24th June 2012, 08:54 PM
What is the counseling date for Jharkhand Polytechnic?
when and where councelling date will be held i have got 43marks and cml rank is 13364 and cat rank 844 my catogary is sc . which govt.college can i get ?
28th June 2012, 11:27 AM
29th June 2012, 04:44 PM
when and where councelling date will be held i have got 43.25marks and cml rank is 13333. my catogary is general. which govt.college can i get?
plz send me details in my email- [email protected] immideatly. |
30th June 2012, 06:45 PM
When will the counselling date of jharkhand polytechnic examination.i got 99 marks n my cml rank-255 n cat rank -51.so where should i take admit n which college 4 my better future.reply me in my [email protected]
30th June 2012, 07:05 PM
When will the counselling date of jharkhand polytechnic examination.i got 99 marks n my cml rank-255 n cat rank -51.so where should i take admit n which college 4 my better future.reply me in my [email protected] i also want to know that which trade is better for me.
5th July 2012, 11:06 AM
What is d counselling date n where it will announced i hav got 85 marrks n my cml rank is 883 plz give all such information at [email protected]
7th July 2012, 12:37 PM
My name is Rahul kumar Mahato i got 53.25 marks in polytechnic . My cml rank is 7370 and cat rank is2029 .plz give me some some suggation for my better future and which trad is batter for me..in my id pk77000@gmail .com
8th July 2012, 11:50 AM
What is the date of polytechnic couciling...
I have got 63 marks and cml rank is 4013 and female rank 432, i want to know in which government college i will got admission. Plz snd it in my email id [email protected] plz reply |