28th September 2012, 05:39 PM
How to prepare for NET Exam in Library Science?
how am i prepar to net exam to library science
24th March 2013, 08:42 PM
![]() We can just suggest some tips and important things but the real work is your,just keep believe in you and in god and you will be successfully leading in the examinations. General Informations on Paper: There will be two question papers, Paper-II and paper-III(Part A & Part B) paper –II will be cover 50 objective type question(Multiple type, matching type ,true/false, Assertion Reasoning type) carrying 100 marks Paper-III will have two parts Part-A and Part-B Paper-III will have 10 short essay type question (300 words) carrying 16 marks each.In it there will be one question with internal choice from each unit (i.e 10 question form 10 units Total marks will be 160) Paper-III B will be compulsory and there will be one question form each of the elective. The candidate will attempt only one question (One elective only in 800 words) carrying 40 marks. Total marks of paper-III will be 200. Syllabus: Paper-II & Paper-III (Part A & B) Unit-I Information,Information science, Information Society Information transfer cycle-generation,collection,Storage and Dissemination,Role of Information in Planning, Management, Socio-Economic Development,Technology Transfer Communication -Channels , Barriers.Intellectual property Rights-Concept,Copyright, Censorship-Print and non-Print media,Library an information Policy at the national level. Unit-II Laws of library Science,Library resources Sharing and Networking,Library Movement and Library legislation in India,Library Extension Services,Library and Information science education in India,Library and information profession,Library Association in India,UK And USA,ILA, IASLIC, IATLI ,SM, SISM, LAM, ASLIB SLA and ALA,Library association organization at international level-FID, IFLA and UNESCO. Unit-III Source of information-Primary,secondary and tertiary-Documentary and non-documentary References Socures-Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Geographical Sources, Biographical Sources, Year Book/ Almanacs, Directories, and Hand books, Statistical (salient features and evaluation)Bibliographical Sources-bibliographies, Union, Catalogue, indexing and Abstracting, Journal (salient features and evaluation)E-Documents,e-Books E-Journals Database-Bibliography, Numeric and full text evaluation Unit-IV Reference and information services , Referral services,Bibliography services, Indexing ad Abstracting services, CAS, SDI, Digital service , trend report,Online Services,Translation Services,reprographic Services. Unit-V Organization of knowledge/information,modes of information of subjects,Library classification-Canons and Principles,Library classification Schemes-DDC, UDC, ad CC,Library Cataloguing-Canions and Principles,Library cataloguing codes-CCC and AACR_II,Bibliography records-Internationals Standards-ISBDS, MARC and CCF,indexing-Pre-Coordinate , Post-Coordinate,Vocabulary control-Thesaurus, lists of Subjects Headings,Database-Search Strategies, Boolean Operators,Knowledge Management Unit-VI Management-Principles, Functional, School of Thought,Planning , Organixsationla Structure,Decision-making,System study-Analysis, evaluation and design,Collection Development-Books Serials, non-book, Material Selection,Acquisition Maintenance, ISBAN, ISSSN, Cataloguing in Publication (CIP),Human resources Management-Manpower, planning, job analysis, Job description, selection, recruitment, Motivation, Training and development, Staff Manual , Leadership and performance evaluation,Delegation of authority,Financial Management-resources generation, types of Budgeting, Cost and Cost-Benefit analysis,PERT, CPM,Library Buildings and equipments,Performance evaluation of libraries./information centers and services,Marketing information product and services,Total quality management (TQM). Unit-VII Information technology-Components, impact of IT on Society,Computers -hardware, Software, Storage devices Input/Output devices,communication-transmission media, Switching systems, Bandwidth, Multiplexing, Modulation protocols Wireless communication fax, E-Mails, treleocommunication.Vedio conferencing,Bulletin Board Service,Videotext, Voice Mail Networking -Concepts Topologies, Types-LAN, MAN, And WAN Hypertext, Hypermedia ad multimedia,Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), open Systems, Interconnection (OSI). Unit-VIII Library Automation -Areas of automation, planning, Hardware and Software selection , OPAC,Networks-ERNET, NIOCNET, DELNET, ANET, BLAISE,, OCLC, INFLIBNET,Internet-Components, Services Browsing-Web browser, Search Engine, Meta-Data, Digital Object Identifies (DOI),National And international information system-NISSAT, NASSDOC, INSDOCM DEWESIDOC, INIS, SGRIS, MEDLARS, INSPEC. Unit-IX Types of Research -Basic, Interdisciplinary,Research Design,Scientific Method, Hypothesis , Data Collection Sampling,methods of Research-Historical , Descriptive, Case Study, Survey, Comparative, And experimental,Statistical Methods, Data Analysis,Report Writing Research Methods in library and Information Science and Services,Bibliolatrous. Unit-X Types of Libraries national , Public, Academies, and Special Objective structure Functions,Digital Libraries-Concept,Virtual Libraries-Concept,Types of Users, Users Studies, Users education,Role of UGC in the growth o and development of Libraries and information centers in institutions of higher education in India,Role of Raja Ram Mohan Ray Library Foundation (RRLF). These all are Important syllabus.You can prepare these easily beside these time management is important,So,prepare the goal set the time and just lead the war to win it. Good Luck!!! |