18th December 2010, 11:03 AM
How to prepare for English section in Clerical Bank Exam?
Hai Sir,
Iam sreekanth. Iam poor in English and please how to prepare english in Clerical bank Exams. Please send me my e-mail ID. Thanks. |
4th April 2011, 07:10 PM
you should solve old question paper. And improve your vacabulary.
and solve comprihension. |
7th April 2011, 07:54 AM
General English will also be one of the section in the bank clerical exams.
Most of the bank exams, they will not put negative marking for this section. So, if that is there, there is a chance to attempt all the questions from this section. Anyway as you are telling poor in English, I request you don't use that poor again. It reveals that you are pessimistic about yourself. So instead of saying that, I am average and I am eager to know, say in this manner. For English, Comprehensions will be coming.Mostly two passages will be asked and from these passages, you ewill be asked questions. In order to answer the questions, you should be able to read the passage fast and to understand the essence of the passaged. So I should suggest you develop this habit in your day to day life. Several questions will have special emphasis on Grammar. So be good enough in all the Grammatical aspects. Focus specially on tenses and prepositions. These will be useful in correction of sentences. Vocabulary is also important. Synonyms will be asked. So try build up your vocabulary as much as you can. Daily learn 5-10 new words and try to implement them in your regular conversations. |
7th April 2011, 09:07 AM
dear friend, to prepare your English section you should first try to develop your vocabs. it can be handled easily if you will be in touch with any english newspaper regularly.try to practise at least 10 words daily. thats all. Then only you can understand difficult words given in bank clerical exams. you can refer "word power made easy" to develop your vocabs.....
second thing is that you have to learn grammar part strongly. i.e. prepositions, article, tense pattern etc. good luck. |
7th April 2011, 09:23 AM
I suggest some books to improve your English Knowledge
Vocabulary books word power made easy by norman lewis grammar books. Wren & martin grammar books. Verbal and Non verbal reasoning by rs agarwal and read hindu news paper daily |
7th April 2011, 10:48 AM
I feel that English proficiency can only come by regular practise and reading Novels, correlating words with instances of a novel strikes the most in the mind and hence it is easier to learn and remember as you have a story to relate with the new word, while you can also get some ready available solutions availale for other Bank PO exams like the one i am giving you here, Latest News Canara Bank P.O. Exam, 2009 : English Solved Paper Canara Bank Probationary Officers Exam., 2009 (Held on 15-3-2009) English : Solved Paper Directions—(Q. 1–15) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions. John Maynard Keynes, the trendiest dead economist of this apocalyptic moment, was the godfather of government stimulus. Keynes had the radical idea that throwing money at recessions through aggressive deficit spending would resuscitate flatlined economies- and he wasn’t too particular about where the money was thrown. In the depths of the Depression, he suggested that the Treasury could “fill old bottles with banknotes, bury them at suitable depths in disused coal mines” then sit back and watch a money-mining boom create jobs and prosperity. “It would, indeed, be more sensible to build houses and the like, “he wrote, but “the above would be better than nothing.” As President-elect Barack Obama prepares to throw money at the current downturn-a stimulus package starting at about $800 billion, plus the second $350 billion chunk of the financial bailout-we all really do seem to be Keynesians now. Just about every expert agrees that pumping $1 trillion into a moribund economy will rev up the ethereal goods-and-services engine that Keynes called “aggregate demand” and stimulate at least some shortterm activity, even if it is all wasted on money pits. But Keynes was also right that there would be more sensible ways to spend it. There would also be less sensible ways to spend it. A trillion dollars’ worth of bad ideas-sprawl-inducing highways and bridges to nowhere, ethanol plants and pipelines that accelerate global warming, tax breaks for overleveraged McMansion builders and burdensome new long-term federal entitlements-would be worse than mere waste. It would be smarter to buy every American an iPod, a set of Ginsu knives and 600 Subway foot-longs. It would be smarter still to throw all that money at things we need to do anyway, which is the goal of Obama’s upcoming American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan. It will include a mix of tax cuts, aid to beleaguered state and local governments; and spending to address needs ranging from food stamps to computerized health records to bridge repairs to broadband network to energy-efficiency retrofits, all designed to save or create 3 million to 4 million jobs by the end of 2010. Obama has said speed is his top priority because the faster Washington injects cash into the financial bloodstream, the better it stands to help avert a multiyear slump with double-digit unemployment and deflation. But he also wants to use the stimulus to advance his long-term priorities : reducing energy use and carbon emissions, cutting middle-class taxes, upgrading neglected infrastructure, reining in health-care costs and eventually reducing the budget deficits that exploded under George W. Bush. Obama’s goal is to exploit this crisis in the best sense of the word to start pursuing his vision of a greener, father, more competitive, more sustainable economy. Unfortunately, while 21st century Washington has demonstrated an impressive ability to spend money quickly, it has yet to prove that it can spend money wisely. And the chum of a 1 with 12 zeros is already creating a feeding frenzy for the ages. Lobbyists for shoe companies, zoos, catfish farmers, mall owners, airlines, public broadcasters, car dealers and everyone else who can afford their retainers are lining up for a piece of the stimulus. States that embarked on raucous spending and tax cuttng sprees when they were flush are begging for bailouts now that they’re broke. And politicians are dusting off their unfunded mobster museums, waterslides and other pet projects for rebranding as shovel-ready infrastructure investments. As Obama’s aides scramble to assemble something effective and transformative as well as politically achievable, they acknowledge the tension between his desires for speed and reform. 1. Obama’s upcoming American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan focuses on which of the following ? (1) Recovery of all debts from the debtors in a phased manner. (2) Pumping money very liberally in projects that are mandatory. (3) Investing money recklessly in any project regardless of its utility. (A) (1) only (B) (2) only (C) (3) only (D) (2) and (3) only (E) All (1), (2) & (3) Ans : (D) 2. John M. Keynes was advocate of which of the following suggestions ? (A) Spending money recklessly during recessions is suicidal (B) Exorbitant spending during recessions is likely to boost economy (C) Aggressive deficit spending is likely to be fatal for economic meltdown (D) Government stimulus to economy may not help because of red-tapism (E) None of these Ans : (B) 3. Obama desires to accelerate the process of pumping money with utmost rapidity as he believes that it would— (1) Help create reasonably high employment opportunities (2) Avoid deflation (3) Inject cash into the already troubled economy (A) (1) and (2) only (B) (2) and (3) only (C) (1) and (3) only (D) All (1) (2) and (3) (E) None of these Ans : (A) 4. Which of the following is TRUE about Keynes’ philosophy ? (A) Actual spending money during meltdown is more important than where and on what it is spent (B) Government should be selective in approach for spending money during recession (C) Filling old bottles with banknotes and burying them is an atrocious proposal (D) Creating jobs and prosparity during recessions is almost an impracticable proposal (E) None of these Ans : (B) 5. What, according to Keynes, is the “aggregate demand” ? (A) Goods and Services Sector (B) Stimulation of a short-term activity (C) Attempting to rev up the sluggish economy (D) Pumping one trillion dollars into economy (E) None of these Ans : (A) 6. According to the author of the passage, food stamps, bridge repairs, etc. are the projects that— (A) Do not warrant urgent spending as they have a lower utility value (B) Need the least investment and priority as compared to building houses for the needy (C) May not have any favourable impact on attempts to counter recession (D) Have lower value in terms of returns but require major investments (E) None of these Ans : (E) 7. The author of the passage calls Barack Obama and his team as “Keynesians” because— (A) Barack Obama has been reluctant to follow Keynes’ philosophy (B) His team is advising Barack to refrain from Keynes’ philosophy (C) Barack Obama and his team have decided to fil old bottles with banknotes (D) Building houses has been under the active consideration of Barack Obama and his team (E) None of these Ans : (C) 8. Highways, bridges, ethanol plants, etc. are considered by the author as— (A) Reasonably appropriate propositions to spend money on (B) Measures that affect the environment adversely (C) Imprudent proposals to waste money on (D) Tax saving schemes bestowed on builders (E) None of these Ans : (B) 9. Which of the following is/are corrective measure(s) as part of the long term priorities of Obama that was an outcome of his predecessor’s regime ? (1) Countering recession through immediate rescue operations. (2) Reining the budget deficit. (3) Creating a more sustainable economy. (A) (1) & (2) only (B) (2) & (3) only (C) (1) & (3) only (D) (2) only (E) None of these Ans : (E) Directions—(Q. 10–12) Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage. 10. Raucous (A) Strident (B) Harsh (C) Rough (D) Unprecedented (E) Soft Ans : (E) 11. Beleaguered (A) Carefree (B) Harassed (C) Stressful (D) Uneventful (E) Evaporating Ans : (A) 12. Moribund (A) Declining (B) Waning (C) Thriving (D) Pessimistic (E) Glorifying Ans : (C) Directions—(Q. 13–15) Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the passage. 13. Frenzy (A) Passion (B) Expression (C) Succession (D) Habit (E) Manifestation Ans : (A) 14. Apocalyptic (A) Unwelcome (B) Disastrous (C) Risk-free (D) Joyous (E) Ceremonious Ans : (B) 15. Resuscitate (A) Melt down (B) Devastate (C) Mislead (D) Save (E) Deactivate Ans : (E) Directions—(Q. 16–20) In each of these questions four words are given denoted by (1), (2), (3) and (4). Two of these words may be either synonyms or antonyms. Find out the correct pair in each question. 16. (1) Tranquility (2) Loyalty (3) Calamity (4) Uproar (A) 1–3 (B) 2–4 (C) 2–3 (D) 3–4 (E) 1–4 Ans : (E) 17. (1) Exorbitant (2) Expeditious (3) Quick (4) Quest (A) 3–4 (B) 1–2 (C) 1–4 (D) 3–2 (E) None of these Ans : (C) 18. (1) Opaque (2) Translucent (3) Transverse (4) Transvestite (A) 1–4 (B) 2–4 (C) 3–1 (D) 2–1 (E) None of these Ans : (D) 19. (1) Ecstasy (2) Depression (3) Intoxication (4) Compression (A) 1–2 (B) 2–4 (C) 2–3 (D) 3–4 (E) None of these Ans : (A) 20. (1) Vilification (2) Nullification (3) Denigration (4) Falsification (A) 1–2 (B) 2–3 (C) 1–3 (D) 2–4 (E) None of these Ans : (B) Directions—(Q. 21–30) Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required’, mark (E) as the answer. 21. Radha’s three children, Shantana, Manu and Meera are talented, but the latter excels the other two. (A) the last excels (B) latter excel (C) the latter excelling (D) the last excelling (E) No correction required Ans : (A) 22. Students are not abandoning helmets, but some avoiding use of helmets while riding motorbikes. (A) some avoid the used (B) some avoid of the use (C) some are avoiding of use (D) some are avoiding use (E) No correction required Ans : (D) 23. We must treat any statement as a rumour until they are confirmed with proof. (A) till they are confirmed (B) until they are confirming (C) until it is confirmed (D) until it is confirming (E) No correction required Ans : (C) 24. The officer appreciated his subordinate’s many attempt to bravely confront the miscreants. (A) many attempting brave confronts (B) many brave attempts to confront (C) repeated attempts to brave confront (D) many attempts of brave confront (E) No correction required Ans : (B) 25. We admire him attempting to climb the summit in such a bad weather. (A) his attempting to climb (B) his attempt of climb (C) him for attempt of climb (D) his for attempt to climbing (E) No correction required Ans : (E) 26. Being a successful businessman demands hard work, honesty, persuasive skills and sound market knoweldge. (A) To be a successful business who demands (B) Being a successfully demanding businessman (C) To be a successful businessman demanding (D) For being a successful demanding businessman (E) No correction required Ans : (E) 27. Was it they who were accused of stealing the neighbour’s car ? (A) Were it they who were (B) Was it they who had (C) Were they who (D) Were it they who (E) No correction required Ans : (A) 28. The doctor has advised him to lay in bed at least for two weeks. (A) that he lay in bed (B) that he lays in bed (C) to lie in bed (D) to be laid in bed (E) No correction reequired Ans : (C) 29. He is the only one of the members who have paid all the dues. (A) Member who has paid (B) Members who have been paying (C) Member who has been paid (D) members who has paid (E) No correction required Ans : (D) 30. Neither any of the members of the society nor the Chairman were present for the annual meeting. (A) were present at (B) was present for (C) have been present (D) has been present for (E) No correction required Ans : (B) Directions—(Q. 31–35) In each sentence below one word has been printed in bold. Below the sentence, five words are suggested, one of which can replace the word printed in bold, without changing the meaning of the sentence. Find out the appropriate word in each case. 31. She came in utter disrepute due to her vindictive act. (A) revengeful (B) ungrateful (C) unpardonable (D) uneventful (E) derogatory Ans : (A) 32. His attempts to equivocate the subject under discussion were thwarted. (A) balance (B) defend (C) mislead (D) adjust (E) reconcile Ans : (C) 33. He was conceptually clear about the problem and therefore could provide a pragmatic solution. (A) diplomatic (B) practical (C) analytical (D) tolerable (E) acceptable Ans : (B) 34. They returned after their ignominious defeat in the foreign country. (A) irreversible (B) impertinent (C) indecisive (D) impulse (E) disgraceful Ans : (E) 35. The minister’s clandestine meeting with the opposition party leader was severely criticized. (A) unofficial (B) authentic (C) periodical (D) secret (E) purposeful Ans : (D) Directions—(Q. 36–40) Rearrange the following six sentences (1), (2), (3) (4), (5) and (6) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below them. (1) In all varieties of humour, especially the subtle ones it is therefore what the reader thinks which gives extra meaning to these verses. (2) But such a verse may also be enjoyed at the surface level. (3) Nonsense verse is one of the most sophisticated forms of literature. (4) This fulfils the author’s main intention in such a verse which is to give pleasure. (5) However the reader who understands the broad implications of the content and allusion finds greater pleasure (6) The reason being it requires the reader to supply a meaning beyond the surface meaning. 36. Which of the following is the THIRD sentence ? (A) (1) (B) (2) (C) (6) (D) (3) (E) (4) Ans : (A) 37. Which of the following is the SECOND sentence ? (A) (1) (B) (5) (C) (6) (D) (2) (E) (3) Ans : (C) 38. Which of the following is the FIFTH sentence ? (A) (4) (B) (5) (C) (2) (D) (3) (E) (1) Ans : (A) 39. Which of the following is the FIRST sentence ? (A) (5) (B) (1) (C) (6) (D) (4) (E) (3) Ans : (E) 40. Which of the following is the SIXTH (LAST) sentence ? (A) (6) (B) (5) (C) (4) (D) (1) (E) (3) Ans : (B) Directions—(Q. 41–50) In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. The U.S. is in the …41… of a cleanup of toxic financial waste that will …42… taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars, at the very least. The primary manufacturers of these hazardous products …43… multimillion- dollar paychecks for their efforts. So why shouldn’t they …44… to pay for their mopup ? This is, after all, what the U.S. Congress …45… in 1980 for …46… of actual toxic waste. Under the Superfund law …47… that year, polluters …48… for the messes they make. Environmental lawyer E. Michael Thomas sees no …49… lawmakers couldn’t demand the same of financial polluters and …50… them to ante up some of the bank bailout money. 41. (A) essence (B) debate (C) range (D) depth (E) midst Ans : (E) 42. (A) facilitate (B) save (C) benefit (D) cost (E) earn Ans : (D) 43. (A) spent (B) pocketed (C) donated (D) demanded (E) dwindled Ans : (A) 44. (A) have (B) admit (C) hesitate (D) come (E) defy Ans : (C) 45. (A) admonished (B) visualized (C) decreed (D) refrained (E) commented Ans : (B) 46. (A) producers (B) users (C) consumers (D) advocates (E) exponents Ans : (A) 47. (A) abandoned (B) enacted (C) revoked (D) forced (E) squshed Ans : (B) 48. (A) demand (B) consider (C) regain (D) claim (E) pay Ans : (E) 49. (A) issue (B) wonder (C) practice (D) reason (E) compensation Ans : (D) 50. (A) dupe (B) follow (C) force (D) plead (E) appeal Ans : (C) Hope All the Best for you |
7th April 2011, 11:55 AM
to prepare enginsh section for bank examination first of all you should go for the previous few years bank clerical question paper. from the paper just find out in which level english paper and what types of question are given in the papers. then buy some good book and solve them. first of all you will find huge difficulty then use dictionary for meaning of english word, also take help from some lower level grammar book.
after few months you will be more confident that now you can solve english question which may come in bank clerical examination. practice is the only way to be prepare for bank english paper for clerical examination.so keep practicing. before two months of the examination solve some model question paper given in various clerical examination preparation book seriously. then you will understand your weight. to improve english not a very difficult task. you will able to do this very soon if you continue the process of learning. best wishes. |
7th April 2011, 12:18 PM
People often says determination is the key to success. A determined candidate is the best person who can appear for this exam. So for increasing your chances to cross this exam is to get determined. It will not only to help you to get focused on your bank exam but also will take you a step closer to your goal. Right materials Studying from the right source is an important point of concern. Candidate should have an idea about what he is going to be asked in the bank exam and he should prepare for it from the right source. The booklet provided by the provided by the bank should be carefully read and attempts should be made to solve the test papers given at the back of the booklet. Short-cuts should be avoided. Supplementary notes Booklets provided by the banks are not enough for attaining a commanding a position. Various supplementary notes are required to be read for enriching the knowledge and creating a back up. Source from internet A candidate needs to keep himself updated to various changes that take place in banking sectors from day to day and what place is better than the internet to keep oneself informed all about it for bank exams. Vocabulary A candidate must work upon his vocabulary too. These exams have a separate section on vocabulary so as to check the vocabulary of the candidates. This includes comprehensions and other vocabulary test for the exams. Strategy Strategy plays a very important phase of the exam. A candidate needs to formulate various approaches that he is going to take inorder to solve his paper efficiently in time. This will enable him to gain an edge over others examinees in bank exams. Knowledge of banking regulations A candidate should have knowledge of general banking regulations and should have at least some knowledge of SEBI and its regulations. Leave doubtful questions Candidates are requested not to attempt any questions which are doubtful in their minds. As wrong answers will cut down the percentage of right answers. Attempt easy questions at first Easy questions which candidates feel confident in answering should be attempted in the first instance. It will save time for the candidate as well as create confidence in them. Don’t get yourself in any unpleasant situation- Candidates are requested not to attempt any unfair means in the examination hall as it may lead to happening of a very unpleasant situation and may ruin the career even before starting it. Thus, we find that there can be some tricks along with some useful tips which can help us to clear bank exams but the fact cannot be ignored that hard work and determination is key to success, tricks and tips are useful only when you have put in a full hearted effort earlier. |
7th April 2011, 08:03 PM
todays english communication is must for all job as well as social world . so u have to strong ur communication skills. tips for learnig english: 1.be habitual for reading daily news paper n put a dictionary with you. 2.daily learn 10-15 word and try to use its in ur daily routine 3. daily practics to raed a paragraph in front of mirror. 4.dont care if u r using wrong word and some body loughing on u. etc etc. dont belive on any choching classes because they make you fool . it is a self practices learnig.... `` |
13th April 2011, 06:05 PM
![]() Quote:
31st May 2011, 10:47 PM
The points that we should remember while taking up an English test are -
1) Learn the basics and proper usage of grammar 2) Should avoid spelling mistakes 3) Make sure that the sentence formation are clear and concise Grammatical errors are the most important factor that one should always concentrate while preparing for an English test. |
31st May 2011, 10:49 PM
This is important for the purpose of communication on the part of the candidate. Here a candidates comprehension, vocabulary are checked. As are his abilities to line up a group of sentences in the right order. Here too time is of the essence. This section is not very difficult for any English speaking person, but even then practicing is important to improve speed and to minimize errors.
25th August 2011, 12:54 PM
plz help me in english bcz i am week in english and i am not cofident so regarding this things. (e-mail- [email protected])
25th August 2011, 08:18 PM
Dear friend ,
English is a problem for both English medium and other medium students, but don't worry you can overcome this problem,just follow the bellow instruction.. 1)Download the book GRE barron from internet , it's free. 2)There is a part called High Frequency Words , read 30 words daily and try to remember , write on exercisebook. 3)Bye the magazine"Pratiyogita Kiran" practice from there . Your problem will be solved you will get the job. Best of luck. |
24th September 2011, 12:27 AM
sir. in IBPS CWE of bank po pattern of english paper is changed ,there was no sentence correction. according to new pattern .
please tell me how to prepare for english in order to pass english section specially for filling the blanks. |
26th September 2011, 02:51 AM
my dear friend
here you need to concentrate on english grammar and spellings.but in the examination will get one paragraph of story under story will have 5 questions but the answers are included in the a bove story.so that's why here you need to make practice this type of paragraph answers by making all previous papers and one more thing is some sentence he will jump one word and ask find that word.so this type of questions you need practice spelling mistakes than you will find correct answers and prepare articles like A,AN,THE.this type of questions are also chance to come in the examination.so finally be prepare english grammar perfectly good luck regards nagamalleswararao |
7th November 2011, 07:29 PM
hi dear,
General English will also be one of the section in the bank clerical exams. Most of the bank exams, they will not put negative marking for this section. So, if that is there, there is a chance to attempt all the questions from this section. Anyway as you are telling poor in English, I request you don't use that poor again. It reveals that you are pessimistic about yourself. So instead of saying that, I am average and I am eager to know, say in this manner. For English, Comprehensions will be coming.Mostly two passages will be asked and from these passages, you ewill be asked questions. In order to answer the questions, you should be able to read the passage fast and to understand the essence of the passaged. So I should suggest you develop this habit in your day to day life. Several questions will have special emphasis on Grammar. So be good enough in all the Grammatical aspects. Focus specially on tenses and prepositions. These will be useful in correction of sentences. Vocabulary is also important. Synonyms will be asked. So try build up your vocabulary as much as you can. Daily learn 5-10 new words and try to implement them in your regular conversations. thanks |
13th November 2011, 01:38 AM
Hi dear,
General English will also be one of the section in the bank clerical exams. Most of the bank exams, they will not put negative marking for this section. So, if that is there, there is a chance to attempt all the questions from this section. Anyway as you are telling poor in English, I request you don't use that poor again. It reveals that you are pessimistic about yourself. So instead of saying that, I am average and I am eager to know, say in this manner. For English, Comprehensions will be coming.Mostly two passages will be asked and from these passages, you ewill be asked questions. In order to answer the questions, you should be able to read the passage fast and to understand the essence of the passaged. So I should suggest you develop this habit in your day to day life. Several questions will have special emphasis on Grammar. So be good enough in all the Grammatical aspects. Focus specially on tenses and prepositions. These will be useful in correction of sentences. Vocabulary is also important. Synonyms will be asked. So try build up your vocabulary as much as you can. Daily learn 5-10 new words and try to implement them in your regular conversations. Thanks |
14th November 2011, 12:38 AM
Hi dear,
General English will also be one of the section in the bank clerical exams. Most of the bank exams, they will not put negative marking for this section. So, if that is there, there is a chance to attempt all the questions from this section. Anyway as you are telling poor in English, I request you don't use that poor again. It reveals that you are pessimistic about yourself. So instead of saying that, I am average and I am eager to know, say in this manner. For English, Comprehensions will be coming.Mostly two passages will be asked and from these passages, you ewill be asked questions. In order to answer the questions, you should be able to read the passage fast and to understand the essence of the passaged. So I should suggest you develop this habit in your day to day life. Several questions will have special emphasis on Grammar. So be good enough in all the Grammatical aspects. Focus specially on tenses and prepositions. These will be useful in correction of sentences. Vocabulary is also important. Synonyms will be asked. So try build up your vocabulary as much as you can. Daily learn 5-10 new words and try to implement them in your regular conversations. Thanks |
14th November 2011, 03:34 AM
dear friend,
Actually in Bank Examination General English part consist of:- 1.>English grammar. 2.>English Vocabulary. 3.>Mistake in sentence etc. Well preparation for these section you should follow the books listed bellow:- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Also see the attachment here you will get the model Question on General English for Bank Examination. best of luck |
24th November 2011, 06:41 PM
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15th August 2012, 05:39 PM
General English will also be one of the section in the bank clerical exams.
Most of the bank exams, they will not put negative marking for this section. So, if that is there, there is a chance to attempt all the questions from this section. Anyway as you are telling poor in English, I request you don't use that poor again. It reveals that you are pessimistic about yourself. So instead of saying that, I am average and I am eager to know, say in this manner. For English, Comprehensions will be coming.Mostly two passages will be asked and from these passages, you ewill be asked questions. In order to answer the questions, you should be able to read the passage fast and to understand the essence of the passaged. So I should suggest you develop this habit in your day to day life. Several questions will have special emphasis on Grammar. So be good enough in all the Grammatical aspects. Focus specially on tenses and prepositions. These will be useful in correction of sentences. Vocabulary is also important. Synonyms will be asked. So try build up your vocabulary as much as you can. Daily learn 5-10 new words and try to implement them in your regular conversations. Thank you |
15th August 2012, 09:25 PM
![]() Quote:
Most of the bank exams, they will not put negative marking for this section. So, if that is there, there is a chance to attempt all the questions from this section. Anyway as you are telling poor in English, I request you don't use that poor again. It reveals that you are pessimistic about yourself. So instead of saying that, I am average and I am eager to know, say in this manner. For English, Comprehensions will be coming.Mostly two passages will be asked and from these passages, you ewill be asked questions. In order to answer the questions, you should be able to read the passage fast and to understand the essence of the passaged. So I should suggest you develop this habit in your day to day life. Several questions will have special emphasis on Grammar. So be good enough in all the Grammatical aspects. Focus specially on tenses and prepositions. These will be useful in correction of sentences. Vocabulary is also important. Synonyms will be asked. So try build up your vocabulary as much as you can. Daily learn 5-10 new words and try to implement them in your regular conversations. ALL THE BEST.... |
15th August 2012, 10:07 PM
English paper in bank Clerical exam judges the candidate in the following arena viz comprehension; prepositions, correct/ incorrect, fill in the blanks (using verbs, preposition, articles etc), Para jumbles, sentence corrections, Synonyms, Antonyms, Grammatical errors, idiom & phrases, questions on passage, one word substitution, general grammar and questions on passage. The standard of the questions will be of 10+2 level.
syllabus of English section for IBPS clerk exam: 1.English grammar 2.Comprehension 3.Vocabulary 4.Sentence correction Pay attention to the grammatical mistakes as they can change the meaning of the sentence. It is advisable that the candidate spends some time in learning the usage of grammar. Another blunder made by the candidate in bank exam is the spelling mistakes. The best way to avoid this mistake to re-check the paper and make sure that there are no such errors in the paper. Make sure that while putting down your thoughts and ideas on paper, the sentence formation is correct. The candidate should improve his/ her way of speaking good English to perk up sentence formation. The candidate should make a habit of reading English newspaper on a regular basis especially the editorial part as it helps in improving comprehension skills and better understanding of the language. Reading newspapers also helps in improving vocabulary; the candidate should note down the difficult words and look up for their meaning in dictionary. Read good grammar books of 10th level like Wren and Martin and practice sets for English language on a regular basis. Check your score, go through the questions in which you faced difficulty, and practice them accordingly. Thanks.... |
16th August 2012, 12:25 AM
General English will also be one of the section in the bank clerical exams. Most of the bank exams, they will not put negative marking for this section. So, if that is there, there is a chance to attempt all the questions from this section. Anyway as you are telling poor in English, I request you don't use that poor again. It reveals that you are pessimistic about yourself. So instead of saying that, I am average and I am eager to know, say in this manner. For English, Comprehensions will be coming.Mostly two passages will be asked and from these passages, you ewill be asked questions. In order to answer the questions, you should be able to read the passage fast and to understand the essence of the passaged. So I should suggest you develop this habit in your day to day life. Several questions will have special emphasis on Grammar. So be good enough in all the Grammatical aspects. Focus specially on tenses and prepositions. These will be useful in correction of sentences. Vocabulary is also important. Synonyms will be asked. So try build up your vocabulary as much as you can. Daily learn 5-10 new words and try to implement them in your regular conversations. regards vidhi |
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