30th June 2012, 11:51 AM
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Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

which stream is better in b.tech for getting job in india?...pelase tell me

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28th October 2012, 09:05 AM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Originally Posted by trehansalil View Post
which stream is better in b.tech for getting job in india?...pelase tell me
I am happy to see your interest in the field of the engineering course. In today time the engineering is the one of the growest field. After completing the 12th class with PCM stream you can take admission in the engineering course through the engineering entrance examination. You can also appear in the appearing of 12th board exam.

As per your above mention question you want to know that the batter branch in the B.Tech course. I think that all branch is good you can choose any one branch as per your interest. There are many branches like electronics, electrical, mechanical, computer science, civil ... etc. I advise you to choose any one branch as per own interest.

So, don't think more about the branch and choose any field as per own interest. I wish you will get a brightness career future. All the best for ahead career.
28th October 2012, 12:07 PM
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Originally Posted by trehansalil View Post
which stream is better in b.tech for getting job in india?...pelase tell me

Dear Aspirant,

You Have asked about which B.Tech Branch is Good for Future Job Placement, B.Tech (Engineering) Stream it Self is Good Job Opportunity for Bright Future......

But, Let me clarify some Today's Top Branch for Earning Good Money....

Today the World is Become small due to Information Technology and Communication System......

So, Now a day Information Technology have a batter scope for Good Job in India and also at International Level.....

Another Branch is Civil Engineering and Architect engineering.....

Another Branch is Mechanical Engineering if you are interested in Machinery.....

I Hope that you cleared your Doubt....

All the best

With Regards.....
28th October 2012, 09:16 PM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Hello Friend,

Getting a good job really depends on your ability and a little bit of luck.
If you are good then you would definitely get the job no matter which stream you are studying. So focus on quality, rest will take of itself.

Having said that there are stream where you get more offers then others. If you have a choice then opt for ECE, CSE ,IT from good colleges as these streams offer more private sector jobs thus enabling you with more opportunities assuming you failed to get the job the first time.

If you are interested in govt sector jobs then you should opt for Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and other core streams. There more jobs available for students who have completed their B.Tech in these stream thus increasing your chance of bagging that job.

But if you think you have some ability or liking for a particular subject then go for it. You would do better in that then opting for something which you don't like that much.

Best wishes..
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29th October 2012, 08:16 AM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

B.Tech or B.E. graduates are engineering graduates. You have to do this by clearing the rank in JEE or IIT or AIEEE examinations. In some institutes(even in some well known organizations) you will see that they are offering B.Techs(especially in IT) for which you do not need to go through the joint entrance examinations. But these courses have little or no importance from job point of view. So other than that if you do B.Tech in any genre from proper IIT or AIEEE or JEE examinations, that is very much important from job point of view. In fact B.Tech people are very much preferred over B.Sc. or BCA people in corporate sectors. So choose any genre between ECE or Electrical or chemical or hardware or aeronautics engineering.
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30th December 2012, 07:16 AM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Dear Friend,

From the job point of view , the best streams in B.Tech are :

* Computer Science & Engineering

* Mechanical Engineering

* Electronics & Communication Engineering

* Civil Engineering

* Electronics & Electrical Engineering

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
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30th December 2012, 06:20 PM
Siva mechanical
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Originally Posted by trehansalil View Post
which stream is better in b.tech for getting job in india?...pelase tell me
hello friend,

according to jobs in india, the engineering course ranks are:

1. mechanical
2. information technology
3. automobile engineering
4. electronics and communication engineering
5. civil engineering
6. EEE
7. computer science
8. marine engineering
9. petroleum engineering
10. aeronautical engineering.

you, choose your department as your interest.

all the best for choosing good career and for your future.
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28th May 2013, 06:36 PM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?


Following are the few top b.Tech branches which pay you very high package

- Electrical engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Electronic engineering
- Computer Science
- IT Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Metallurgy Engineering

Mining and Metallurgy involves lot of field operation. Similarly chemical would involve you to work in plants.

It is highly advisable to do B.Tech from very good college which has good faculty, good infrastructure, and good placement.
Such college also have a good alumni base, working at good position, who would help you in future.

All the best
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2nd June 2013, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

which branch is best b/w EEE and CSE and which has more job opertunity and best in future
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26th June 2013, 12:47 AM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Which course is better between Between Electrical and EC...ND HAV a scope in Future
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26th June 2013, 12:40 PM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Sir please tell me which stream will be better for me in b.tech keeping in mind that i have interest in chemistry and nuclear physics
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30th June 2013, 04:17 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?


Since you are interested in chemistry and nuclear physics
you can go for following branches

Chemical Engineering
Engineering in Applied Chemistry
Engineering in Applied Physics

You may find chemical engineering in many colleges, but it would be difficult to find colleges have engineering in applied chemistry or engineering in applied physics.

all the best
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5th July 2013, 11:09 PM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Can i get nit kurukshetra with jee rank 14447 , if yes then which one ? Please tell as soon as possible .
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20th July 2013, 08:53 PM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Sir which steam are best for future in btech..
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20th July 2013, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Sir which steam are best for future in btech..
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13th August 2013, 10:41 AM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

which college is better Ymca , Faridabad or Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Rohini , Delhi
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13th August 2013, 03:37 PM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Hello Dear Aspirant,

If you want to get job in India after B.Tech.Then my suggestion would be to please join in Mechanical Engineering.Because all the 90% of Mechanical degree holders from all IITs,NITs,some other engineering colleges settled in India in government sector after B.Tech.Some of the Statistics says 60% government jobs hold by mechanical branch from engineering after B.Tech.My personal suggestion would be to take Mechanical if not then take CIVIL engineering both have same options in engineering
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25th August 2013, 01:39 PM
Cholleti Niranjan
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Dear aspirant,
As I am a Mechanical engineering student,I may suggest you take the Mechanical engineering but that is not the correct suggestion.I am suggesting you to take the branch towards to which you have more interest.Now a days few branches have more demand in the world they are
Mechanical engineering
Civil engineering
Electronics and communication engineering
Electrical and electronics engineering
Computer science engineering
Chemical engineering
Material and Metallurgical science
Automobile engineering
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1st June 2014, 11:39 AM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

What is the scope and future gross of chemical engineers.
As there are lots of chemical engineers who work in the field of IT then why to choose chemical???????
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17th July 2014, 12:45 AM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

I want to take mechanical branch to get a job in railway I have to do M.tech if yes which I take
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5th May 2015, 09:22 AM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Which branch is best between computer science and mechanical engineering? ?
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15th June 2015, 01:46 PM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Which stream is better between computer science and information technology?
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17th June 2015, 01:06 PM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

which stream has more scope of jobs in B.tech either information techonology or electronics and telecommunication
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23rd June 2015, 02:27 PM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Sir, which stream should i take in B.tech among automobile, mechanical, mechatronics, civil for the best future?
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25th May 2016, 02:27 PM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Which stream is better mechanical or information technology or computer science
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22nd May 2017, 02:55 AM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Dear Sir, This year I passed out 12th from rajasthan ajmer board with 75%. Now i want to go for b tech and my favorite subject is maths. Please suggest which stream is better for me and how can I join.
Ashish kumar
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12th July 2017, 11:00 PM
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Default Re: Which stream is better in B.Tech to get a job in India?

Sir I want to know the best stream in b teach for future job placement keeping in mind that my favorite subject is physics.
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