26th March 2018, 05:35 PM
Job opportunities for PhD(Mechanical Engineering) aspirant?
I am interested to do PhD in Mechanical Engineering. Actually my aim is to work in NASA. So, I would like to know about the job opportunities available for me through this course.
30th April 2018, 07:15 PM
Job positions of Ph.D (Mechanical Engineering) aspirants are:-
Engineer Junior Engineer Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer Mechanical Engineer Researcher Teacher Lecturer |
22nd May 2023, 08:35 PM
There are many job opportunities for PhD Mechanical Engineering aspirants. Some of the most common career paths include:
Research and Development Engineer Research and Development Engineers work on developing new products and technologies. Engineering Manager Lecturer Lecturers teach courses in Mechanical Engineering at universities and colleges. They typically have a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, and they are able to communicate complex technical concepts in a clear and concise way. Consultant |