6th September 2015, 09:48 PM
Can I opt for only one subject in Indian Forest Service Mains? Whether total marks will be counted out of 1000 marks?
If I choose Civil Engineering subject in Mains in Indian Forest Service exam than second subject selection is needed or only 1 subject) is sufficient? If yes, then is it true that my Mains exam will be counted out of 1000 marks instead of 1400? |
12th September 2015, 12:12 AM
IFS - Indian Forest Service exam
This exam is conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) EXAM PATTERN : * Preliminary examination - two papers of 200 marks each (Objective type). * Mains examination - six papers among which 2 papers are of 300 marks each and remaining 4 papers are of 200 marks each (Written exam and Interview) MAINS EXAM : * Paper 1 - General English (300 marks). * Paper 2 - General Knowledge (300 marks). * The candidate have to choose 2 subjects for the paper-3,4,5,6. The two subjects will consists of 2 papers each which are of 200 marks. The candidates can choose only one subjects if he/ she chooses the Engineering subjects like Civil engineering, Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering and Chemical engineering otherwise the candidate have to choose two subjects. Therefore the maximum marks for mains examination is 1400 marks. |