6th December 2011, 06:29 PM
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Objectives of Business Communication?

what are the objectives of business communication?

6th December 2011, 08:04 PM
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Default Re: Objectives of Business Communication?

The main objective of business communication is to effectively communicate the information among the various departments in the organization and among the various level of employees in the organization.

If the information is not being conveyed in the right manneer, obviously the listener will understand it in some other way and he will some do other things rather than what is being conveyed.

Sometimes, because of this, if the information is very much confidential, obviously that is going to be loss to the company.

The business communication channel will play a vital role in business communication.

The more effective the business communication channel is, the more easily information is being passed.

Another objective of business communication is to motivate people in order to buy the products of a particular organization or to avail the services of a particular company.

To promote products of various organizations, business communcation is imporant.

Because of this business communication, people are going to information regarding the products of a company and their better usage along with safety procedures.
6th December 2011, 09:14 PM
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Default Re: Objectives of Business Communication?

Originally Posted by 123saheb View Post
what are the objectives of business communication?

Motivation- communication in business is also necessary to increase the motivation in the workers. So if the communication is done properly and is successful in motivating the workers and workers are motivated enough the work gets done easily, efficiently and they will work independently and with out supervision.

Communication should be used to create a right working environment. So that there is a healthy competitive environment among the workers and also that they can be recognized and rewarded for their achievements.

Employees working at a lower level in the hierarchy of the organization should be encouraged to provide suggestion and inputs on how to improve the working of an organization, this type of communication creates a sense of participation and belonging, it also develops more loyalty towards the company.

Raising Morale - Another very important objective of business communication (internal) is to keep the moral of the workers high so that they work with vigor and confidence as a team. This is a major factor that can have very serious impact on the success of a business house.

But as morale is a psychological factor the state of high morale is not a permanent factor. An organization may have a high morale among the workers for a quarter but may find that the employees have lost their morale in the next quarter. So to keep the moral of employees high an organization has to put continuous effort in that direction. It can be done by maintaining an open door policy, keeping an eye on the grapevine and not allowing harmful rumors to spread.

Order and instructions – An order is an oral or written command directing the start, end or modifying an activity. This form of communication is internal and is carried out within a business house. Order may be written or verbal. Written orders are given when the nature of work is very important or the person who would perform the task is far away. We should always be careful while handing out written orders and should always keep a copy of the order so that follow up action can be taken.

Oral orders are given when work is of urgent nature and the person is nearby. But in both the cases it is very essential to follow up.

Education and training- Now communication can also be used in business to increase the circle of knowledge. The objective of education is achieved by business communication on three levels (a) Management (b) employees (c) general public

(a) Education for future managers- Here junior personals in the organization is trained to handle important assignments involving responsibility, so that they can succeed their superiors in the future.

(b) Education for newbie’s- When new personals join an organization they are inducted by educating them about the culture of the company, code of discipline, work ethos etc. This is usually done through a training mode to acquaint the new recruits with the functioning of the organization.

(c) Educating the public- Now this is done by advertising, informative talks, newspapers, journals. And this is done to inform the public about the product, the functioning of the company, and various schemes offered by the company.
11th February 2012, 10:15 PM
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Default Re: Objectives of Business Communication?

more objectives of communication may i get??? like advice councelling, suggestion, persuasion, warning and reprimand...
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17th July 2012, 10:54 PM
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Default Re: Objectives of Business Communication?

information as on objectives of business communication
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18th July 2012, 09:41 PM
savan kumar chaitanya
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Default Re: Objectives of Business Communication?

The following are the main objectives of business communication:

Conveying the right message: The main object of communication is to convey the right message to the right person, i.e., to the person for whom it is meant. The message conveyed should be well understood and accepted by the receiver in the right perspective. In other words, it should carry the same meaning which has been conveyed so that it may be translated into action effectively.

Coordination of effort: Communication is an effective tool for coordinating the activities of different persons engaged in running a business. Coordination without communication is a remote possibility. The individuals or groups come to know what others are doing and what is expected from them only through communication.

Good industrial relations: Communication develops good industrial relations as it conveys the feelings, ideas, opinions, and viewpoints of one party to the other party. The two parties - the management and the subordinates, come closer through communication. They understand each other and dispel any misunderstanding. Thus, it promotes cooperation and good industrial relations.

Development of managerial skills: Communication helps managers to understand human behavior at work. Communication of facts, ideas, opinions, information, feelings, etc., add value to the knowledge of managers about various happenings, in the organization and behavior of people. Thus, communication is a process of learning
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21st July 2012, 05:04 PM
guri kaur
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Default Re: Objectives of Business Communication?


-->following are the main objectives:-

*conveying the right message

*co-odination of effort

*good industrial relations

*development of managerial skills

all the best....go ahead!!
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25th March 2013, 08:41 PM
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 1
Default Re: Objectives of Business Communication?

Originally Posted by 123saheb View Post
what are the objectives of business communication?
Like any communication business communication also occurred with some objectives. Without any objective, no communication is happened.

To get clear idea on this kindly check this, Objective of Business communication on Business Consi.

Because, To discuss about the objective of its, it would take a large portion of time because of its large functions. You can check out that.
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