16th March 2015, 07:29 PM
Posts: n/a

When the notification will be release for English Typist post in WBPSC? Selection process of this recruitment?

I want to apply for English Typist post in WBPSC.
Kindly tell me when the notification will release?
And also I want to know about the selection process.
Kindly confirm me asap. Thank you.

11th July 2017, 07:28 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Andhra Pradesh
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Default Re: When the notification will be release for English Typist post in WBPSC? Selection process of this recruitment?

You are required to register yourself with the West Bengal PSC first to apply for this recruitment.

This is a one time registration and who have registered earlier themselves with PSC need not to do registration again. You are required to apply online and you will get getting notified based on the concerned recruitment.

You can apply for this recruitment from the link that is given below. You will be given username and Password and you need to click on the "Instruction to candidate" that is under Candidate's corner.

There are three rounds basically,

>> Paper I: English:- Precis writing, Essay writing, Grammar, Drafting of a report

>> Paper II:- Typing in English
For 10 minutes - at 40 words per minute

>> Paper III:- Dictation and Transcription

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