5th April 2012, 02:11 AM
Is there any crash courses related to biotech field?
i'm final year BSc biotech student from bangalore university, i have 1 subject back of 3rd sem... is their any crash courses related to biotech field... plz suggest some courses for me.
24th July 2012, 12:19 AM
One of the turning points of modern science was the advent of genetic engineering.Recombinant DNA technology facilitated this.The term „r ecombinant DNA‟refers to the joining or recombining genetic material from two different sources. This happenssometimes in nature, and is desirable because it results in an increase genetic variation.However, recombinant DNA can also be made artificially, in the laboratory. This wasfirst made possible by the discovery of restriction enzymes. Restriction enzymesallowed scientists to cut DNA into small, well-defined pieces that were easy to workwith. The pieces can be visualized using a technique known as gel electrophoresis, inwhich DNA molecules are separated by size. Another key technology was the ability to amplify DNA via PCR (short for “polymerasechain reaction”). Thispowerful molecular biology technique specifically amplifies asingle or a few copies of a piece of DNA by several orders of magnitude, generatingthousands to millions of copies of a particular DNA sequence. It was developed in the1980s and is now one of the most widely-used technologies in biotech. It is used both inconstructing recombinant DNA and also for exploration of genetics and genomics.In this crash course we will cover DNA structure & function, and get hands-on training inthe major techniques of biotechnology including the use of enzymes to cut and spliceDNA, PCR, gel electrophoresis, and inserting foreign DNA into bacteria. The twoprojects we will complete are 1) using mitochondrial DNA from our cheek cells to do agenotyping experiment related to ancestry and 2) genetic engineering of the bacteriumE. coli. |
30th March 2013, 06:40 PM
i hv done bsc microbiology but with one backlog of sy bsc sem 1 chemistry 1 . is there any course pls suggest.