21st June 2017, 12:18 PM
Procedure to update UPSEE registration form with subcategory if missed?
My opening rank in UPSEE is 21019 and GNGL is 2616 but unfortunately I missed to fill the subcategory column, as my father is in army. So please advice me how can I correct this mistake. Can you please give me the procedure which I need to follow for this? Thanks!
30th June 2017, 05:39 PM
In order to update/modify/correct any data in your form, you have to follow these steps :
* The process of updation/correction is activated as per schedule after form submission date is over. * The process is available only for the candidates who have successfully completed all telhe steps of registration along with the payment of fee. * The processes is allowed only once. * You cannot fill a new form in this period. * You have to login into your account using the generated Application no. and password provided to you at the time of form submission. * Then you can view the form in editable mode and you can edit the details. * But some of the fields cannot be edited, : > Application no. > Candidate name > Father's name > Mother's name > Date of Birth * After successful updation/correction , revised application no. is genrated. * You can printout the generated copy of the form to be used for future reference. // To update/correct the form details, you may refer to the official website www.upsee.nic.in |