19th February 2012, 11:56 AM
How much rank is required for taking admission in government colleges under UPTU? I am from Delhi and having diploma degree and belong to SC category
hi i m from delhi sc catagory, stuying in diploma final year.till how much rank to take admission in uptu govt btech collage
please reply soon.. |
2nd June 2012, 12:12 PM
Re: How much rank is required for taking admission in government colleges under UPTU? I am from Delhi and having diploma degree and belong to SC category
I have got 33000 rank in general and 5053 rank in gl in uptu can i get goverment college
20th October 2012, 05:26 PM
Re: How much rank is required for taking admission in government colleges under UPTU? I am from Delhi and having diploma degree and belong to SC category
how much rank is required for a govt. college in delhi?
29th May 2013, 03:45 AM
Re: How much rank is required for taking admission in government colleges under UPTU? I am from Delhi and having diploma degree and belong to SC category
Can I get admission in government college after scoring 5713 GN, 2192 GL, 546 SC, i172 SCGLn UPTU MBA?