19th October 2011, 07:26 AM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 1

What is the actual difference between Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering? Am I eligible for IES Exam being a candidate of pursuing Electrical & Electronics Engineering? How to prepare for this Exam?

my branch is "electrical & electronics" not "electrical engineering".what is the actual difference between these two branches?If i m eligible,how can i prepare for IES from second year itself?

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20th October 2011, 01:54 AM
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Default Re: What is the actual difference between Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering? Am I eligible for IES Exam being a candidate of pursuing Electrical & Electronics Engineering? How to prepare for this Exam?

What is optics
28th October 2011, 03:04 PM
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Default Re: What is the actual difference between Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering? Am I eligible for IES Exam being a candidate of pursuing Electrical & Electronics Engineering? How to prepare for this Exam?

basic difference between electronics engineering and electical engineering
29th November 2011, 01:18 PM
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Default Re: What is the actual difference between Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering? Am I eligible for IES Exam being a candidate of pursuing Electrical & Electronics Engineering? How to prepare for this Exam?

i am a 3 year ece student i will come in 4 year in july 2012 i want to that whether i am eligibile to give ies 2012
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9th March 2012, 07:48 PM
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Default Re: What is the actual difference between Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering? Am I eligible for IES Exam being a candidate of pursuing Electrical & Electronics Engineering? How to prepare for this Exam?

What is the actual difference between Electrical & Electronics Engineering
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18th June 2012, 10:09 PM
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Default Re: What is the actual difference between Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering? Am I eligible for IES Exam being a candidate of pursuing Electrical & Electronics Engineering? How to prepare for this Exam?

I am a BE second year electronics student of MU. Can i give exam in final year of my course and is there any separate exam for electronics students?
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26th September 2012, 08:17 PM
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Default Re: What is the actual difference between Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering? Am I eligible for IES Exam being a candidate of pursuing Electrical & Electronics Engineering? How to prepare for this Exam?

difference between electronics and electrical
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12th October 2012, 09:19 PM
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Default Re: What is the actual difference between Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering? Am I eligible for IES Exam being a candidate of pursuing Electrical & Electronics Engineering? How to prepare for this Exam?

as B.E. electronics am i eligible for ies?
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2nd January 2013, 10:34 PM
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Default Re: What is the actual difference between Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering? Am I eligible for IES Exam being a candidate of pursuing Electrical & Electronics Engineering? How to prepare for this Exam?

Originally Posted by qsccsq View Post
my branch is "electrical & electronics" not "electrical engineering".what is the actual difference between these two branches?If i m eligible,how can i prepare for IES from second year itself?
EE and EEE are the 2 branches that are generally found to have almost the same curriculum.
However the major differences can be categorized under following:
1} In EE you would have to study all the core subjects common with EEE and at the same time "Transmission Systems"

2} In EEE you would be required to study the core subject but rather than "transmission systems" you would have courses on "integrated circuits" and "VLSI design"

3}However the points I have mentioned are only ideal and in real world the main difference lies with the University you are attached with. For example the EEE curriculum of many IITs and the EE curicullum of some NITs is almost the same with only a couple of subjects are different when the entire curriculum is summed up.

Yes you are eligible.

You can either opt for a paper in Electrical Engineering or Electronics & Communication Engineering.

If opting for ECE you need to study right from the basics of electronics, that is --semiconductor devices, linear electronics, digital electronics, advanced electronics and some parts of IC and VLSI

if opting for EE you need to study Electrical Machines, Power Systems,Controls & Instrumentation,Power Electronics , Power Systems Operation & Control.
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3rd October 2013, 02:10 AM
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Default Re: What is the actual difference between Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering? Am I eligible for IES Exam being a candidate of pursuing Electrical & Electronics Engineering? How to prepare for this Exam?

I am a B.Tech student in Building & Construction Technology.Can I give IES exam through Civil branch...???
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17th December 2013, 02:39 PM
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Default Re: What is the actual difference between Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering? Am I eligible for IES Exam being a candidate of pursuing Electrical & Electronics Engineering? How to prepare for this Exam?

do metallurgy student are applicable for IES examination?
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