17th August 2010, 01:58 AM
Avani joshi
Junior Member
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How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

i am doing B.A.M.S.& i want admission in M.D. within 1 year, kindly give me information that which type of study is needed for enterence exam?
i want to know right & successful way for preparation,& thus i dont want to waste my time in wrong way

please send me information about books useful in exam


17th August 2010, 03:46 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

The Entrance Exam will essentially be based on the BAMS degree course. So,
study your course-books/study materials in full detail and you will not need to
make any special preparations. To give you some idea about the type of
questions you will have to field in the entrance exam(s), I have attached a
wordpad that contains few questions.

For other details, you can visit sites like
Attached Files
File Type: txt Ayurveda MD Entrance Exam.txt(8.4 KB, 500 views)
17th August 2010, 05:43 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 67
Thumbs up Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

Originally Posted by Avani joshi View Post
i am doing B.A.M.S.& i want admission in M.D. within 1 year, kindly give me information that which type of study is needed for enterence exam?
i want to know right & successful way for preparation,& thus i dont want to waste my time in wrong way

please send me information about books useful in exam

you can search all this on the internet by using google it is more supportive tool for internet ok best of luck.
17th August 2010, 06:26 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

which are the good colleges of md in ayurveda??how to prepare for it???
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17th August 2010, 09:06 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

you need to prepare well according to the syllabus of the entrance exam and syllabus is same as you studied in your graduation
so the eligibility criteria is

the last year questions were:
1. Astanga Sangraha contains ___ stanas?
a) 6 b) 7 c) 5 d) none of the above
2. Total number of version in Ashtanga Hridaya?
a) 8120 b) 7120 c) 9120 d) 6120
3. Astanga Hridaya chikitsa stana contains ___ chapters?
a) 22 b) 32 c) 12 d) 42
4. Visra is the guna of ___ dosha?
a) vata b) pitta c) kapha d) raktha
5. Kashaya, tiktha, madura rasa decreases ___ dosha?
a) vatta b) pitta c) kapha d) all the above
6. Drishta karma is the quality of ___?
a) Bishak b) dravya c) upastha d) All the above
7. Amarmago jitatmanaha is the feature of ___ vyadhi?
a) sadya b) krichra c) yapia d) asadya
8. Dvividopakramaniya adhyaya in ___ chapter of ash hri su?
a) 10 b) 12 c) 14 d) 16
9. rasanjanna used ___?
a) Daily b) once in 3 days c) once in aweek d) once in a month
10. Gajjam simha evakarshan bajannati vinasyati related to___?
a) prajaparada b)vritti c) abyanga d) vyayama
11. vyapada is one of the___?
a) Papa karma b) punya karma c) shad karma d) none of the above
12. Papa karma related to vakke ___?
a) sabinna alapa b) asteya c) abidya d)all the above
13. adana kala ___?
a)sisira, vasanta, grishma b)vasanta, grishma, varsha c)varsha, sharath, hemantha d)none
14. lavana rasa is powerful during ___ rithu?
a)sisira b)vasanta c)varsha d)sarath
15. Person having pravara bala in ___ rithu?
a)sisira, hemanta b)hemanta, varsha c)sisira grishma d)vasanta hemanta
16. prabala anala in ___ rithu?
a)sisira b)vasanta c)hemanta d)varsha
17. In sisira ritu which rasa is powerfull?
a)madura b)amla c)kashaya d)tikkta
18. Madya should be avoiding in ___ritu?
a)varsha b)grishma c)all ritus d)none
19. Divaswapna indicated in ___ritu?
a)varsha b)grishma c)both a and b d)all the above
20. hamsodaka is seen in ___ ritu?
a)sarath `b)hemanth c)varsha d)vasantha
21. adaraneeya vega ___ in number?
a ) 6 b)13 c)14 d)7
22. Suppression of ___ vega leads to pindikodweshtana?
a)adovata b)sakrith c)muthra d)chardi
23. Treatment for muthra vega dharana is___pana?
a)taila b)gritham c)both a and b d)takra
24. Among jala varga which one is best?
a) kupa b)tadaka c)nadi d)gangabu
25. Types of jala?
a) 6 b) 8 c) 10 d) 12
26. Kilata is a preparation made by heating ___?
a) takra b)daddi c)both a and b d)sura
27. phanitha is a product of___?
a)ikshu b)madhu c)daddi d)gritham
28. suktha (wine) prepared by ___?
a)ikshu b)roots and tubers c)patras and pallava d)draksha
29. Best among suka danya?
a)mudga b)sashtikka Sali c)kulatha d)raktha Sali
30. Best among vrihi dhanya?
a)sastika Sali b)yava c)mudga d)godhooma
31. Worst among sisira dhanya?
a)masha b)kulatha c)yava d)kalaaya
32. Worst among suka dhanya?
a)kulatha b)yavaka c)kalaya d)all the above
33. ___ comes under visishta mamsa varga?
a) go b)kukkuda c)mushika d)kapotha
34. Best among matsya varga?
a)chilichimma b)kurmma c)rajji d)rohitha
35. Worst among phala varga?
a)naranga b)lakucha c)panasa d)draksha
36. Types of nidra?
a) 1 b)5 c)7 d)11
37. vidagdha jeerna is due to?
a) vata b)pitta c)kapha d)tridosha
38. prakopa of vata, pitta, kapha in ___ ritus respectively?
a)sarath, hemantha, varsha b)hemantha, varsha, sarath c)varsha, sarath, hemantha d)sarath hemanth grishma
39. achha pana mathra which gets digested in___yama in alpa, madyama and uthama mathra respectively
a)2,4,8 b)1,2,3 c)2,4,6 d)1,3,5
40. achha pana kala___days from mrudu koshta person?
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
41. vamana vega ___number for avara, madyama, and pravara sudhi person respectively?
a)1,2,3 b)2,3,4 c)4,5,6 d)4,6,8
42. anuvasanna mathra should be___of the quantity of
a) 3/4 b)1/2 c)1/4 d)none
43. lepa (covering and adhearing)is the function of ___dathu?
a) rasa b)raktha c)mamsa d)medha
44. poorana is the function of___ dathu?
A )raktha b)mamsa c)medha d)majja
45. mahagunas are ___?
a) vata, pitta, kapha b)guru, mandha, hima c)vyavayi, vikasi, ashu d)satva, raja, tama
46. adhyayana nisidda kala___?
a)bukamba b)rahu darshana c)akala d)all the above
47. brahma muhoortha uttishttastvastha rakshartham___?
a) prana b)swasa c)ayusha d)raktha
48. The ___row of teeth should be brushed first?
a) Lower b) upper c) both at a time d) vertically
49. anu taila tatho nasya tatho___daranam
a)kavala b)gandusha c)tamboola d)both a and b
50. ___ of the stomach should be filled with solid foods?
a)1/4 b)1/2 c)3/4 d)full
51. ___prinanananam?
a)yusha b)rasa c)madya d)ksheera
52. ___ sleshma pitta prasamanaanam
a)madhu b)pippali c)guduchi d)sundi
53. ___amla pitta janannanam
a ) daddi b)takra c)kulatha d)kalaya
54. ___vrishya vata haranam
a)rasna b)eranda mula c)guggulu d)asvaganda
55. Sarva rasabyaso ___ karanam?
a)dawrbalya b)bala c)ayusha d) datu
56. haritaki ___nama sreshta?
a)anulomana b)rasayana c)pathya d)vatanulomana
57. ___ cha srama haranam
a) snanam b)sura c)both a and b d)none
58. ___balakaranam
a) bala b)aswasa c)nidra d)both a and b
59. Tri hima includes
a) chandana, raktha chandana, daru haridra b)haridra, daru haridra, chandana c)musta, parpada, kamala d)none
60. Total number of combination of tastes will be
a) 53 b) 63 c) 57 d) 67
61. The essence of all the dhathus is known as
a) para b)apara c)both a and b d)sudha kapha
62. Tristhunas ……..
a) vata, pitta, kapha b)ahara, nidra, brahma charya c)satva, raja, tama d)all the above
63. Tristhambas…….
a) ahara, nidra, bramacharya b)vata, pitta, kapha c)avyaktha, mahan, ahangara d)satva, raja, tama
64. ___is a localized burning sensation, as though touched by flame
a) ausha b)dhumaka c)dava d)plosha
65. Udarda is ____
a) Abdominal distension b) fluid in chest c)visha d)eycdimus
66. ___vidha khalu roga bhavanthi (as san su 22)
a) Shad b)saptha c)ashta d)dasha
67. Asatmya indriya artha samyoga, prajaparadha and parinama are tha tri vidha _____
a) rogas b)nimitha c)papa karma d)all the above
68. parinama ___ uchyatha
a) phala b)prajnapardha c)vrithi d)kaala
69. ___is taking medicine after every morsel of food
a) sagrasa b)grasanthara c)muhurmuhu d)anther baktha
70. ___is use of drug after meal
a) pragbhaktha b)sabhaktha c)samudga d)adhobhaktha
71. sarpi is best sneha dravya because
a) samskara guna b)yoga vahi c)both a and b d)ashu guna
72. Combination of 2 snehas____
a) yamaka b)maha snaha c)acha sneha d)sneha dravya
73. gritha used at the end of ___rithu
a) sisira b)sarath c)vasantha d)varsha
74. Administer of gritha with salt for the treatment of ___
a) vata b)pitta c)kapha d)all the above
75. Administer of gritha alone in the treatment of ___
a) vata b)pitta c)both a and b d)raktha
76. If vata is localized in amashaya ……………. Swedana is preffered.
a) rooksha b) snigda c ) panda sweda d) all the above.
77. Properties and actions of drug should include
a) sookshma b) vyavayi c) vikasi d) all the above.
78. Length of basthi netra should be 8 angula in ….. of age.
a) 8 b) 12 c) 16 d)20 and above.
79. Karma basthi includes total ………… enema.
a) 7 b) 8 c) 15 d) 30.
80. Total nirooha basthi in karma basthi
a) 6 b) 12 c) 18 d) none.
81. Total no anuvasana basthi in yoga basthi ………
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 8
82. utthara basthi pramana
a) 1 karsha b) 1 shukthi c) 1 pala d) 1 kola
83. nasya bheda are
a) vairechanika b) bhrumhana c) shamana d) all the above.
84. nasya prepared from squeezing wet drugs is known as
a) pradamana b) marsha c) avapeeda d) prathimarsha.
85. doshagna , vishagna and varnya are the 3 types of
a) dhoomapana b) mukalepa c) anjana d) dhoomapana.
86. lekhana ropana snehana and prasadana are the types of
a) dhoomapana b) mukalepa c) anjana d) dhoomapana
87. yantras are ……in no
a) 106 b) 104 c) 101 d) 6.
88. tala yantras are ………
a) 1 b) 2 c) 6 d) 12.
89. arsho yantras are ………….
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6.
90. Shastra are ………in no.
a) 12 b) 101 c) 57 d) 26.
91. jalouka is ……….
a) anuyantra b) anushastra c) a & b d) yantra.
92. Yantra doshas are …….in no
a) 6 b) 8 c) 10 d) 12.
93. Maximum length of all kinds of jalouka is
a) 12 b) 16 c) 18 d) 24.
94. raktha srava will stop within ……. muhoortha in samyak siravyadha.
a) 1/4 b) 1/2 c) 1 d) 2.
95. bhandas are ……………in no.
a) 7 b) 15 c) 16 d) 30
96. In prasadana putapaka drugs should be kept in eyes for…….. matra kala
a) 100 b) 200 c) 300 d) none of the above.
97. Matra of teekshna panda anjana
a) 1 harenu. b) 2 harenu c) 3 harenu. d) 4 harenu.
98. Tarpana matra in vataja netra vikaras
a) 500 b) 600 c) 1000 d) none
99. Seat of kledaka kapha____
a)amasaya b)pakvasya c)phuphusa d)nabhi
100. In case of apasmara site of siravyadha
a) hanu sandhi b) scalp c) hridaya d) none
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17th August 2010, 09:10 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

you must mention here that for which institute or university you need to have the syllabus of md in ayurveda .because there are many and they have different syllabus
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17th August 2010, 10:45 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?


hi bro just go for above link for list of colleges from all this states in india for M.D in ayurvede


go for above link for further details
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11th September 2010, 12:23 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

I am pursuing my B.A.M.S. I want to go for M.S. in Ayurveda (Neurosurgery) or CardioSurgery. Is it allowed? If a student has to reappear in any exam then whether he is eligible for PG entrance of BHU and NIA? If yes then please provide me the question papers and patterns of both.


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6th October 2010, 05:07 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

hello i want to give the entrance exam.......so which bolls i have to refer most......please inform me for my good success.......
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28th October 2010, 04:33 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

i have completed my bams three years back but because of some reasons i have not tried to do md/ms in ayurveda ,now i want to do my pg in ayurveda ,will i have any difficulties in getting seat in pg entrance exams any where in india
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2nd January 2011, 01:57 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

i want the information about exam date of different universities for pg in ayurveda
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3rd January 2011, 07:59 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

by which magazine or news paper or else media i can get the notification of pg ayurvedic enterence exam of diff universities ,also inform me that total how many seats are available for out state quota
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16th January 2011, 02:12 AM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

pls tell me the syllabus for md or ms ayurveda entrance in bhu
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1st February 2011, 04:19 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

study material to md ayurved entrance
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3rd February 2011, 12:22 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

can anybody give me syllabus of MD Ayurveda prasutitantra ntr university andhra pradesh
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6th June 2011, 06:52 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

hello namskar i am dr devender i compleet my bams ,i want compleet md please help me and i belong to rohtak haryana.tell me the syllebus of md.
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15th June 2011, 07:00 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

hello i m pursuing my bams last year plz help me the how to beark the md entrenc exam and which is the bst colleges for doing md....
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22nd June 2011, 10:58 AM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

wat r the study material ... r ther books in mcqs available for ayuved courses also n how to prepare...?
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22nd June 2011, 11:01 AM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 1
Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

how to prepare for pg entrance for ayurveda... wat r d books available for ayurved mcqs... hws d paper pattern...?
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7th July 2011, 11:31 AM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

how to prepreformd inayurvedaentranceexam
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16th July 2012, 11:35 AM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

plz suggest a proper timetable so that i can give attention on each subject
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4th November 2012, 02:21 PM
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Default Re: How to prepare for M.D. Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus and study material?

How to prepare for M.D.
Ayurveda entrance exam? syllabus
and study material? which subjects in the exam.......
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