11th October 2010, 02:02 PM
shivraj singh rawat
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 5

Names of institutes providing training in Telecom Field Specialization?

dear sir
i m b.tech ece final year student i want to do some extra courses in telecoms field specialization.can any boddy tell me the neme of good institutes
which provides training in this field.

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13th May 2011, 07:47 PM
Sumit Ahujaa
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Default Re: Names of institutes providing training in Telecom Field Specialization?

You can do telecom training from AMITY university in which you will earn government degree which will help you to get job in both sectors government and private.
And there are so many institute like convergence labs, Teleman institute in Delhi, Balaji institute of telecom and management
16th June 2011, 06:29 PM
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Location: Kharagpur, Bangalore
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Default Re: Names of institutes providing training in Telecom Field Specialization?

Institution provides Telecommunication courses:
1. Army Institute of Technology
2. Babasaheb Naik College of Engineering
3. Bharati Vidyapeeth's College Of Engineering
4. BMS Institute Of Technology
5. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University
6. Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering
21st June 2011, 12:47 AM
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Default Re: Names of institutes providing training in Telecom Field Specialization?

if i do ma thesis on biotechnology then there is any problem in getting jobs in the colleges????
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27th June 2011, 10:45 PM
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Default Re: Names of institutes providing training in Telecom Field Specialization?

name of good Private institution for telecom (RF section) ?
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28th February 2012, 05:00 PM
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Default Re: Names of institutes providing training in Telecom Field Specialization?

i m ece second year student i hv to join 2 months summer training program advice me compnies for telecommunication fielld
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30th April 2012, 06:30 PM
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Default Re: Names of institutes providing training in Telecom Field Specialization?

Please can anyone tell me some good institutes in India where I can learn how to use TEMS Investigation for Drive test and Optimization?
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3rd October 2012, 02:15 AM
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Default Re: Names of institutes providing training in Telecom Field Specialization?

Hi I am Electronics& Communication Engineer of 2008 batch .now I want to do job in telecom sector but for this I have no experience in this field so i need a proper training first so plz suggesst me the that what course/Module i have to do & from which institute to get the right job placement..
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