1st March 2018, 11:57 PM
What is the eligibility and how to apply for Optometry course?
Which course are available at graduate level to study Optometry? What is the eligibility criteria for those courses? How to apply for those course? By which dates should I apply and what will be estimated cost?
13th May 2018, 02:56 PM
Re: What is the eligibility and how to apply for Optometry course?
There are below mentioned universities which offer the course : >> AIIMS, New Delhi >> Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune >> NIMS University, Jaipur >> SRM University, Kanchipuram >> Manipal University, Manipal Eligibility Criteria for Admission:10+2 from a recognized university with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as main subjects. Course Duration: The Course Duration will be of 4 years. The exam pattern will be annual. Admission:Admission is granted on the basis of Entrance exam followed by counselling. Course Fee: Course fee is 3-4 Lacs. Average Salary: Average salary is somewhere around 4-5 Lacs in a year which increases as you gain experience. |
15th May 2018, 11:55 AM
Re: What is the eligibility and how to apply for Optometry course?
Optometry courses in Graduation level:
>>B.Opto( Bachelor of Optometry) >>B.Sc( Bachelor of Science) Eligibility: >> Candidates should complete class 10+2 in science stream with PCM. They should secure minimum 55% marks at aggregate to get admission in the above mentioned courses in good colleges. Procedure to Apply: >>Visit the official website of the college in which you want to study. >> Fill the application form and pay the required fees online and submit the form. >> The college will make a merit list on the basis of class 10+2 performance or the entrance exam conducted by the college authority. If you are selected, then you will study there. Fees: >> The fees of above mentioned courses will vary colkege to college. In average, it will cost 2 to 6 lakhs rupees(INR) for the full course. |