23rd August 2011, 08:27 PM
What should I do to apply for a job while in Final Year ECE?
i am studying final ece,i will passed out in the year of ,now onwards i want apply for the job,what i can do?
27th September 2011, 02:39 PM
There are many jobs which have the opportunity for the final year engineering students to apply for. But on the other hand the candidates should complete the course by the time of selection process of a job if you get short listed for a job. You need to submit your educational certificates at the time of joining for a job. Most of the companies such as SAIL, ONGC, and NTPC etc call in for students as per the requirements. You can also appear for competitive examinations such as banking etc while being in the final year. Hence look in for the notifications regarding the various jobs who also call the final year engineering students for various posts and apply accordingly.