22nd June 2011, 09:46 PM
anu sha
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Syllabus for MCA entrance exam? Procedure of entrance test? Details of Karnataka CET and dates of the entrance test?

pls give me som info abt syllabus for MCA Entrance exam,procedure of entrance test,details of Karnataka-CET and dates

27th September 2011, 10:12 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus for MCA entrance exam? Procedure of entrance test? Details of Karnataka CET and dates of the entrance test?

all detailed mca entrance examnation
23rd October 2011, 01:05 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus for MCA entrance exam? Procedure of entrance test? Details of Karnataka CET and dates of the entrance test?

Originally Posted by anu sha View Post
pls give me som info abt syllabus for MCA Entrance exam,procedure of entrance test,details of Karnataka-CET and dates
hii,See richa every university have a different patter set by them for MCA entrance test,but I am providing you a brief headline of some common topics which were asked in all MCA entrance exams.
Set Theory
Probability and Statistics
Usually the form will be available in the feb month ,the dates for 2010 exam is not declared yet,visit Maharashtra MAH MCA-CET 2009 on 1st March 2009 MCA Common Entrance Test in Maharashtra Important Dates
regularly for dates.
Coordinate Geometry
The questions in this section will cover logical reasoning and quantitative aptitude. Some of the questions will be on comprehension of a logical situation and questions based on the facts given in the passage.
Computer Basics
Data Representation

all the best
2nd December 2011, 08:20 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus for MCA entrance exam? Procedure of entrance test? Details of Karnataka CET and dates of the entrance test?

update me with dates for mca entrance test
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16th May 2012, 06:47 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus for MCA entrance exam? Procedure of entrance test? Details of Karnataka CET and dates of the entrance test?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
all detailed mca entrance examnation
Syllabus of MCA entrance exam:


Unit :-1 Algebra of Sets : Set operations, Union, Intersection, Difference, SymmetricDifference, Complement, Venn Diagram, Cartesian products of sets, Relation and Function, Composite Function, Inverse of a Function, Equivalence Relation, Kinds of Function.

Unit :-2 Number Systems : Real numbers (algebraic and other properties), rational and irrational numbers, Complex numbers, Algebra of complex numbers, Conjugate and square root of a complex number, cube roots of unity, De-moivre’s Theorem with simple applications. Permutation and combinations and their simple applications, Mathematical induction, Binomial Theorem. Determinants up to third order, Minors and Cofactors, Properties of determinants. Matrices up to third order, Types of Matrices. Algebra of matrices, Adjoint and inverse of a matrix. Application of determinants and matrices to the solution of linear equation ( in three unknows)

Unit 3:-Trigonometry : Compound angles, Multiple and Sub-multiple angles, solution of trigonometric equations, Properties of triangles, Inverse circular function.

Unit 4:-Co-ordinate Geometry of Two Dimensions : Straight lines, pairs of straight lines, Circles, Equations of tangents and normals to a circle. Equations of Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola, Ellipse and hyperbola in simple forms and their tangents ( Focus, directix, eccentricity and latus rectum in all cases)

Unit 5:-Co-ordinate Geometry of Three Dimensions: Distance and division formulae, Direction cosines and direction ratios. Projections, Angles between two planes, Angle between a line and plane.Equations of a sphere-general equation.

Unit 6:-Vector: Fundamentals, Dot and Cross product of two vectors, Scalar triple product, Simple Applications (to geometry, work and moment).

Unit 7 :-Differential Calculus : Concept of limit, continuity, Derivation of standard functions, successive differentiation, simple cases, Leibnitz Theorem, Partial differentiation, Simple cases, derivatives as rate measure, Maxima and minima, indeterminate forms, Geometrical applications such as tangents and normals to plane curves.

Unit 8:-Integral Calculus:- Standard methods of integration ( substitution, by pars, by partial fractions etc.) Definite integrals and properties of Definite Integrals, Areas under plane curves, Differential Equations only simple cases such as
(i) dy/dx = f(x)
(ii) dy/dx=f(x) g (y)
(iii) d2y/dx2 = f(x) and application to motions in a straight line.

Unit 9:-Probability and Statistics :
Averages (Mean, Median and Mode), Dispersion (standard deviation and variance). Definition of probability, Mutually exclusive events, Independent events, Addition theorem.

Computer Basics: Organization of a Computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Structure of instructions in CPU, input/output devices, computer memory, back-up devices.

Representation of characters, integers and fractions, binary and hexadecimal representations, Binary Arithmetic : Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, simple arithmetic and two’s complement arithmetic, floating point representation of numbers, Boolean algebra, truth tables, venn diagram.

Questions in this section will test logical reasoning and quantitative reasoning
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29th July 2012, 10:23 PM
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 556
Default Re: Syllabus for MCA entrance exam? Procedure of entrance test? Details of Karnataka CET and dates of the entrance test?

every university have a different patter set by them for MCA entrance test,but I am providing you a brief headline of some common topics which were asked in all MCA entrance exams.
Set Theory
Probability and Statistics
Usually the form will be available in the feb month ,the dates for 2010 exam is not declared yet,visit Maharashtra MAH MCA-CET 2009 on 1st March 2009 MCA Common Entrance Test in Maharashtra Important Dates
regularly for dates.
Coordinate Geometry
The questions in this section will cover logical reasoning and quantitative aptitude. Some of the questions will be on comprehension of a logical situation and questions based on the facts given in the passage.
Computer Basics
Data Representation
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