22nd October 2012, 04:29 PM
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What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

hello sir
i m priyanka .i m a b.tech student of mechanical engineering.i have secured 61%
in 10th class,but i have secured very less mark in 12th that is only 49 % only .now i have 6.86 CGPA in b.tech.i realy want to work in tcs.but i m not eligibil in on campous.someone told me that i can sit in tcs off campous.so plz tell me whether i m eligibil for tcs off campous or not ?

23rd October 2012, 10:46 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

TCS is one of the top ranked IT sector company.

it recruits many B>tech candidates through on-campus and off-campus placement drives across india.

the eligibility criterion for recruitment is given below-

1.you should have minimum 60% aggregate till the previous semester.
2.you should have scored minimum 70% marks in 12th and 10th.
3.you should not have any back logs at the time of placement.
4.you should not have any year-gap in graduation.

you can apply being a final year engineering candidate.

good luck
23rd October 2012, 12:01 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Originally Posted by bisupriya View Post
hello sir
i m priyanka .i m a b.tech student of mechanical engineering.i have secured 61%
in 10th class,but i have secured very less mark in 12th that is only 49 % only .now i have 6.86 CGPA in b.tech.i realy want to work in tcs.but i m not eligibil in on campous.someone told me that i can sit in tcs off campous.so plz tell me whether i m eligibil for tcs off campous or not ?

If Your through out career marks is above 60% and you have not any Pending Backlog then you are applicable for TCS recruitment.

Sorry ,to say that you are not applicable for TCS Exam because your 12th marks is not 60% .

TCS recruitment process is 1)Written test 2)Technical Test 3)HR .Some time they conduct technical and HR process in same Time.Some time they are conduct for GD round.For Technical round you should prepare well on C , JAVA ,DS ,DBMS .

Best Books for TCS Recruitment:-

A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non Verbal Reasoning
R. S. Aggarwal
Publisher: S. Chand Publisher (2012)

Quicker Reasoning Test
Upkar Prakashan - Editorial Board
Publisher: Upkar Prakashan

Quantitative Aptitude For CPT
P. C Tulsian , Bharat Jhunjhunwala
Publisher: S. Chand Publisher (2010)

For more details about TCS , you can visit to http://www.tcs.com/
21st December 2012, 05:54 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

sir what does SSC roll number mean? Is it Staff Selection Commitee exam's roll no?
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21st December 2012, 08:50 PM
Cool Srk
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Cool Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?


I am really sorry to say but you are not eligible for TCS off campus placement.

Because TCS is top IT Company.

and we know the competition.

So try other IT Company.
Best of Luck....

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24th December 2012, 09:01 PM
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Arrow Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Originally Posted by bisupriya View Post
hello sir
i m priyanka .i m a b.tech student of mechanical engineering.i have secured 61%
in 10th class,but i have secured very less mark in 12th that is only 49 % only .now i have 6.86 CGPA in b.tech.i realy want to work in tcs.but i m not eligibil in on campous.someone told me that i can sit in tcs off campous.so plz tell me whether i m eligibil for tcs off campous or not ?

TCS is a very big organization and multinational company. This is the largest IT Company in India and so also one of the largest recruiters of freshers and experienced candidates in India.
Thus a lot of students look up to it for the start and initial break of their careers.

Now coming to the Eligibility Criteria's which TCS lays down in the On Campus recruitment drives are :-

1. You should be a minimum in your 7th semesters of your graduation or B.Tech. i.e only pre final year students can apply for its drive.
2. Minimum 60% aggregate or 6.0 CGPA till then and without any pending arrears or backlogs.
3. Should have good technical as well as communication skills.

Now their process includes : Online Aptitude Test -> Technical Interview -> HR Interview
But they also have a provision that those who have scored 75% throughout in their 10th, 12th and graduation can DIRECTLY Apply for the Interviews.

Now coming to your case, you are surely eligible for the TCS Recruitment drive in the On as well as the Off Campus. It would though depend if it issues some different Eligibility Conditions for your college. Rest you can surely apply for the TCS Off campus as well..

Remember that you should be having good technical skills and have to be very smart and confident about yourself.
To apply ONLINE for the TCS, Click Here
Hope this helps

All the best
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29th January 2013, 12:00 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Sir,i have 72% in 10th,57% in 12th and 52% in aggregate in graduation...am i eligible for tcs in off campus
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8th February 2013, 11:46 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

sir I have 67.8 % in 10th , 64.6 % in 12th n have 5.579 cgpa in chemical engg.. am I eligible ?
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8th February 2013, 11:47 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

sir...i am an engineering student ...and my 1st yr aggregate is 61.1% and 2nd yr % is 62% ..i hv pssed my 10th in 2008 and scored 72.9%..and in 12...56.4%
and nw because of my low 12 aggregate ..'m nt eliggible to qualify the enterance test of my campus plcement companies...kindly do help me...and suggst me ...wat to do nw..my branch is IT...
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8th February 2013, 11:53 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

sir I have got 67.8% in 10th , 64.6 % in 12 th but 5.579 cgpa in chemical engineering . am I eligible ?? pls reply
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8th February 2013, 07:51 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

hello friend,

TCS is MNC company which has been hire the engineering or MCA students for the job posts under their company

Eligibility for the job post under TCS:

1. you should be passed the 10th or 12th with atleast 60% marks from any recognized institute.
2. you should be passed the bachelor degree in engineering or MCA with atleast 65% marks from any recognized university.
3. your communication skill must be good.
4/ Your basic knowledge about computer like Operating system , coding etc must be good.
5./ You must be good knowledge of computer languages like JAVA, .NET etc

Selection process:
1. Aptitude/ technical questions written test
2. Interview
3. Group discussion etc

so for the off campus placement you need to be apply when TCS company issue the job offer ..

for more details : www.tcs.com

thank you!
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12th February 2013, 12:36 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

hello sir
i m saril .i m a b.tech student of IT engineering.i have secured 69.33%
in 10th class,but i have secured less mark in 12th that is only 59.69 % only .now i have 64.5 CGPA in b.tech till 4th sem.i realy want to work in tcs.but i m not eligibil in on campous.someone told me that i can sit in tcs off campous.so plz tell me whether i m eligibil for tcs off campous or not
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21st March 2013, 06:33 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

hello sir i am asim panda.i am a b.tech student of ece department.i have secured 83% marks in 10th class in 2006 and 72% marks in 12th class in 2009.so my 12th course duration is 3 years instead of 2 years.and i have taken admission b.tech in 2010 .my avg semester mark is 7.77. am i eligible for tcs? please help me
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22nd April 2013, 12:49 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

helo m soumali frm calcutta nd m frm cbse bckgrnd.i have scre 80 %in cls 10.bt i dnt opt MATHS.so may i elglble for Tcs of cmpasgn????
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30th April 2013, 10:32 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Respected sir,
I have one year of gap between my 10th and 12th examination. After 10th I have gap of one year and then completed my 11th and 12th. So please guide me and tell me that can I apply for TCS as a fresher??
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4th June 2013, 12:50 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Respected sir; I have got 84% marks in my my 10th class and 67% marks in my 12th class.so please guide me whether i would be able to to apply for TCS i my campus interviews in future in my rungta college of engineering....?
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27th June 2013, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

I don't undrstnd y evry top IT cmpny has a rule of hiring candidates whu hav a career 60%-70%.I know there is a huge competition bt isn't it unfair not to give the chance to students whu havn't secured the same %tage.Whu knows some of them may b more talented than the &0% students???
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3rd July 2013, 10:33 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

What is ssc roll?
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5th July 2013, 01:36 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

I got 77% in SSC,74.20% in intermediate,70% in Dgree(Bsc.comp) and 74.85% in MCA,am i eligible for TCS recruitment?
and tell How to prepare for placements?
thank you
my Email: [email protected]
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5th July 2013, 09:57 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Respected sir; I have got 84% marks in my my 10th class and 67% marks in my 12th class.so please guide me whether i would be able to to apply for TCS i my campus interviews in future in my rungta college of engineering....?

Below is the Minimum qualifications required to apply for Jobs in TCS:

>> Minimum 60% marks in class 10th, 12th, Diploma (if any), BE/BTECH, Masters(if any)
>> Minimum 60% marks should have been scored in these exams in your first attempt only
>> Compartment and Improvement exams marks are not considered
>> Minimum age to apply is 18 years
>> All the education should have been done through regular mode only
>> NO correspondence and distance education is allowed
>> There should not be GAP in education or Work of more than 24 months
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15th July 2013, 07:12 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

what is ssc roll no. anybody can help me?
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1st August 2013, 08:36 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Sir I have scored 75 per. in 10th and 59.8 per. in 12th and aggregate of 65per. in B.E. Am I eligible for TCS on campus placement?
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10th August 2013, 04:23 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Sir,at first I would like to convey my heartiest thanx to TCS for giving us the oppurtunity to be a part of TCS family.I'm a student of CSE,4th year of Kalyani Government Engg. College. Sir I will be glad if I got a chance to be the part of TCS,though I have a question that I have secured 70.44% in 10th & 62% in HS,but my current CGPA in B.TECH upto 6th sem is 6.68.TCS is coming to our college on the middle of September.

so I would like to know if I'm eligible to attend the oncampus process of TCS in my college? I'm looking forward to get a reply soon.thanking you.
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16th August 2013, 09:46 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Sir,I hv scored 78.4% in 12th standard bt in 10th i scored only 56.4% & my aggregrate upto 6th sem in B.E is 6.6pointers ..am i eligible sir for TCS?
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9th September 2013, 05:43 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

my name is meenakshi i had scored 59 % in 10th ..74% in 12th bca vid 67% and mca agg till scnd sem is 68% ..nd was non math student..sir m i elligible for tcs or not..
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13th September 2013, 09:22 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

I am currently doing my 4th year b.tech. I have 70% in my 10th, 65% in my 2, 70% in b.tech with 2 backlogs so i am not eligible for tcs on campus. Please tell me if i am eligible for tcs off compus or not. If yes please give me the details.
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14th September 2013, 12:28 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Hi Friend.......................

TCS stands for TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES and it is the top most and the big popular software company which comes under the top 10 software companies

If you are the Completed from the following courses then you can apply for the TCS otherwise not:-



(c)B.Sc IT




If Your through out career marks is above 60% and you have not any Pending Backlog then you are applicable for TCS recruitment.

TCS recruitment process is 1)Written test 2)Technical Test 3)HR .Some time they conduct technical and HR process in one process.For Technical round you should prepare well on C , JAVA ,DS ,DBMS .

For HR round you must have good communication skill .

Sorry to say that you are not applicable for TCS Exam because your 10th marks is not 60% .

For more details about TCS , you can visit to http://www.tcs.com/
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14th September 2013, 01:28 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Hi friend..........

Eligibility of TCS:

You should complete the Graduation from recognized University.

You required the 60% of marks in Graduation.

You need the 60% of marks percentage your aggregate of career.

You have no Pending Backlogs.

The study gap is min 2 years.

All the best............
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14th September 2013, 03:02 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Eligibility criteria for TCS:

Candidate should have Bachelor degree with minimum 60% of marks in all your academics.

No backlogs or arrears allowed.

Candidate should have good communication skills.

Should have basic Knowledge on technical skills.

Selection Process:

Written test.
Technical Interview.
HR & Personal Interview.

All The BEst!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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14th September 2013, 11:17 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

I am venkatesh, studying MCA final year . I want to really work in TCS company,but i have scored 66% in 10th,54.57% in 12th ,73% in UG ,7.8 CGPA(upto 4th sem).somebody say to join in TCS ,minimum 60% is needed..... help me how can get my place in TCS
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14th September 2013, 02:50 PM
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Arrow Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Originally Posted by bisupriya View Post
hello sir
i m priyanka .i m a b.tech student of mechanical engineering.i have secured 61%
in 10th class,but i have secured very less mark in 12th that is only 49 % only .now i have 6.86 CGPA in b.tech.i realy want to work in tcs.but i m not eligibil in on campous.someone told me that i can sit in tcs off campous.so plz tell me whether i m eligibil for tcs off campous or not ?

First of all I need to inform you that your academic results do not reflect your sincerity and dedication towards work. TCS is one of the most successful IT companies and I appreciate your dream to work in the same, but you may not flourish even in it with this attitude. You have to learn to work hard and honestly towards your studies, work and office job.

TCS stands for TATA Consultancy Services. It is the largest IT Service company in India and recruits many candidates from on campus as well as off campus. Now since you were not able to apply on campus for this company, the only option that you have right now is to apply off campus and wait till there are any business requirements so that they may call you for selection.

Now the procedure to apply for off campus in TCS is quite simple. Please follow the steps mentioned below:

1. Click Here to go to the TCS Next Step portal

2. There you would have to select off campus and then register yourself.

3. They would generate a DT Number for you that you have to save and make a password for your profile.

4. You may call on the given helpline to know your candidature status as well so that they can let you know about the successful application.

5. You have to wait after that till they have relevant business requirment for their company and at different locations.

Follow the above mentioned steps to successfully apply for TCS Off campus.


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20th September 2013, 01:14 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

i am pritypriya i have 64.5% in 10th
60.3% in 12
72%in bca
and in mca my agreegate is 8.33 with no back paper and no gaps so am i eligible for direct interview of campus drive.
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20th September 2013, 02:58 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

TCS recruits B.sc (computer science/IT), B.tech, BCA, MCA students.

to get a chance in TCS
you must have 60% in graduation, (10+2) &10th standard.
no Pending Backlogs are allowed.
your communication skill must be good..

Selection process:
1. Aptitude/ technical written test
2. GD
3. Interview

Good Luck...
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20th September 2013, 04:58 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

If Your through out career marks is above 60% and you have not any Pending Backlog then you are applicable for TCS recruitment.

Sorry ,to say that you are not applicable for TCS Exam because your 12th marks is not 60% .

TCS recruitment process is 1)Written test 2)Technical Test 3)HR .Some time they conduct technical and HR process in same Time.Some time they are conduct for GD round.For Technical round you should prepare well on C , JAVA ,DS ,DBMS .

Best Books for TCS Recruitment:-

A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non Verbal Reasoning
R. S. Aggarwal
Publisher: S. Chand Publisher (2012)

Quicker Reasoning Test
Upkar Prakashan - Editorial Board
Publisher: Upkar Prakashan

Quantitative Aptitude For CPT
P. C Tulsian , Bharat Jhunjhunwala
Publisher: S. Chand Publisher (2010)

For more details about TCS , you can visit to http://www.tcs.com
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25th September 2013, 04:30 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Hi, I am aditi. I am a 4th year Btech Student & have specialization in IT.
I have 71.44% in 10th, 66% in 12th and in the previous semester I have all total in avg 7.5points. Am I elligible for an Off-Campus in TCS? I really want to work in TCS, i really need the information.
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3rd October 2013, 11:03 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

I am priyanka Hegde......I am studyng in 4th year og engineering.I got 78 per n SSLC,&@ PER N 12th std..I hv 63 per of aggregate till 6th sem of,have 1 current back log...can I get eligibility in TCS after getting cleared that subject??????Please reply
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21st October 2013, 01:21 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

what should i fill in the ssc roll no block of the registeration form of tcs. should i fill in the seat no. written in scc marksheet or sr. no of the marksheet
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21st October 2013, 05:54 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

I am Soma..............I am studying in 4th yr (ECE)........I got 79.4% in 10th and 69.6% in 12th..nd 72% till 6th sem..i hv no backlogs..bt a year gap between 12th and b.tect 1st year..am i eligible to apply for TCS OFF campus????Plz reply...TCS is my dream company......and i vl my 100% to get a job at TCS....plz reply....
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3rd November 2013, 01:12 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

sir i am suman kabra of ece 4th year.....i secured 85% in 10th n 80% in 12th...n 73% till 6th sem.....bt unfortunatly i gt 1 bak in 6th sem...bt m definately sure it ll b cleared on reveal result...sir tcs ll be visting our college on 18 th of this month oncampus.....n i dnt wan to miss this opportunity....sir i assure u m clear from the starting n due to delay of my reveal result i ll nt able to sit oncampus??...........sir plzz help m....
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4th December 2013, 09:37 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

What is SSC roll no means ?
whether it is 2 / 10th
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25th December 2013, 11:53 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Hello sir,
I am sivaranjani of Electronics and communication engineering final year i have secured 77.7% upto 6th sem,73% in 10th ,66.66% in 12th but i have a backlogs in 6th sem but i have a confident it will be cleared sir..i am eligible to off campus ah sir..really my main aim was to place in tcs and have to work with a great effort....pls reply me sir i am waiting for this...
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5th January 2014, 12:02 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Sir, Am Mukesh, I scored 67% in 10th and 66% in 12th and in Cpga I scored 6.2 percent, so can I attend tcs interview.
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9th January 2014, 11:42 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

what is ssc roll number? Is it the secondary school leaving certificate number? otherwise what else?
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18th January 2014, 01:13 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

I am Shwetha.
i have 85.4% in 10th,77.2%in 12th and my btech in computer science aggregate is 62%.Is a min of 60% reqired in each semester?

Hoping for a reply soon....
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8th February 2014, 09:41 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

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9th February 2014, 11:25 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Having secured 49% of marks in B.Tech course, you are not eligible to appear for the TCS recruitment procedure. The reason being you are not fulfilling the required eligibility criteria for TCS requirement.

Here it is,

One should be a candidate of career 60 having scored a minimum of 60% of marks in all the academic levels.

There should not be any pending backlogs for the candidates.

The academic gap of the candidates should not be more than 2 years.

As you are from Mechanical Engineering, you should have minimum computer knowledge like MS-Office and C Language.

As per this criteria, you can not apply for TCS.

Not only TCS requirement, you are not eligible to get job opportunity in any of the MNCs due to your low percentage of marks in your 12th class.

Rather than off campus placements, I suggest you to go for on campus placements. The reason being, in the case of on campus placements, some companies will hire the candidates on the basis of your percentage of marks only in your Graduation.

So, your chances of getting job opportunities in MNCs are less. Better to join in the job with small companies.

Try to work there for a period of 2-3 years so that you will gain good work experience.

Then you can make your entry into MNCs on the basis of that experience.

You don't need to worry about jobs in small companies. You can learn a lot in small companies.

Wish you all the best.
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18th February 2014, 07:15 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Hello Sir,
Iam Karthik, i have scored 75.9% in 10th, 58.75% in 12th, 55% in UG (LOYOLA COLLEGE) & my current CGPA 7.6 upto 5th semester in MCA.

Am i eligible for TCS recruitment ..?

So shall i apply for TCS recruitment or any other MNCs. Please clear my doubt.
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18th February 2014, 07:23 PM
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Default Re: Am i eligible for TCS On/off campus?

Hello Sir,
Iam Karthik,
I scored 75.9% in 10th,
58.75% in 12th,
55% in Bsc Statistics in LOYOLA COLLEGE

Am i eligible for TCS recruitment ..?
or shall i apply for any MNCs..?
Please clear my doubt..
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19th February 2014, 01:06 AM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

Hello Sir,
Iam Karthik, i have scored 75.9% in 10th, 58.75% in 12th, 55% in UG (LOYOLA COLLEGE) & my current CGPA 7.6 upto 5th semester in MCA.

Am i eligible for TCS recruitment ..?

So shall i apply for TCS recruitment or any other MNCs. Please clear my doubt
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28th May 2014, 06:38 PM
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Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria of TCS off campus?

hello sir i am devraj student of be 6 sem, i got 70% in 12th, 68% in 10th and my current cgpa is 6.6 point. can i eligible for on campus.
please help me sir
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