14th August 2012, 08:27 PM
Is there any seat vacant in any college of PU? I have scored 95.3 marks with 1230 rank in general merit list
I scored a total marks 95.3 with a rank of 1230 in d general merit list under general pool displayed by p.u..is there any seat vacant in any colege of p.u. Whr i shall get admission?
2nd June 2015, 04:27 PM
May be you will get any vacant seat in PU and if found any then there are more chances that you will get admission because you got a fabulous score in both but PU provides admission on the basis of merit list so you have to fill up the forms for desired college and then check the merit list is name your mention in the list or not if not then wait for the second merit list and so on , if you doesn't checked the merit list and didn't take admission then in that case your seat will be allotted to the next student and then there is no chance to get admission in the university ,