18th February 2012, 08:41 PM
Question paper pattern of NET 3rd Paper of June?
I want to know, is there question pattern multiple choice type or write an answer in two or three lines in the 3rd paper from june 2012 ?
18th February 2012, 11:46 PM
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NET stands for National Eligibility Test which is conducted twice time in a year through UGC. This exam conduct for JRF ,PHD and Lecturer Post for govt college. Those candidate have completed Masters degree with above 55% marks are applicable for NET exam for SC/ST candidate this marks is reduced to 45%. There is no age criteria for NET exam but for the case of JRF , You age should be below 28 years old. There is no restriction for attempts for NET exam you can apply here many times. NEW PATTERN FOR NET EXAM For Paper I- It's has 60 Question.Out of 60 Question , you can answered 50 Question.Total marks of this paper is 100 marks.The time duration for this session is 1¼ Hours (09.30 a.m. to 10.45 a.m.) For Paper II- It has 50 question.All Question are compulsory . Total marks of this paper is 100 marks.The time duration for this session is 1¼ Hours (10.45 a.m. to 12.00 Noon.) For Paper III- It has 75 question.All Question are compulsory . Total marks of this paper is 150 marks.The time duration for this session is 2½ Hours (01.30 p.m. to 04.00 p.m.) Each Question contain 2 marks. The notification for NET exam will be published very soon.It will be published in the month of April 2012. For more details about UGC exam you can visit to http://www.ugc.ac.in/ . |
19th February 2012, 12:30 PM
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~~ To apply for this examination you have to complete your Post graduate degree course in any discipline from a recognised University and you have to scored minimum 55% marks in your post graduation ~~ Final year appearing candidates are also eligible for NET Examination NET Examination pattern will changes from June 2012 and from now onward's there are 3 papers in NET Examination and all are Objective. In 3rd paper, there are 75 questions and all are compulsory and each questions will be of 2 marks each. The duration of 3rd paper is 2½ Hours. 1st paper also Objective and there will be 60 questions out of which 50 questions are to be attempted and In 2nd papers there will be 50 Questions and all are compulsory, the duration of both papers is 1¼ Hours. ~~ There is no descriptive paper in NET Examination and no negative marking. So, please prepare well for the examination as per the new pattern and for more information check official website : http://ugcnetonline.in |
19th February 2012, 01:44 PM
Information about Pattern of NET examination
NET is a National Eligible Test and it is conducted by University Grand Commission for post of Lecturership post .If you are interested in Lecturer field then you can apply. NET examination conducted every years in the month of June and December.The notification for June entrance examination is published in the month of March. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important dates for NET examination : 1) Starting Date for Purchasing Application Forms : Last week of March,2012 2) Last Date for Submission Application Forms : Last week of April,2012 3) Date of NET entrance examination : Last week of June,2012 If you are interested to apply for NET examination then make planning for scoring more marks in 3rd PAPER of NET examination.The mode of solving questions will be objective and there is no negative marking. Third paper of NET examination consist total 75 questions and you have to solve all questions within two and half hours. The syllabus for NET entrance examination are following as : 1) General Paper for Teaching Aptitude : First you have to clear Teaching Aptitude Test for Junior Research Fellowship then you are eligible for attempt all other papers. 2) Political Science : Under this subject you should have full knowledge of Politics and make strong this subject for the point of NET examination. 3) Mass communication : It is field consider as a communication of latest news and for preparation of this subject you can read newspaper daily. 4) Business Economics : It is subject related to economics and if you decided to crack National Eligibility Test then read this subject. For more information about NET examination pattern and types of questions related query so,please visit to the following website : http://www.ugc.ac.in/ Regards Nikhil |
19th February 2012, 05:06 PM
UGC has been changed the pattern of NET 3rd paper which is taken in June.
NOW THE 3 PAPER OF UGC NET WILL ALSO BE AN OBJECTIVE PAPER AS PAPER 1 & PAPER 2. So, this is also easy for the candidates to solve the paper as an objective format. |
19th February 2012, 05:09 PM
All the question papers of NET exam have been changed to Multiple Choice Objective Type. There is no negative marking also.
You can download past quesstion papers of NET from the following site: http://www.ugc.ac.in/inside/oldqp.html. Of course, in view of the change to objective type questions, some of these papers may not be of much relevance to you. All the best. |
19th February 2012, 07:15 PM
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The UGC-NET will be conducted in objective mode from June 2012 onwards. The Test will consist of three papers. All the three papers will consist of only objective type questions and will be held on the day of Examination in two separate sessions as described under: Below we have explained the Session Paper, Number of Questions and the Duration given to answer each paper (This are the actual timings of the paper): First I 60 out of which 50 questions are to be attempted 50×2 = 100 1¼ Hours (09.30 a.m. to 10.45 a.m.) First II 50 questions all of which are compulsory 50×2 = 100 1¼ Hours (10.45 a.m. to 12.00Noon.) Second III 75 questions all of which are compulsory 75×2 = 150 2½ Hours (01.30 p.m. to 04.00 p.m.) The candidates are required to obtain minimum marks separately in Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III as given below: Paper -I General 40 (40%) OBC 35 (35%) PH/VH/SC/ST 35 (35%) Paper II General 40 (40%) OBC 35 (35%) PH/VH/SC/ST 35 (35%) Paper III General 75 (50%) OBC 67.5 (45%) rounded off to 68 PH/VH/SC/ST 60 (40%) Only the candidates who obtain the minimum required marks in each Paper, separately, as mentioned above, will be considered for final preparation of result. However, the final qualifying criteria for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and eligibility for Lectureship shall be decided by UGC before declaration of result. - The syllabus of Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III will remain the same. - The candidates will be allowed to carry the carbon printout of OMR Response Sheets with them on conclusion of the examination. - There will be no negative marking. The question that arises is whether removing subjectivity from a National level eligibility Test a wise step? What about the writing and the communication skills? Arent a Lecturer or a JRF supposed to be checked on these parameters? And no negative marking?? well good news for the ones who are excellent at flukes !! The notification also remains mum on the qualifying criteria for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and eligibility for Lectureship. What it supposes is that the final qualifying criteria for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and eligibility for Lectureship shall be decided by UGC before declaration of result. So what is that supposed to mean? Moreover, it hasn’t been mentioned if the combined qualifying criteria of 100 marks for Paper 1 and Paper 2 will continue or mere qualifying marks are required to crack the test? Well, going by the notification it seems that this criteria no longer remains in effect. Lets hope the loopholes wont be disappointing !! All the best for exam and prepare well. Regards pathan. |
25th February 2012, 01:42 PM
if you have have completed Masters degree with above 55% marks are applicable for NET exam for SC/ST candidate this marks is reduced to 45%.
There is no ge criteria for NET exam but for the case of JRF , You age should be below 28 years old.There is no restriction for attempts for NET exam you can apply here manytimes. NEW PATTERN FOR NET EXAM For Paper I- It's has 60 Question.Out of 60 Question , you can answered 50 Question.Total marks of this paper is 100 marks.The time duration for this session is 1¼ Hours (09.30 a.m. to 10.45 a.m.) For Paper II- It has 50 question.All Question are compulsory |
27th April 2012, 02:53 PM
my subject is english.....so plz tell me will questions be set on each elective?? do i get to choose my area of specialization..( my area of interest is indian lit) or will the questions be of general nature????plz help me!!!!!!!!
3rd May 2012, 05:58 PM
Respected Sir,
I want to know the marks obtained in net exam held in 19.02.2012. My email ID is [email protected] thank you. |
16th June 2012, 07:13 PM
Earlier there used to be options to answer the questions from our area me specialisation that is to say some questions had options. Now how will the questions from electives will be included. Should we discard the elective portion me the syllabus and only concentrate on general nature questions k paper two. Why is elective mentione then.