10th November 2012, 08:52 PM
What is the procedure to become a Airline Pilot
Iam in class ten right now and i want to becme an airline pilt but not an airforce pilot. I only have little knowledge about it moreover I am not tall enough and iI also wear glasses.thereforeI want to know that can I ever be a pilot.
28th August 2013, 08:13 PM
hello friend ,
To become a pilot there is a procedure for it. after completion of 10th inter choose mpc branch. next in 12th apply for any entranc exam like eamcet,aieee,iit-jee.iit.etc. if you get a good rank in that you have a choice to get a aeronautical engineering seat in top college. ane cource is a way to become a pilot. ane cource duration 4 years. ok. all the best. |
16th April 2014, 03:14 PM
What is the prosedure after 12th for pilot and their is any pilot corses or collages are available in mumbai i am science student please explain me what to do now