24th July 2011, 05:50 PM
Join Date: Jul 2011
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what is the scope for food and technology?

I have done Bsc Agriculture from GB Pant University during this year. Due to limited vacancy in particular subject in agriculture, I have been offered Food and Technology. Is there job scope in this field ? should I do this or not. I am little bit confused. please guide me. I am a girl and want to no the job field for my self.

23rd August 2011, 05:29 PM
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Default Re: what is the scope for food and technology?

A Food Scientist studies the physical, microbiological & chemical makeup of food. Depending on their area of specialization, food scientist may develop ways to process, preserve, pack, or store food, according to industry & government specifications & regulations.

The importance of food science & food industry has greatly enhanced in scenario of India today. India is an agricultural country. It is self sufficient as far as productions or agricultural yield is concerned. In fact, India is the second largest producer of fruits & vegetables in the world.

The candidates who have completed B.tech in food technology are creating ground breaking opportunities for themselves as the food industry is an emerging industry.

This course offers great opportunities in companies such as
Metro diary and such others.

You can best jobs in terms of packages as well as environment.

You may also have foreign prospect which were increased three folds from the last 3 years.

The food firms of foreign countries like US and Australia will give special preference to indian candidates.

After a degree course the scope of getting a job is increases, as student
have more knowledge about the subject and industrial techniques.

->Can apply for job in the food corporation of India.

-> Other government job like public Service commission jobs.

->Private food sector do required food technologists. You can look for when they recruit and apply for a suitable post.

->You can get a job in the company in which you have undergone

->After B.Tech in food Technology you can do M.Tech or MBA.
23rd August 2011, 06:27 PM
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Default Re: what is the scope for food and technology?

food specialist studied about the chemical & physical influence of foods things , also know how to preserve them to spoil . After a degree course the scope of getting a job is increases, as student
have more knowledge about the subject and industrial techniques.they Can apply for job in the food corporation of India. Other government job like public Service commission jobs.Private food sector do required food technologists. You can look for when they recruit and apply for a suitable post.You can get a job in the company in which you have undergone
23rd August 2011, 06:46 PM
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Default Re: what is the scope for food and technology?

[QUOTEDefault what is the scope for food and technology?

Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/what-scope-food-technology-298540.html#ixzz1VqyjJfSU

Hello friend

There are scopes in each and every field and stream just difference is that how you utilise it

REGRADING SCOPE IN food and technology
i would inform you that nowdays with changing lifestyles this is the best upconing filed in medical science //dietics

You can work as a Senior scientist -Food science ,Basic research

You can work as a Executive scientist in food science

You can work as a production officer

You can work as a manager in any leading food industries if you have experience

and many other job opputunities are there in field of academics also etc in the field of food and medical science
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23rd August 2011, 09:36 PM
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Default Re: what is the scope for food and technology?

see this attachment for the scope of Food technology.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Scope of Food Technology in India and Abroad.pdf(217.3 KB, 309 views)
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15th November 2011, 06:15 PM
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Default Re: what is the scope for food and technology?

hello friend
to tell you about the scope for food and technology sector there are ample of opportunity

REGRADING SCOPE IN food and technology
i would inform you that nowdays with changing lifestyles this is the best upcoming filed

You can work as a Senior scientist -Food science ,Basic research

You can work as a Executive scientist in food science

You can work as a production officer

You can work as a manager in any leading food industries if you have experience
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9th April 2012, 08:30 PM
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Default Re: what is the scope for food and technology?

is there any scope for food technology?which college is better to do food technology?
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12th May 2012, 10:48 AM
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Default Re: what is the scope for food and technology?

what is the scope in BE food processing and preservation in coimbatore
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20th May 2012, 11:18 AM
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Default Re: what is the scope for food and technology?

i got air 401 and obc 186 rank in aieea exam by icar . i just passed 12th this year . what are scopes for me
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31st August 2012, 10:00 PM
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 161
Default Re: what is the scope for food and technology?

Food Technology & Processing

Next to breath, life of Human being is solely dependent on Food and health, and hence the importance of food technology in keeping us healthy can never be overlooked.

The fast paced life of today has ushered in the era of convenience food or more popularly the fast food culture in our country. On one hand this has led to the growing demand for packed and processed food and on the other it has made the consumer more quality and nutrition conscious. All these factors pose a very encouraging picture on the future of Food Processing Industry in India.

The FPI encompasses basic foods like wheat and rice products and the processes for converting them into edible form; besides processed foods such as bakery & confectionery products, dairy products, meat & fish products, fruit & vegetable products in short, everything which is processed and packaged to enhance and prolong the edible life.

This technology has indeed revolutionized the food habits of the people in our country by having cooked and packed foods in attractive packages in their homes.

Food Technology Eligibility Criteria

  • Some universities in India offer degree courses in food technology and food science. There are also institutes offering postgraduate courses in specialized aspects of food processing.
  • Candidates with PCM or PCB at 10+2 level can opt for under graduate courses in food technology, food science and home science.
  • For admission to M.Sc( Food science/food technology), eligibility criteria is B.Sc.( Food science/food technology).
Food Technology Personal Skills

As this career requires intense research; hence aspirants for this field must have inquisitive mind-set, commitment to the profession and keen observation skills. As research in this field is often a team work, hence a food technologist must also be a team player.

Technology, one can find jobs in the following areas:
  • With the food processing companies engaged in R&D of the highest quality of food products as they constantly require the services of skilful food technologists.
  • With the packaging companies which conduct research on best modes of preservation of food-items.
  • With Research laboratories which are evaluating and analyzing the food ingredients present in the products.
  • With manufacturing industries, where a food technologist can contribute the area of monitoring the storage, processing, hygiene temperatures and experimenting etc.
  • With research laboratories to conduct R&D, test current food products and to take measures to manage the overall food quality.
  • Also with Public sector undertakings in the Department of food of the government.
Hence there is a plethora of opportunities for food technologists, mainly in institutions like hotels, food industries, quality control, hospitals, packaging industries, distilleries, soft drink factories and rice mills etc.

Today being a food technologist is all about success and quick career growth. To start as a fresher/ trainee, one can earn a salary ranging from Rs.8000 to Rs.15000 per month. As a food technologist gains some expertise in the field, sky is the limit for him as far as remunerations and other benefits are concerned.

Food Technology Institutes & Courses
  • B.Sc with food technology
University of Delhi
Delhi 110007

  • B.Sc with food technology
Manipur University
Imphal 795003

  • B.Sc. with Food & Nutrition
Dr. Babasabeb Ambedhar Marathawada University
Aurangabad 431004

  • B.Sc with food technology
Mahatma Gandhi University
Priyadarshini, Hills PO, Kottayam 686560

  • B.Sc. with Food and Nutrition
Kakatiya University,
Warangal 506009

  • B.Sc. with Food and Nutrition
University of Calcutta
Calcutta 700073

  • Diploma Course Food Analysis and Quality Assurance/Food Science Technology
University of Mysore
Crawford Hall, Mysore 570005

  • B.Sc. with Food Preservation
University of Madras
Madras 600005

  • B.Sc. with Food Technology
Manipur University
Imphal 795003

  • Mahatama Gandhi University
Priyadarshini Hills PO
Kottayam 686560

  • B.Tech. (Food Engineering)
Chitrakoot Gramodaya Visbwavidyalaya
Distt. Satna 485331.

  • Jadavpur University (after B.Sc.)
Calcutta 700032

  • Kanpur University
Kanpur 208024 (UP)(M.Tech. is also available)

  • B. Sc. Tech (after B.Sc)
Nagpur University
Nagpur 440001

  • University of Bombay
Fort, Mumbai 400032 (M.Sc. Tech is available in Food Tech. & Fermentation Tech.)

  • M.Sc. (Food Science)
Andhra University
Visakhapatnam 530003 (A.P.)

  • M.Sc. Food Technology
Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology
Pantnagar 263145 (UP) (M.Sc. in Food and Nutrition is available)

  • M.Sc. in Food & Fermentation Technology and Food Sc.
Tech Guru Nanak Dev University
Amritsar - 143005 (Punjab)

  • M.Sc. (Food and Nutrition)
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Coimbatore 641003

  • University of Agricultural Sciences
Krishinagar, Dharwad 580005

  • M.Sc. (Food and Nutrition)
University of Mysore

  • Diploma Courses Food Analysis and Quality Assurance/Food Science Technology
University of Mysore
Crawford Hall, Mysore 570005

  • Food Science Preservation/Management and Food Sc. Technology
SNDT Women's University
1, Nathibai Thackersay Road, Mumbai - 400020
University of Madras

  • Centenary of Madras
Centenary Buildings, Chepauk
Chennai 600005

  • M.Sc. Food Technology
Guru Jambheshwar University
Hisar. (DOU 27112007)
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27th May 2015, 10:24 AM
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Default Re: what is the scope for food and technology?

What the scope of bsc food technology and quality assurance at abroad ?
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1st December 2015, 02:24 PM
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Default Re: what is the scope for food and technology?

Hi, I have completed my BASc. in food technology from DU and masters in food science and technology from CCS meerut in 2007.I worked as a research analyst in flavours industry for a very short duration and then had to leave my job due to family circumstances. Now I want to get again into my field.I am totally off the track right now. Please tell me from where I can start or do I need to do some short term course first. As in next coming years we will be shifting Base to Australia and I want to work there in my field. Please suggest me.
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