4th March 2018, 08:12 AM
What is the eligibility for Special Class Railway Apprentice (SCRA)?
My age is 21 years old and belong to OBC caste category. Am I eligible for Special Class Railway Apprentice (SCRA)? Is there any age relaxation for OBC candidates?
12th March 2018, 08:43 AM
SCRA refers to Special Class Railway Apprentice and same examination was held by UPSC once every year till 2015 for selection of deserving candidates for providing education and training before their recruitment in Indian Railways.
As far as you are concerned about the age limit for appearing in SCRA then it is not worthy as SCRA is not held now. But, for your information I would like to let you know that in case of SCRA the age limit for all candidates ( regardless of the category they belong ) was 17 years to 21 years. |
12th March 2018, 01:50 PM
Eligibility criteria for SCRA:
1. Candidate must have passed their intermediate/class 12th examination with Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry should be studied as one of the main subjects in the examination. 2. Candidate must have secured first or second class in the exam. 3. Candidate should have completed the graduation. 4. Age limit: 17-21 years. 5. Age relaxation will be completely based on the rules of UPSC. Yes, you are eligible for this exam. |
12th March 2018, 04:25 PM
![]() Quote:
Eligibility : - Candidate must be a Citizen of India. - A candidate must have attained the age of 17 years and must not have attained the age of 21 years. Upper age limit is relaxable in certain categories; Sc/ST upto 5 years, OBC upto 3 years, Defense service personnel upto 5 years. - Candidate should have passed 10+2 with Mathematics and at least one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as subject of the examination or its equivalent. Since, you belong to OBC category and yes there is an age relaxation for OBC candidates that is upper age limit for OBC category is 17 years - 24 years. So, yes, you are eligible for SCRA examination. |
12th March 2018, 04:26 PM
SCRA is Special Class Railway Apprentice and now no SCRA examination is conducted which was earlier conducted by UPSC.
So, you are not eligible to appear for examination. |
12th March 2018, 05:54 PM
First thing I would like to let you know that SCRA refers to Special Class Railway Apprentice and it was held by UPSC once every year till 2015.
--> The minimum eligibility criteria required for appearing in SCRA examination till it was held were as here under :- * You must be an Indian citizen with your age must lie within 17 years to 21 years. There is no provision of age relaxation for any category candidates. * You must have completed your Class 12th PCM group with at least 45% marks from a recognized board of education. |
12th March 2018, 06:35 PM
The age limit for SCRA exam is 17-21 years for open category candidates. Upper age relaxation applicable to candidates of reserved category. OBC candidates will have three years upper age relaxation and SC/ST candidates have five years upper age relaxation
SCRA examination has been scrapped from 2016. It is no more conducted by Union Public Service Commission. |
12th March 2018, 09:39 PM
Union Public Service Commission does not conduct Special Class Railway Apprentice examination. It is terminated from 2016.
Earlier, age limit was 17-21 years for general candidates. Three years upper age relaxation to OBC and five years to SC/ST candidates. |
12th March 2018, 11:56 PM
Requirements for SCRA examination;
Academic qualification: PCM subjects in 12th from a recognized board. Age limit: 17-21 years for general category. For OBC, upper age limit is 24 years and for SC/ST candidates is 26 years. But for your kind information, SCRA is no longer conducted at national level. |
13th March 2018, 12:04 AM
Sorry, now no SCRA examination is conducted.
Earlier the examination was conducted by UPSC for recruitment in Indian Railway as an officer after 12th. But, UPSC did not conduct the examination after 2015. So, no chance of appearing for the examination. |