1st January 2010, 04:12 PM
manjari dhawan
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How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

How could i achieve success in MBBS entrance exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS, etc...?

26th January 2010, 07:45 AM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

you should be well prepared in basics and write as many exams as possible .
all the best
30th January 2010, 09:58 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

generally pmt prelims is based on 12th and 11th syllabus.......and if you concentrate more on them then it will be easy for you........

for aiims and cpmt you can either go for a coaching class or go for a correspondence course from brilliant classes as they are the best ..........

apart from all the books you can refer for the exam ....there is also a cd available named....."PRE MEDICAL TEST CD by Arihant Software"
you can either buy it online or from any book store ..........

best of luck
30th January 2010, 11:58 PM
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to succeed you have work really hard
you have to study 11 to 12 hours a day
if possible join some institute like TIME
take as many papers as you can
see eligibility for cpmt on site http://way2freshers.com/pmt/pmt-examination-eligibility.html

best of luck
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31st January 2010, 09:30 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

You should join good class for preparation at comptition level.....
And clear all the concept and do many exam for it......
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1st February 2010, 07:02 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

i would like to give you some suggesions that you can personally impliment for your exams .the most general way is to join some coaching institute othrwise go for some correspondance course like brilliant tutorial(my personal favorite).
but as a student you have to take right steps to succeceed .you should make it clear that you dont have to mug up all the topics because in no case you are goning to attempt all the questions (because of negative marking).

the most best way is to go through previous papers eventhough you have not completed your syllabus ,this will help you to know that in what format and from which topics most of the questions come from ,so that you can concentrate more on them and can have firm grip over it .it helps to know the limits exams and helps us from making any mistakes(amd hence negative marking). it also makes us feel little calm because when we write the exams we dont feel the pressure of answering all the questions and with a calm mind we give only our best.

BEST OF LUCK...........
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3rd February 2010, 03:44 PM
gautam d wonder lover
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

the only thing for success is hard work and strong determination.
you should first clear all the basics then go through the books.
pay your attention equal to all subject PCB.
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23rd February 2010, 03:45 AM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

hard work is the key of success. so just do that. Go through the syllabus and prepare well all the three subjects PCB.
good luck.
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26th February 2010, 06:29 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

dear friend
if you want to succeed in medical exams like C P M T ,A I P M T..etc
then a lot of hard work is mandatory for that..
so for clearing this exam...
you should prepare your 11th & 12th syllabus in well manner....
specially in biology..
physics & chemistry are also mandatory..
carry on your study
good luck.
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27th February 2010, 06:26 PM
vijay the winner
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

you have to practice more of this exams. you have to get coaching to pass in this exams with good marks.
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28th February 2010, 06:16 PM
rahul k
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

if you have to succeed in this exams then prepare of this exams in advance, join the coaching institute, so that your basics are clear and you have not any problem in your exams. so work hard.

good luck.
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16th May 2010, 06:28 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

i have gave 10th boards,should i join coaching for pmt,aiims etc?????
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10th June 2010, 12:18 AM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

i have passed my 12th boards just now, should i join coaching for pmt,aiims etc or shouls rely upon distanse learning programmes (self study)?????
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10th June 2010, 12:18 AM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

i have passed my 12th boards just now, should i join coaching for pmt,aiims etc or shouls rely upon distanse learning programmes (self study)?????
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10th June 2010, 02:47 AM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

Originally Posted by manjari dhawan View Post
How could i achieve success in MBBS entrance exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS, etc...?
first of all you must study from NCERT text book. Moreover you must concentrate on your syllabus of 11th and 12th class. As the paper will mostly come from it. Now a days paper is coming a bit difficult. So its better to take coaching for these exams.
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10th June 2010, 12:06 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

how to cramb bio
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10th June 2010, 02:32 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

Hardwork is the only key to success. So start today itself if you havent.

Follow the basic books like NCERT and then advanced books of Arihant.

You will really need to work hard if you want to crack the entrance exam as there is lots of competition in this field

Best of Luck!
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10th June 2010, 05:44 PM
rahul k
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

dear friend

If you want to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS, then i will
suggest you just purchase these recommended books and keep hard work to
clear this medical exams.

throughly go through CBSE text books.

Additionally for physics, go through objective question books from Dinesh or Arihant.

Go through previous years AIPMT question papers for last 10 years and few mock tests.

Try to rank within 3000 in AIPMT mock tests.
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11th June 2010, 06:24 PM
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Smile Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

Originally Posted by manjari dhawan View Post
How could i achieve success in MBBS entrance exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS, etc...?
hi manjari..how r u...
Get the sucess in the mbbs exam you should work hard and you may also join any coaching for the medical entrance exam and u should also see the last year model paper.
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14th June 2010, 02:49 PM
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Talking Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

How could i achieve success in MBBS entrance exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS, etc...? In HSC exam i secured 43 marks in physics, 45 marks in chemistry and 67 marks in biology. My total is 155 out of 300 in PCB. So am I eligible to get in to MBBS course through AIPMT? Please send a reply.
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22nd June 2010, 10:13 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

how to crack cpmt,aipmt,entrance exam..?is it necessary to join a coaching or an institute..?
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25th June 2010, 09:13 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

i m a 12 pass out student.........my question is tat can i crack aipmt in one year drop???????????
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28th June 2010, 04:43 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

To succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc..you have to work hard and it will be better if you join a coaching classes like
Akash institute,ALLEN institute etc. as they provide study materials and classroom program.And your basic must be clear.
all the best
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15th July 2010, 11:04 AM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

Dear friend,
For success in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc;
First you go through the syllabus,then for deep study of subject
go through the text book;after that go through the previous year
question paper for testing your preparation.
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15th July 2010, 06:16 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

i want to take best books for pre medical examinations so please help me for purchases books
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25th July 2010, 02:52 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?


so friend if you want to crack a pmt exam then it is not too hard

for this you must study from your ncert books and reference books of 12th std
these books will be suffiecient with a model papers and last year papers

here i am providing you the syllabus
learn and grasp it thoroughly and you will defenitely pass out in the exam with good marks
Measurement: Dimension and dimensional equations of mechanical quantities. area, volume, velocity, acceleration, momentum, force, moment. energy and work.
Motion: Displacement. vectors, Newton's First Law, Conservation of Energy and Momentum, Kinematics, Newton's Second Law and definition of force, equations of motion. work, relation between work and energy power, Newton's Third Law, friction. sliding and rolling friction.
Circular Motion: Motion of a body in circular orbit. centripetal force, Newton's Law of gravitation, Earth's satellites, rigid body rotation. Momentum of Inertia, Torque.
Wave Motion: Simple harmonic motion. waves and waves propagation in matter. characterisation of wave motion (Including phase). coherence. graphical and ana1yticaI description in terms of periodicity in time and space. Superposition of waves. longitudinal and transverse waves, refraction, dispersion, interference.
Optics: Huygen's construction (geometrical), Young's double experiment (Idea of path difference).
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Basic assumptions, derivations and expressions for pressure, temperature, translation degree of freedom, mean energy, gas equation. specific heats of gases, relation between Cp and Cv Cp -Cv -R/J
Physics of the Atom: Bohr's model of atom. his postulates, origin of spectra. spectrum of hydrogen atom. electron configuration of the atoms. Photoelectric effect, laws of photoelectric emission.
Thermodynamics: Work and heat, first law of Thermodynamics.
Electricity: Electric current, thermal effect, Joule's law, chemical effect, magnetic effect, Boit-Savart's law, moving coil galvanometer, moving charge in a magnetic field.
Electro-Magnetic Induction: Lenze's law, 'eddy current, Faraday's law of electro-magnetic induction, self-inductance.
Solids: Structure of solids covalent, Van der waal and metallic, electrons in solids, classification of metals.
Nuclear Physics: Atomic nucleus, general idea of nuclear force, artificial radio-activity .
Electronic Devices: Thermionic emission, idea of work function, diode non-linear device, construction and characteristics, triode-construction and characteristics, Vacuum Triode.



Section A : General & Inorganic Chemistry

Structure of Atom: Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom, Pauli's exclusion principle.
Molecule and Chemical Bond: Ionic and covalent bonds and general properties associated with the bonds, hybridization, shape of molecules having sp, sp2 and sp3 hybridised bonds, Electronegativity and polarity of bonds, hydrogen bonds.
Periodic Properties of Elements: Grouping of elements into families, periodic law, Electronic configuration of elements as the basis of periodic classification, General discussion of variation of properties such as valency , atomic size, ionisation energy , electron affinity , electronegativity and metallic character along periods and groups in the periodic table.
Chemistry of Elements and Compounds: Occurrence, isolation, chemical properties and use of nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, chlorine, bromine.
Section B: Organic Chemistry

(a) Nomenclature of organic-compounds, Iso- merism, Tetrahedral structure, hybridization, sigma and pi bonds.
(b) Methods of preparation, properties, structure and uses of the following classes of compounds:
(i} Hydrocarbons, Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Benzene.
(ii) Chloroform, Idoform, Carbon tetrachloride, Chlorobenzene, (iii) Hydroxy derivatives:
(iv) Carboxylic acids, substituted acids.
Section C: Physical Chemistry
State of Matter: Nature of intermolecular forces, kinetic energy and order of constituent species in gases, liquids and solids, Properties of gases, liquids and solids, Kinetic theory of gases.
Energetics: Exothermic and endothermic reactions.
Chemical Equilibrium: Law of mass action and its application to chemical equilibrium, Le Chatelier- Braun principle, factors influencing equilibrium. Ionic equilibria in aqueous solution. solubility product, common ion effect. Modem concept of acids and bases, pH value.


Histology: Microscopic structure of animal tissues, Histology of mammalian organs (stomach. intestine. liver, spleen. lungs, kidney . pancreas and gonads).

Anatomy and Physiology: (with reference to frog).
(i) Skin: Microscopic structure and its functions.
(ii) Skeleton: Microscopic structure of bone and cartilage. General account of bones of frog.
(iii) Digestive System: Structure of alimentary canal and associated glands. digestive
enzymes and their role in digestion, absorption of products of digestion. peristalsis.
balanced diet.
(iv) Respiratory System: Structure of respiratory organs, mechanism of breathing,
gaseous transport. tissue respiration.
(v) Circulatory System: Functions of blood and 1ymph. Microscopic structure of blood
and blood vessels. Structures and working of heart, distribution of arteries and
veins, circulation of blood coagulation. blood groups.
(vi) Excretory System: Histology of kidney .structure and function of kidney tubules.
arrangement of excretory organs.
(vii) Nervous System :General account of brain, spinal cord and nerves. Histology of
spinal cord. Reflex actions (simple and conditioned), Sense organs (eye and ear).

Reproductive System: General arrangement of reproductive organs, histology of testis and ovary.

Developmental Biology: Basic features of development in animals. Types of eggs. fertilisation cleavage. blastula.
Development of frog, up to the formation of primary germ layers, tadpole and its adaptation. metamorphosis of tadpole.

Diversity of Animal Life: Principles of Classification, binomial nomenclature. General classification of animal Phyla up to classes (invertebrates) and up to sub-classes/order (vertebrates), with detailed study of the types as indicated:
(i) Protozoa. Amoeba. Entamoeba, Paramecium. Malaria, Parasitic trypanosomes. (ii) Porifera. {iii) Coelenterata. Hydra. (iv) Platyhelminthes, Taenia solium, T. saginata. (v) Nemathelminthes, Ascaris lumbricoides (vi) Annelida Pheretima posthuma (General account and life history). (vii) Arthropoda. Cockroach. Insects and diseases. Life histories of housefly and mosquitoes. (viii) Mollusca. (ix) Echinodermata. (x) Chordata. General .characters of fishes. General study of frog (Rana tigrina), General characters of birds.

Genetics and Evolution (Fundamentals only): Human genetics -Human chromosomes. sex-determination. sex-linked inheritance. Evidences and theories of organic evolution.
Ecology: Physical and biological factors influencing organism Food chains. pyramids of numbers, biological equilibrium. Interspecific associations (symbiosis) .



Anatomy and Physiology of Plants: Meristems -Plant growth and development. Internal and external regulators of growth and development in plants: Internal structure of stem and secondary growth; Xylem and Phloem-their cell elements and functions: Internal structure of dicot and monocot leaves; photosynthesis. history .importance. factors and mechanism, stomatal mechanism. transpiration and respiration. Internal structure of dicot and monocot roots.
Absorption and cellwater relations, transport of water and minerals. tropic and turgor movements.
Systematics: Principles of classical and new systematics.
Binomial nomenclature .
Familiarity with taxa.
Systems: Difference between artificial and natural systems. identification of local flora (upto familites) .
Man and Environment: Soil, rainfall and temperature with reference to natural resources.
Our natural resources -their uses and abuses.
Environmental pollution and preventive measures.
Cell Biology-Elementary: Introduction: Cell theory: Cell as a unit of life. Tools and techniques of cell studies. Microscopy (use of microscope and calibration). .Elements of microscope. Biomembranes -Transport mechanism, cellular respiration. Cell organelles: their structure and functions. Hormones -their mode of action, Nucleus. chromosomes, DNA structure including events in replication and transcription.
(a) Discovery of the nucleus -its structure and importance in heredity.
(b) Discovery of chromosomes -their structure and role in heredity. Parallelism of
behaviour between Mendelian factors, chromosome theory of heredity .
(c) Discovery and structure of DNA. its role in heredity .Replication of DNA, Genetic
Code and protein synthesis. Transcription.
Genetics: Organisation of the heredity material in chromosomes. Equational division, Reduction division, Mitosis and Meiosis compared and contrasted significance of meiosis. Medel's laws of inheritance: Discovery of linkage, sex-linked inheritance. Crossing-over, stage at which crossing-over occurs: Neurospora genetics, Mutation, discovery, types of Mutation and Mutations in diploids. Role of mutations in evolution, Role in agriculture. Elaboration of Mendel's laws of inheritance: Monohybrid or Dyhybrid crosses.
Reasons for the success of Mendel in his experiments Absence of linkage in Menders experiments. Why did he not get linkage? Mendelism as the basis of genetics.
Development Biology: Significance of life-cycles with special reference to alternation of generations as exemplified in Escherichia .coli, chlamydomonas, Spirogyra, Funaria, Selaginellaand Pinus (No structural details).
Botany and Human Welfare: Man and domestication of plants, important cultivated crop: cereals (wheat & rice), millets, pulses (gram), fibres, oilseeds (groundnut), sugarcane, vegetables, fruits (mango and banana).

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18th September 2010, 03:39 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

how do i study to get a top most rank in pmt,aiims etc
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28th September 2010, 11:52 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

IS it that max questions come 4m ncert 4 phy,chem n bio?plz rply i really need help n plz suggest me some ways oct month has come n very less time left.plz refer me only those chap that r likely to come so that i can only prepare those n i have to concentrate 4 board 2
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29th September 2010, 10:05 PM
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as you want to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS, then you have to really do hard work because it not easy to break them you have spent about 10 hrs of your daily routin ok all the best
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30th September 2010, 10:21 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i m a 12 pass out student.........my question is tat can i crack aipmt in one year drop???????????
it depends on your preparation,dedication and hard work,also you are the best whether you can crack in one year or not,
i would advice you to join some coaching center,
and also practice as many exam papers as possible,
write as many model exams as possible
all the best
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1st October 2010, 06:50 PM
Mansi Gandhi
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

cracking any of the exams requies some basic tips...............
first of all is self study....
you should be thorogh with your 11th and 12th class topics.....
a bit more is obviously needed but after you are thorogh with 11th and 12th...........
biologh is the main aim for all apeearing ones as the maximum questions are of biology and rest physics and chemistry is easy and even less questions of it...............
if you want you can take coachings for the same........
best of luck................................
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12th October 2010, 11:40 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

which books should i refer for 12 & for exams like AIIMS,AIPMTand OTHER MEDICAL ENTRANCE EXAMS.
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13th October 2010, 07:38 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
which books should i refer for 12 & for exams like AIIMS,AIPMTand OTHER MEDICAL ENTRANCE EXAMS.
As far as medical exam is concerned you need only to have your concepts clear and command on all your three subjects.
Its not too tough if you make sicere effort.
The books which you can refer are Trueman biology and any one standard monthy science magazine.
You can join coaching for guiding you the path to sucees.
First have command on your 11 and 12 stanadard books syallabus.
you need to give extra importance to biology as it scores more marks than chemistry or physics but don't neglect them
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13th October 2010, 08:46 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

Join a coaching institute.
Then get the books prescribed by your lecturers and follow them perfectly.

Or else you can follow chemistry-OP Agarwal
physics-HC verma

buy those books....you can get them very easily

Before starting preparation get the syllabus of the exams and prepare topic wise in detail,remember the scientific names,etc.,
Memorize the bits given from previous papers,they keep repeating,sometime you can find question from similar topics mostly.

fix number of hours to study and study consistently..
you can achieve .
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14th October 2010, 06:57 AM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

pl send me previous 3 yr aiims papr on : [email protected]
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14th October 2010, 10:06 PM
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To succeed in such exams you need to solve as many question papers as you can.
Try finding out the basics of each question,
and be confident.
If you follow this you are definitely cracking the exam

Best Of Luck.
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16th October 2010, 12:19 AM
Sushant Roy
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

hi friend,

MBBS entrance exams are bit difficult one as having a view in mind that so many students do drop for its preparation. However drop is not the only option for a early lead candidate.
You havnt mentioned the class in which you study, if you are in schooling then I would like to suggest you to do tuitions and refers competitions books and guide from begininig. Study accordingly your tuition institute's instructions.
But check these points:
-Be specific to an exam , like if you are interested only in AIIMS then only work accordingly , it is good practise that one should prepare for all, but one has to prepare the most for a single exam.
-After getting an exam selected, you work on exam pattern and related guides depending upon the institutes.
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16th October 2010, 01:15 AM
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Lightbulb Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?


would like to give you some suggesions that you can personally impliment for your exams .the most general way is to join some coaching institute othrwise go for some correspondance course like brilliant tutorial(my personal favorite).
but as a student you have to take right steps to succeceed .

all the best
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24th October 2010, 01:05 AM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

CAn anybody send me pnemonics for ANIMAL KINGDOM...
please itzz urgent...
my email id:[email protected]
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24th October 2010, 12:55 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

Hi, manjari. Its good that you are interested in medical as we all know that to get success in any field we have to do hard work because hard work and intersts are the only key success in any field. For craking exams like CPMT, AIPMT and AIIMS here are tips given below:-
what you have to do is that you have to make your basic (of 11th and 12th basics of physics , chemistry and biology) strong. Try to finish one topic/chapter in a day and make a time table for each subjects in a wat so that you can give equal time to each subject for example:- 2 hours for Physics, 2 hours for chemistry and 2 hours for Biology and along with that try to solve model test papers with in a limited which are required in a medical. If you are doing coaching study daily the topics which are taught in the class because self study is the most important.
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24th October 2010, 01:03 PM
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Success become easy if your fundamental and undestanding each and every concept is clear....

You need to mug up certain scientific names...and some times you need to write things down....with regualr revision and solving sample papers of Dinesh publication...

and doing coresspondance courses with certain good instutions like brilliant tutorials...will help yo....

you must be atleast thorough with the CBSE prescribed syllabus...

good luck !!
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24th October 2010, 07:13 PM
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Thumbs up Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

in these exams the questions are asked more from class 11 and 12. so it will become easy for you if you study your 11 and 12th portion with accuracy . practice previous year paper and new practice paper as well. good luck.
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24th October 2010, 08:24 PM
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the questions are asked mainly from class 11 and 12. so study class 11 and 12 syllabus accurately to suceed in the exam
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24th October 2010, 09:43 PM
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no doubt that medical entrance examination is very tough because of less number of seat and competition is very high. but also a good study can give you success.

i think first you should read the book with syllabus. study all the topic from the syllabus of each examination. clear the basic things. then revise it many times. by book from market. practice different book, solve model question paper with specified time like an examination in home.

also you may join in any reputed coaching center. they will provide you study material, model question paper, suggestion and also valuable tips which will help you a lot to get the success. but you must have to study very much.

all the best.
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25th October 2010, 01:49 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

willing to achieve success in MBBS entrance exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS,?
know how to study? visit to examresultscenter.com for more information
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29th November 2010, 06:31 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

how much time is needed for a concrete preparation of PMTs?
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30th November 2010, 05:22 AM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

Only thing that you have to do for to get success in exams is, be thorough with all the concepts and fundamentals which were there in your +2 whatever small it is or big it is.

If possible go through some previous papers and sample papers and take mock tests yourself so that you can analyse your performance. On the basis of result, make necessary corrections for the schedule what you are maintaining to study.

If you have time, then i would suggest you to join in some coaching institute.
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19th December 2010, 09:22 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

hi guys,i am studying in 1st p.u.c n i am interested i medical. what should i do? and i studied in state syllabus. so, whether i am able to cop-up. which books should i refer? please guild me
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19th December 2010, 09:23 PM
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Default Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

according to there is no need of studying heavy weighted books.......u jst need ncert which is full of concepts ......nothing else....
and last bt not the least HARD WORK....most impt thing .....which can make u a medico....
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30th December 2010, 05:01 PM
dreksha chaudhary
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Cool Re: How to succeed in medical exams like CPMT, AIPMT, AIIMS etc. ?

Dear friend,

To get succeed in medical exams like C P M T ,A I P M T and AIIMS
then a lot of hard work is mandatory for that you have to forget your comfort.so for clearing this exam you should prepare your 11th & 12th syllabus throughly specially in biology, physics & chemistry. Apart from this refer sample papers. Have sufficient practice of sample papers.

all the best
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