19th March 2012, 10:18 PM
What are the new rules of SSC 10th class?
I want know what is the new rules of ssc 10th class....please tell me what aer they
3rd July 2013, 12:23 PM
There is good news for students appearing for SSC and HSC examinations as the state board has decided to give them two chances to better their scores.
Under the state board class improvement scheme,students who have appeared for either Their SSC or HSC board exam had the option of surrendering their mark sheet to the state board and appear for the same exam once during the October examination session to better their scores. "Earlier,students had the option of bettering their scores by appearing for the exam again in October.Now,they can appear for the exam twice,once in March and then in October.They can choose the best score out of the three exams and this score will be considered,"said state board secretary K Patil. He added that students who appeared for their board exams in February-March 2012 and those the students can re-appear for the exam to be held in March this year. |
21st November 2013, 10:03 PM
I want know what is the new rules of ssc 10th class....please tell me what aer they