16th March 2013, 09:12 PM
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 2

What is the syllabus of OCES?

if anyone could find the syllabus of oces 2013 syllabus for ece please do mail me at [email protected]

17th March 2013, 07:20 PM
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 5
Default Re: What is the syllabus of OCES?

Originally Posted by sindhubj View Post
if anyone could find the syllabus of oces 2013 syllabus for ece please do mail me at [email protected]
Selection to OCES/DGFS-2013 is a 2-step process: Screening to short-list candidates followed by Selection Interviews of the short-listed candidates. There is a separate selection process for each of the disciplines except for RSE (code 44), which is available only as an additional option to applicants for Physics and Chemistry disciplines (codes 41 and 42).
1. Screening for the Engineering disciplines (codes 21-29) is based on two alternative methods:
(a) Cut-off GATE Score (GATE-2013) for short-listing candidates for Selection Interviews will be declared on the Online Application Portal for Engineering disciplines, in the first week of April, 2013. Candidates in Civil Engineering will be short-listed for Selection Interviews only on the basis of a valid GATE-2013 score.
(b) Online Test: It will be conducted in each of the seven Engineering disciplines (codes 21-27) except Civil Engineering (Code 29). Candidates who do not opt for GATE or who do not qualify on the basis of a GATE-2013 Score may take the Online Test. Travel Allowance is not paid for appearing in it. Online Test will be held in the end of April 2013.
2. Screening for Science disciplines (codes 41-43 & 45-46) is based on two alternative methods:
a) Written Test: It is conducted in each of the above mentioned disciplines (codes 41-43 & 45-46). Travel Allowance is not paid for appearing in it. Written Test is scheduled on Sunday, February 24, 2013.
b) GATE Score: In this case, merit list in each of the Science disciplines (codes 41-43 & 45-46) is prepared on the basis of a valid GATE-2013 Score of the applicants. Cut-off GATE score and Written Test marks for short listing candidates for Selection Interviews in each discipline are decided after the last date of receipt of applications.
c) Science candidates have the option of utilizing either one or both of the screening avenues detailed above.
d) Students graduating with a Masters Degree from University of Mumbai – Department of Atomic Energy Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences (UM-DAE CBS) and National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar, and whose Cumulative Grade Performance Average (CGPA) is greater than or equal to 7.5 on a scale of 10 will directly be screened into the Selection Interview stage, provided they meet all other eligibility requirements of the OCES/DGFS-2013 program. Such candidates should first apply for OCES/DGFS-2013 program on the Online Application Portal and subsequently forward their details through the Directors of their institutes.
Selection Interviews of short-listed candidates will be conducted in BARC Training School, Mumbai. Outstation applicants will be paid to-and-fro second-class sleeper train fare by shortest route or actual fare, whichever is
less. Probable period of Selection Interviews is during May-June, 2013. Names and Selection Interview dates of
short-listed candidates in Science disciplines will be declared on the website http://oces.hbni.ac.in in the second week of April, 2013. Short-listed candidates in Engineering disciplines, qualified on the basis of a GATE score will be able to choose an Interview slot, based on availability, on the website designated for Online Applications in the Engineering disciplines, in the second week of April, 2013 onwards whereas short-listed Engineering candidates
qualified on the basis of Online Test will be able to choose an Interview slot based on availability on the same website in the second week of May, 2013.

Final Selection is solely on the basis of performance in Selection Interview, subject to medical fitness. This Selection Process will also be used for selecting candidates for research based academic programs and for
Diploma in Radiological Physics program of HBNI. Eligibility criteria and associated details will be advertised separately.

So it will require the gate syllabus and online exam syllabus:
Gate 2013 Syllabus for Electronics And Communication

NETWORK: Network graphs:matrices associated with graphs; incidence, fundamental cut set and fundamental circuit matrices. Solution methodsl; nodal and mesh analysis. Network theorems; superposition, Thevenin and Nortan's, maximum power transfer, wye-delta transformation, steady state sinusoidal analysis using phasors, fourier series, linear constant coefficient differential and difference equations; time domain analysis of simple RLC circuits. laplace and Z transforms: frequency domain analysis of RLC circuits, convolution,2-port network parameters, driving point and transfer functions, state equation for networks.

characteristics and equivalent circuits(large and small singnal) of diodes,BJT,JFETs and MOSFET simple diode circuits: clipping, clamping, rectifier, biasing and bias stability of transistior and FET amplifiers. Amplifiers: single and multi-stage, differential, operational, feedback and power. Analysis of amplifers; frequency response of amplifiers. Simple op-amp circuits. Filters. Sinusoidal oscillators; criterion for oscillation; single-transistor and op-amp configurations. Function generators and wave-shaping circuits, Power supplies.

Boolean algebra; minimization of boolean functions; logic gates; digital IC families( DTL,TTL,ECL,MOS,CMOS). Combinational circuits: airthmetic circuits, code converters, multiplexers and decoders. Sequential circuits: latches and flip-flops, counters and shift-registers. Comparators, timers, multivibrators. Sample and hold circuits, ADCs and DACs. Semiconductor memories. Microprocessor (8085): architecture, programming, memory and I/O interfacing.

Basic control system components; block diagrammatic descripption,reduction of block diagrams,properties of systems: linearity,time-invariance,stability,causality.Open loop and closed loop (feedback) systems.Special properties of linear time- invariance(LTI) systems-transfer function, impulse responce,poles,zeros,their significance, and stability analysis of these systems. Signal flow graphs and their use in determining transfer functions of systems; transient and steaty state analysis of LTI system and frequency responce. Tools and techniques for LTI control system analysis: Root, loci, Routh_Hurwitz criterion, Bode and Nyquist plots; Control system compensators: elements of lead and lag compensations, elements ofPropotional-integral.
-Derivative(PID) control. State variable representation and solution of state equation for LTI systems.

Fourier analysis of signals - amplitude, phase and power spectrum, auto-correlation and cross-correlation and their Fourier transforms. Signal transmission through linear time-invariant(LTI) systems,impulse responce and frequency responce,group delay phase delay. Analog modulation systems-amplitude and angle modulation and demodulation systems, spectral analysis of these operations, superheterodyne receivers, elements of hardwares realizations of analog communications systems. Basic sampling theorems. Pulse code modulation(PCM), differential pulse code modulation(DPCM), delta modulation(DM). Digital modulation schemes: amplitude, phase and frequency shift keying schemes(ASK,PSK,FSK). Multiplexing - time division and frequency division. Additive Gaussian noise; characterization using correlation, probability density function(PDF),power spectral density(PSD). Signal- to-noise rasio(SNR) calculations for amplitude modulation(AM) and frequency modulation(FM) for low noise conditions.

Elements of vector calculus: gradient, dicergence and curl; Gauss and strokes theorems, maxwells equation: differential and integral forms. Wave equation. Poynting vector. Plane wavwes: propagation through various media; reflection and refraction; phase and group velocity; skin depth Transmission lines: Characteristic impedence; impedence transformation; smith chart; impedence matching pulse excitation. Wave guides: modes in rectangular waveguides; boundary conditions; cutt-off frequencies; dipersion relations. Antennas; Dipole antennas; antenna arrays; radiation pattern; reciprocity theorem; antenna gain.

2. Online exam syllabus:
The above gate syllabus is also applicable for online exam.
25th March 2013, 07:38 PM
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Default Re: What is the syllabus of OCES?

29th March 2013, 08:13 PM
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Default Re: What is the syllabus of OCES?

pls mail me syllabus for instrumentation.. mail id s [email protected]
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17th February 2014, 04:38 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What is the syllabus of OCES?

can you pls send me syllabus of BARC screening test for mechanical engineering
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26th February 2015, 03:10 PM
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 2
Default Re: What is the syllabus of OCES?

please mail me the syllabus for the online entrance exam for barc-oces training school selection my mail id [email protected]
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