24th June 2010, 03:04 PM
::New Scholarships Plan Proposal:: Need your kind suggestions
As you all know we have been successfully running the scholarships from 6 months now. Together we have helped lakhs of students and advice seekers in solving their education and career related queries. Lately, we have realized that the participation has increased. Despite of increasing the number of winners from 10 to 20 from last few sessions, we feel that the efforts of a lot members get wasted when they don't end up in top 20. This generally happens because a lot of good members do not really have much time due to their studies, preparations and jobs. We want to improve upon this and change the scholarships program slightly for the better of everyone and the forum itself. We are thinking of introducing permanent points system. In the current program what happens is: after every session, points get reseted to zero for everyone. Where as, in the new proposed program we would make the points permanent. You'd be given points for each answer. When you accumulate a certain number of points, say 1000, you can then convert them into Rupees i.e. Rs. 1,000. After you encash them, the points will become zero again. There will be no pressure of completing certain number of posts in certain time. You'll be free to post whenever you have time. The points will keep getting saved in your account. The better you perform with quality and quantity, more points you'll get for each answer. In this way no efforts will get wasted ever. This is still just an Idea we are thinking about. Please let us know your suggestions in this thread. |
24th June 2010, 03:24 PM
ok it is a good proposal . but i have a query that can we have the freedom of taking money at any session or u have to take the money after the end of session.
it will be better if u increase the amount of rupees of each point. all the best. |
24th June 2010, 03:29 PM
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Points per answer will increase as per performance. |
24th June 2010, 03:29 PM
I think it is a great idea, i think it is best for everyone. because manny members will participate in this fourm and they will get nothing so, its better if you will apply New Scholarships Plan Proposal as soon as possible....... its a fantastik idea. |
24th June 2010, 03:31 PM
part wise participation is good proposal.
participants who will come to forum will deliver their best stagnantly. there will not be last minute hassels and participants work will sooth. also if possible promotion will be given at its best. and every one could win scholarships. |
24th June 2010, 03:39 PM
If you have apply this New Scholarships Plan Proposal, then how will members get scholarship. when any member converting points to money, then they will get amount directly in his account or they will get through speed post only...... |
24th June 2010, 03:41 PM
Since the new program is still at its initial planing stage, the mode of payment is not decided yet.
24th June 2010, 04:05 PM
This scholorship programme is very much liked by everyone as it's a chance to improve our knowledge and thinking. Its just like a training programme which is essential for students like us.If you increase the prize money ,then i think it will be much better.It is also recommended that you should inform our scholorships if got via network inbox. Otherwise we cannot know. |
24th June 2010, 05:44 PM
Yes Sir. Its really a nice idea. Everyone gets benefitted and there is no chance of disappointment. But I feel we will miss certificates. After getting thousand points, everyone use to draw money and spend as wish. It should not be as taking money from ATM. Its not an usual money. Its a reward offered to us by you for helping others. Plan in such a way that we get any certificate/(any proof) when we draw money. Really its hard to issue certificates for all participants. You can also prepare online certificates which can be downloaded once a person draws the amount. Hope you can get me...
24th June 2010, 05:48 PM
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Its great feeling after reading all the above idea of yours. This idea is superb. Because I seen that at the last time of scholarship(I never seen last minutes of scholarship) every one is hurry to increase their points. And in this fast process many members posts unusual matters. You also notices that......isnt I am wrong. After this idea no one is in the boundation of time limit. They can post their matters very relaxed way and also they post quality answer. But this is only for scholarship members, what about TAFP members. Its doesnt matter. But I tell you this process is good in my point of view. Thanku |
24th June 2010, 08:22 PM
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And your idea of downloadable certificates is a brilliant one. We would consult from third parties if such certificates will carry the same value. |
24th June 2010, 08:40 PM
It is very kind of you sir to tell us that the efforts taken by us will not be fade away.
This idea is really fantastic. It feels great when we recieve such answers directly from you sir. Thanking You. |
24th June 2010, 08:50 PM
respected sir,
according to me it is the best idea.. students who are in need can also benefit a lot from it.............. i am agree with you sir......... |
24th June 2010, 10:29 PM
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25th June 2010, 12:03 AM
Great idea and yes very true I myself find it very hard to paricipate each day and then end up losing some rank plus since every answerer will get something there will be improved and more helpful answers, But I wanted to know if there will be any particular amount only after which we can encash it
25th June 2010, 12:24 AM
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Making the threshold smaller will result in inconvenience for us.. because we'll then have to draw the cheques and send them very frequently... where as making the amount larger will be inconvenient for the member. So yes Rs. 1,000 seems okay to start with. |
25th June 2010, 12:58 AM
No we are not going to implement the new program from this ongoing session. There is still a lot of thinking to be done before we materialize it.
25th June 2010, 12:24 PM
Dear sir its a fantastic idea but there is a question that it may lost some of the money by cheque and speed post,it will be better with this system you introduce the system that ceritificate will only be issued for some of the particular candidates of a respective ranks and the money will be transferred directly to their bank accounts which saves your amount of cheque,speedpost and even the loss of any of the things.I think my plan may suggest you some of the things regarding this STUDENTS HELPING SYSTEM.
Yours faithfully Amritansu |
25th June 2010, 01:54 PM
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25th June 2010, 06:03 PM
![]() Frankly Speaking Please Dont Mind Well, That would be Injustice with TAFP in terms of earning. As we have discussed that if new Scheme would be introduced then at that time TAFP will be withdrawn. 1) So, is'nt its Demotion, from TAFP which is a part of Moderator to be a General Member?? 2) Even if Levels would be assinged there like- A,B,C.....etc. how will be the things change? Niether TOP General Members nor TAFP will be effect. Good general members will post in same frequency (generally TOP 3 general members have to post 10-18 answers/day) where as TAFP (10-14 a day), so both of them will do same to reach much Earning and Levels. The real profit would be for New comers........! I think this program is mainly mean for New Comer's and at the time of Exam periods. You can Implement it such that All the Things will remain same and the best of New Scheme will also be utilised. For Example:- Both General and TAFP things will remains same. But slight chance will be like Withdrawal present scholarship scheme from General Members and Stipend from TAFP and place them in New Scheme. This way Both will remain same and also the Burden of Time Limit for General Members and Post limit of (350) will be removed from TAFP. Or since TAFP is a Fellowship program so, stipend can be reduced to 1000/- fixed with some duty + New scheme for Posting. I am not saying that Proposal is not Good but the thing I want to say if there is any "Middle way". 3) Since, TAFP being a Brand place Both General & TAFP in Equal Footage is Good??? Thanking You ~Faiyaz~ |
25th June 2010, 08:57 PM
@Faiyaz, TAFP is nothing but another level of scholarships. TAFP was introduced to make room for new members in the scholarship rankings. Since the new program will give everyone an equal opportunity, we don't see any reason for continuing TAFP.
In the new program TAFP members can make more points (and hence money) because there will be no limit on posting. Also, why do you think everyone will get same number of points per answer? Everyone will benefit if the new program is implemented. Yeah spendings will increase considerably, but so will the quality of answers. We would be looking for sponsorships from companies to fund the payments. |
25th June 2010, 09:45 PM
Hmm whatever faiyaz said is right and i dont think its good to remove TAFP since its because of TAFP that the forum is getting some very high quality replies
Not all of them have that zeal in them to post good answers just for the help. They will instead try to post simply to earn some points. Which isnt good for the forum So dont discontinue TAFP instead keep the same thing whats going on. Yeah there are sometimes you get pressured. But we definitely dont want this forum to turn into a Money Making Machine. So lets keep everything the same as it was before and as i said before if you really post good quality answers then they can join us in TAFP so think about it before implementing. Because i find many cons then pros Pros you know. Let me list out cons 1) More spamming will increase permanently. If a guy gets less points then he will try to post some useless answers just to gain points. 2)As i said before others will consider it as money making machine so most of them will come to the forum for the same kind of mindset 3)You inbox and PM will gets filled up daily with requests to increase the points etc ![]() 4)Lots of expenditure. You wil have to spend a lot on he forum. Yes i agree about that sponsorship but instead of giving away money rewards to so many better give to deserving members. If a person is too good in answering then surely he cant hide from you so TAFP is better. Otherwise keep the TAFP by making some advanced changes and also implement the above new thing Its just my opinion |
27th June 2010, 01:54 AM
definetely its a good idea for a housewife just like me.as i can do this all only when i am getting free from my responsibilities.well,points will not matter to me as how much i work ,my aim is to help others with quality .so if you really want that my efforts will not be wasted its better that a certificate must be given to all your participants as a new member welcome and after completing his one year he must be given some honor as well.
27th June 2010, 03:49 PM
@Pathfinder, We will be a lot more stricter if the new program is implemented. Spamming and manipulations can be controlled. And as for TAFP, it will become better with the advent of new program.
@parhitoshika, No, we will not decrease points for any member as long as they follow the guidelines. @yatsra, Not decided yet. @praveen gola, Yes there will be certificates. But we can not give certificate to new members because doing that will dilute the value of certificate. Something that is easily attainable becomes less valuable. |
27th June 2010, 10:23 PM
as far as i know, some members [including me] have been promoted to TAFP in a very short period of time according to their quality. So, if someone is doing good, promote him/her. New proposal is nice, but i don't think it should be applied now only. The number of participants is not that higher. The person who secures 20th position,generally scores 200-300 points, and on the other hand, you can see the quality of their answers. If you are thinking about closing TAFP, thats not a nice decision at all. There should be some members who can be considered as seniors, if you will mix up everyone, then it would affect the forum in order of the qualities. So, i think we should wait for some time in order to apply the new plan, and the TAFP should not be closed, but the TAFP membership should be awarded to members the way you are awarding it now. Last edited by kaushu; 27th June 2010 at 10:30 PM. |
28th June 2010, 04:57 PM
If the new program materializes, TAFP members will definitely be taken care of. There could be a change of terminologies but powers and convenience that TAFP members enjoy will not be taken back. |
29th June 2010, 02:35 PM
Respected Sir
I have one more question related to "New Scholarships Plan Proposal" I want to know that, if you apply this amazing programme, then the programme will continue regularly, or it will be ends after 15 days........ |
30th June 2010, 10:31 AM
i am really impresses with ur idea, if u provide a way that the person can withdraw money anytime it will be tideous. I think it will be better u give a dispatch date as mid of every month or something like that
30th June 2010, 05:04 PM
Hello sir..
This idea is really very good.. new comers will be benefited the most. also people who are busy in their daily life will also be able to participate as there will be no time limit. i think the competition level will decrease. but profit to the participants will increase highly. also sir u said certificate will be given based on points like at 5000 or 10000. but if anyone converts it to rupees, points will be set to 0 again. so can't the participant who wants certificate convert points to money?? |
30th June 2010, 06:27 PM
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1st July 2010, 11:39 AM
I am just minutes old to this forum. So I am not aware of the marking system yet. The idea proposed is good. However conflict may arise, upon the quality of marking, as you proposed because quantifying quality is highly relative. Thank you. |
1st July 2010, 12:37 PM
sir this is gud idea....it will help every one to participate actively inthe session..and everyone can have chance to win the scholarships...
sir it would be better if u can certificates for all participated members...atleast participation certificates for other and not disapppointing who cant win the scholarships |
1st July 2010, 12:57 PM
It's really fine sir,in this proposal no body goes underestimated and everyone will be eager to answer to the questions in good quality and quantity as much they can.This proposal will increase good response from everyone.i wanted to know how much you want to keep for each answer sir.
1st July 2010, 02:54 PM
sir ,
thats a nice one since every one who post decent answers but unable to get too much time to post such no. of posts so that they can qualify for scholarships are less (you can include myself ![]() but as the scheme has been opposed by all TAFP members so i would like to ask you so as to implement a much better one so as to give more rewards to TAFP rather than getting them demoted as they are too older one's and might be doing well since they are TAFP (but i don't know what happens by being a TAFP ) So i think that you can implement it with some modifications which are coded from TAFP members .. since it's your forum ( as a father of family ) in which there are many family members ( like us ) so you will not do anything which will be harmful to your family and their members .. other modifications may be done after implementing it ( by various suggestions from members ) since it takes time for everything to get fully adopted .. have a good day !! sir , can you tell me more about powers and conviniences that a TAFP member gets .. can i be a tafp mamber too if i am unable to qualify for any scholarships since i am unable to post such no. of posts .. hoping for your reply !!! also please tell me that from where i can contact you since by posting it here it is assumed as answer been posted and it increases my no. of post but it's not helpful to other people so i don't want to post chat over here .. should i use the link ""contact us " written below or is there any g mail account through which i can contact you if found necessary hope you will understand .. ![]() Last edited by sattuvachan; 1st July 2010 at 07:11 PM. |
1st July 2010, 03:08 PM
Yes you can contact me through Contact Us link, as well as through visitor messaging on Admin's profile. The new program is still at planning stage, and no injustice will be done with anyone including TAFP members. You have the potential to become a TAFP member. Please contact me through the Contact Us link, we can discuss this. |