27th June 2015, 12:21 AM
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Universities offering PhD in IT Management to MBA(IT) candidate in India?

I have completed my B.Tech(IT) and MBA(IT). I want to do PhD in IT Management. Any one please tell me from which universities in India can I get a chance of doing PhD in IT management. Please reply me its very urgent.

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29th June 2015, 07:33 PM
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Default Re: Universities offering PhD in IT Management to MBA(IT) candidate in India?

List of Universities or Colleges offer Ph.D in IT Management:

>> University of Mumbai
Ph. No: 022 2654 3000
Address: CST Road, Kalina, Santacruz East, Mumbai, Maharashtra-400098

>> Goa University
Ph. No: 0832 651 9048
Address: Taleigao Plateau, Bambolim, Goa-403001

>> University of Pune
Ph. No: 020 2569 6064
Address: Ganeshkhind, Pune, Maharashtra-411007

>> University of Delhi
Ph. No: 011 2700 6900
Address: New Delhi, Delhi-110021

>> University of Hyderabad
Ph. No: 040 2313 0000
Address: Prof.C.R.Rao Road, P.O.Central University, Hyderabad, Telangana-500046

>> University of Calcutta
Ph. No: 033 2241 0071
Address: Senate House, 87/1, College Street, Kolkata, West Bengal-700073
29th June 2015, 10:37 PM
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Default Re: Universities offering PhD in IT Management to MBA(IT) candidate in India?

You can pursue Ph.D in IT management from following Universities/Institutes in India

1. Indian School of Business, http://www.isb.edu

2. Amity University, http://www.amity.edu

3. Birla Institute of Management Technology, http://bimtech.ac.in

4. Christ University, http://christuniversity.in

5. Jaipuria Institute of Management, http://www.jaipuria.ac.in
30th June 2015, 12:52 AM
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Default Re: Universities offering PhD in IT Management to MBA(IT) candidate in India?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I have completed my B.Tech(IT) and MBA(IT). I want to do PhD in IT Management. Any one please tell me from which universities in India can I get a chance of doing PhD in IT management. Please reply me its very urgent.
List of the best university for Ph.D course for Management:-

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Address : Powai, Mumbai 400076, Maharashtra, India
Phone: (+91) 022-25722545
Website: http://www.iitb.ac.in/

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Address : Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110 016.
Fax: (91) 011-2658 2037, (91) 011-2658 2277
Website: http://www.iitd.ac.in/

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Address : I.I.T Post Office
Chennai-600 036
Fax: 91-044-2257 0509
Website: http://www.iitm.ac.in/

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Address : Phone: +91 512 2597889
Fax: +91 512 2590260
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.iitk.ac.in/

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Address : Kharagpur – 721302 India
Phone : +91-3222-255221

Fax : +91-3222-255303.
Website: http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/

University of Roorkee
Address : Roorkee Uttaranchal- 247 667
Phone: +91-01332-72349 (EPABX)
Fax : +91-01332-73560
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://rurkiu.tripod.com/

Birla Institute of Technology & Science
Address : Vidhya Vihar Campus Pilani

Rajasthan - 333031
Phone: 91 01596 245073/4
Fax 91 01596 244183
Website: http://discovery.bits-pilani.ac.in/

Anna University, Chennai
Address : Sardar Patel Road, Chennai-600025, India
Website: http://www.annauniv.edu/ceg/

Jawaharlal Nehru University
Address : New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110067
Phones: +91-11-26717676 , 26717557
Fax: 26717601
Website: http://www.jnu.ac.in/
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