5th May 2011, 06:20 PM
How to request for change of exam date of either WB-JEE or Assam CEE entrance exam? I'm a student from Assam and it's impossible to appear in both exams
Dear sir, I am a student from Assam. I am going to appear in the WBJEE and ASSAM CEE entrance examinations.But the ASSAM cee examinations are scheduled to be held on 21st and 22nd of May.....sir I want to appear in both the exams but it is impossible for the students of ASSAM to appear in both the exams..(as both the exams are to be held on the same day) .So I want you too rethink over your decision of conducting the WBJEE exam on that particular day.if possible please try to conduct the exam on some other day ...... thanking you . with due respect, Supriyanka Paul. form no. 407540.
15th March 2013, 07:25 PM
Sorry Mr. Paul it is impossible for change the WBJEE.It is depend upon the state govt. of WB.
17th April 2013, 12:53 AM
list of medical exams apart from neet as soon as possible aaruci agarwalla