Indian Army, Corps of Signals on 31 Jul 15 after completion of 30 yrs 21 days and wish to join in RAW. I have good knowledge of interception, monitoring, and analysis. Please be inform me how to apply. My contact no is Home 9650024464, Office 09478431545, Email Id, [email protected]
With Regards (Sub Milap Chand) |
8th October 2017, 10:26 PM
Sir, I will be retiring as a SUB from corps of signals on 30 nov 2017. I am 50 years old. I want to join prestigious Raw. Can you guide me...9627603260
email id. [email protected] |
7th July 2018, 08:52 AM
Sir Am an ex havildar (OSS ) being retired from corps of signals on 31 Jul 2018, I am 33 years old, I want to join RAW, can you guide me please, My no 9400681263,[email protected]
16th April 2019, 02:12 PM
Sir, I Ex Subedar (Operator Special Signals) Abdul Aziz, retired from Corps of Signals on 31 Jan 2018. I am 49 years old and wish to join in RAW. Therefore you are requested to assist/guide me please. My Mob No is 8637043030 and Email : [email protected]
10th August 2019, 10:31 PM
Sir I Am an ex havildar being retired from corps of signals , I am 38 years old, I want to join RAW, can you guide me please, [email protected]
30th September 2021, 12:01 AM
Sir I am an exserviceman being retired from corps of signals(OSS) I am 45 years old, I want to join RAW, can you guide me please.
Mob - 8437282177 Email- [email protected] |
28th December 2021, 12:01 AM
Sir I am Ex serviceman from Corps of Signals Ex Hav (OSS) trade, I am 37 years old. I want to join RAW, please faver me to guide about it.
Mob No -8493895971 e-mail- -----([email protected]) |