View Poll Results: Interesting Field vs. High Salaried Field

Field that interests me. No compromise. 169 72.53%
All fields are interesting so I will go with high salaried fields. 64 27.47%
Voters: 233. You may not vote on this poll

5th October 2010, 01:35 AM
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Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

What would you prefer, Interest or Money

Consider that you like a certain field (branch) and you are dying to join it. But the thing which is refraining you from proceeding is the fear of monetary benefits in this field.

On the other hand you chose a field which has lots of money in it but unfortunately your interest or liking doesnt lie in it.

What would you chose?

Waiting for some interesting answers

5th October 2010, 05:33 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

I would like to take the branch which i am interested and also if i am what to earn more money i prefer the 2nd one

Last edited by Ragha3728; 15th October 2010 at 02:40 PM.
5th October 2010, 07:06 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Good Question....
but it depends on the situation.
Its similar to the question that your mom and wife are drowning and you have to save one of them, so it all depends on the situation.
I will certainly choose money first then what i am interested for now but will certainly choose the one in which i am interested ( provided by have enough money for my family).

This is what i think.... but i certainly agree the fact that the field you are interested, if you select that itwill help you in long run
5th October 2010, 09:02 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

I have never run behind Money, how worse are monetory situations that doesn't matters, only the think that is of importance for me is my interest and what skills and abilities I have..........!

And I believe that "Chosing of a field which has lots of Money, but one can't find it interesting is just like a Veniger in Honey"

Thats all.

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5th October 2010, 11:09 PM
Saikiran M
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Critical Question!!

I would prefer to go with high salaried one for first time as even money is also important for living (or) to maintain standard of living...and after one year,
I will go with my interesting field..

Because.. i will get to learn something more than my interest in the Salaried post as it
is different from my usual interests.

But in the end of my life, when my family has sufficient money to take care of themselves... I will work in the field of my interest i.e., MUSIC and hang on till death...

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6th October 2010, 08:10 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

All Indians go for second option........
Every individual strives for financial freedom giving top priority.....
But very few people go for the first option.....
Many like to go for second option and then jumping into first option later after settling.
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7th October 2010, 01:18 AM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

wow, what a nice question!

well sir,what I think that one should make his interest at the very begginning of his age only in that field in which there is a lot of name, fame and money.And the only person who is behind all that are the parents. As parents are the real guides and always think about the childs welfare so a good parent always choose only that path where his child is getting money and his interest lies in it.
But as you are talking about a self dependent Guy who takes his own decision so BHAIYA itna yaad rakhna ki-

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7th October 2010, 10:50 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

[QUOTE=Saikiran M;211885]Critical Question!!

i would prefer the one which will be favourable to the situation. because interests and money both matters, if i am intersted in some field and i got job in that field but the money which i am getting is not sufficient to fylfill my basic needs then i will prefer high salaried jobs. if the job iam getting is intersted and it have sufficient money to fulfill my needs and on the other hand i am gettin job which is very high salaried and not intersted and the money which is more than basic needs, then i will prefer the job which intersts me and giving money which is sufficient for me and my family.
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9th October 2010, 01:04 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Originally Posted by ForumModerator View Post
What would you prefer, Interest or Money

Consider that you like a certain field (branch) and you are dying to join it. But the thing which is refraining you from proceeding is the fear of monetary benefits in this field.

On the other hand you chose a field which has lots of money in it but unfortunately your interest or liking doesnt lie in it.

What would you chose?

Waiting for some interesting answers
i will choose the field in which i interested.i will be happy with this. you can earn suffient money by your interested field to earn your life
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15th October 2010, 12:35 AM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

I will choose the job that passionates me,the one that interests me.Once i am there i will work harder as it will be a fun and not work for me because it would be my interests.Money will come as i will gain more experience.
In case i join the high salaried job money may be there but i would not be able to survive in there for long at all.....
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15th October 2010, 01:15 PM
shubham sharma17
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Originally Posted by ForumModerator View Post
What would you prefer, Interest or Money

Consider that you like a certain field (branch) and you are dying to join it. But the thing which is refraining you from proceeding is the fear of monetary benefits in this field.

On the other hand you chose a field which has lots of money in it but unfortunately your interest or liking doesnt lie in it.

What would you chose?

Waiting for some interesting answers
definately i will prefer interest ,if you are perfect in the feild in which you are interested ,definately you will get a high salarised package in the feild in which you are interested ,so you should be perfect in your interest, a high salarised package will come.......
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15th October 2010, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Ragha3728 View Post
I would like to take the branch which i am interested and also if i am what to earn more money i prefer the 2nd one
ITS good my opinion also the same like you i want to earn money for the sake to take care my parents

i also accept the same like your opinion becoz i am choose a field which i am interested and hardwork in that field only to ear more money

Originally Posted by faiyaz View Post
I have never run behind Money, how worse are monetory situations that doesn't matters, only the think that is of importance for me is my interest and what skills and abilities I have..........!

And I believe that "Chosing of a field which has lots of Money, but one can't find it interesting is just like a Veniger in Honey"

Thats all.

one should choose a better wheather first they shoulde think that if you are interested in the course and if u are interested then no doubtly you go for the interested field it self only
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16th October 2010, 06:04 PM
mohit brh
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

always prefer field in which you have interest to do work. so that you can finish and acheive your aim very easily. in future i will be happy.
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16th October 2010, 06:50 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

you should go in to the field which ur very much intrested
*because if u chose a job which ur not intrested after working there for sometime u might get whesked with that job,though u might get more salary u wll not able to work in the profession where ur not intrested.
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16th October 2010, 07:52 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Personally for me, creative satisfaction is very important. But one cannot do alone with that and must consider the creature comforts that life has to offer as well. But if given a choice i would prefer a job which satisfies me creatively even if it has an average salary to a mundane mindless high paying job which i would not enjoy working at.
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16th October 2010, 08:35 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

what will be there for biotech students after doing M.S. biotech?
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16th October 2010, 08:36 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

There is an old proverb in Sanskrit"SANTOSHAM PARAM SUKHAM" which means that personal satisfaction is the ultimate thing you strive for.In my openion, if we choose a field that interests us,then only we are going to be satisfied.
Monetry benefit can never supress our interests.If we choose some field only becoz of money,then our interest and motivation will certainly die after sometime,sooner or later.
Another point in this context is that our innovation will die in our field of interest if we choose a field other than this bcoz the field we have choosen is just due to desire of more money,not our interest.
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16th October 2010, 08:57 PM
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Smile Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Originally Posted by ForumModerator View Post
What would you prefer, Interest or Money

Consider that you like a certain field (branch) and you are dying to join it. But the thing which is refraining you from proceeding is the fear of monetary benefits in this field.

On the other hand you chose a field which has lots of money in it but unfortunately your interest or liking doesnt lie in it.

What would you chose?

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well,in present scenario,money is very important BUT how can one earn so much money if he/she is not interestsd in his field, its all about ur ineterest because if u r interested u will do ur best to achieve it and then the success will follow itself,either in terms of money or fame......
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16th October 2010, 11:59 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Working in that field in which we are interested, gives result that we do our work with happily without any tension or burden.
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17th October 2010, 10:05 AM
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Smile Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

What about a branch that even we are interested in & also has a high salaried job opportunity !! there are in this world job opportunities having high salaries in every field. For example , i am interested in computers , then i have a vast source of job opportunities in the vast field of computer science , computer engineering , animation , hardwares , softwares , etc.

SO why shouldn't a person develop interest in a job having high salaries or can also study in different fields along with the job once he gets it !?!?!
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17th October 2010, 12:54 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Originally Posted by ForumModerator View Post
What would you prefer, Interest or Money

Consider that you like a certain field (branch) and you are dying to join it. But the thing which is refraining you from proceeding is the fear of monetary benefits in this field.

On the other hand you chose a field which has lots of money in it but unfortunately your interest or liking doesnt lie in it.

What would you chose?

Waiting for some interesting answers
I Would the field of mine interest because self satisfaction is important to be a successful and perform well with full concern.As I think choosing your interest field motivates as to work with determinations for the achievements but running behind money will only lazy .
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17th October 2010, 03:52 PM
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Smile Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

well i'll go for the field of my interest not in the field which has lots of money n not my interest. because if not having interest in any field how will i be able to do best in that field. if i work in the field of my intrest then i can do innovation as i will be liking it. so dont do any thing for moneyn only. becoz u can money any where if u want to n if u have interest.
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17th October 2010, 05:27 PM
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Originally Posted by ForumModerator View Post
What would you prefer, Interest or Money

Consider that you like a certain field (branch) and you are dying to join it. But the thing which is refraining you from proceeding is the fear of monetary benefits in this field.

On the other hand you chose a field which has lots of money in it but unfortunately your interest or liking doesnt lie in it.

What would you chose?

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in short i will choose that i have interest because interest make money with reputation in that area

one should choose interest because money will run best result
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17th October 2010, 05:34 PM
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Cool Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

If you prefer the field that interests you, than automatically you can proof yourself and get increment in that same job, with your interests and have a good pay scale also

BUT, if you get the job according to the salary, and u doesn't like the job than you can't proof yourself, and may be get demotion also
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17th October 2010, 06:48 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Defenitly i will show interest towards my interest only.
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17th October 2010, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

well i have read many opinions from my friends but according to my view job interest is first priority. if i will satisfied in that job i will give the best results from my side. naturally it will satisfies me, my family and the employer also.And i can earn more also.
In the second case if i'll look only for money but i don't have interest into that,then it affects my performance.
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17th October 2010, 08:49 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

I would prefer to go for the second!!
after all thats what really matter today...
but after earning enough money to live a high profile life, i may go for a job of my interest.
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18th October 2010, 07:21 AM
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Smile Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Originally Posted by ForumModerator View Post
What would you prefer, Interest or Money

Consider that you like a certain field (branch) and you are dying to join it. But the thing which is refraining you from proceeding is the fear of monetary benefits in this field.

On the other hand you chose a field which has lots of money in it but unfortunately your interest or liking doesnt lie in it.

What would you chose?

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I will always love to be that field which interests me as I will be able to give out my best.
And when you ask such question I am really in such a situation only but I thinkk I will srely go with interest and not with money.
I also know money is important but after killing your wishes if we get money its really painful
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18th October 2010, 08:08 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

U should prefer ur interested fields first as u will enjoy doing works of ur interest. But money is also an essential need so look at market value of ur interested field. If u can get good salary in it then go for it otherwise try those fields where u r assured to get high salary jobs. It will irritate u for sometime but not for whole life as we are adjustable.
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20th October 2010, 08:14 AM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

i would take my prefered field only because it is only that field i would be successfull in long run
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20th October 2010, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Well in my opinion...a balance between the two is very important...because i feel doing a job is not always according to ones own intrest...because doing a job also sometimes includes the wish of the parents....but basically i would rather go for a job that gives me satisfaction ,because if i am satisfied then my parents are also satisfied..
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20th October 2010, 05:56 PM
Rohit Vashisht
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

I would like to have job which is of my interest and i am willing to that. I will work with my best and make it a high salaried job
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20th October 2010, 07:11 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

I would prefer a field where i have interest and where i can apply my knowledge and skill rather than going for higher salary job. Of course, we do want high salary but if we cannot be happy or is not our likeness, then we wont be able to work with our full potential and also we wont get satisfaction. So, in my opinion, I'd choose in my own interest because I ll get my own satisfaction and lead to a better future.
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20th October 2010, 07:38 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

From my piont of view , the feild which interest us should be pursued ..bcoz it is not necessary that we will success in the feild in which others have succedded.
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21st October 2010, 12:12 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

engineering is the best field to choose our career ...but branches in the engineering is the best option to choose....after completing your engineering your knowledge about the your is 100%..then only you will get the high salary jobs,,,,,,
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26th October 2010, 09:13 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

The field that we are interested in it ,will be preferred,and that will give good performance in that job.
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29th October 2010, 01:57 AM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Today money is everything for anyone. so, every student takes job after the graduation instead of further study. Now a day interest doesn't matter for a student so they took subjects which are highly demanding in the market on can get good jobs.
Only 5% of student go for the their choice of interest subjects, but all are not worried about the job.
So in my opinion interest is okay but first you have get good salary for luxurious life.
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30th October 2010, 04:49 AM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

My current work experience has given me a teaching that you can gain interest in anything with time. so it is better to go with high paying job.
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2nd November 2010, 03:36 AM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Prefer high paying jobs.
Because as you enter into corporate world after working for 2-3year interest getting down. and after that you have no chance to leave to field and you also earn less money.
If you go for high paying jobs you earn lot of money which inrease interest in that field.
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2nd November 2010, 08:35 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Question is not just about interest and money
its also about your control on your future
if you can control it with your hard work , then go with your interest

else return to high salaried job
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2nd November 2010, 10:38 PM
Sachin Narayan
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Being very true i'll prefer field in which my interest lies, cause i believe if we r in the field that we always wanted to be in, we'll work with our full heart, and returns will always be as good, secondly that job will give u a self satisfaction whether monetary value is less, but u'll be self satisfied and this is the only thing that matters for me SELF SATISFACTION.
thank you
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2nd November 2010, 11:45 PM
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I am not believe in making money.
I am believing in doing what I like and in which i am interested.


Jeendagee Do Pal Keeeeeeeeee

Ankur Jain
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3rd November 2010, 06:23 AM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

it depends upon the condition . i will prefer to choose branch of my interest if and only if it can provide me a good salary because everyone knows the value of money today. and if not then i will move towards the second option.
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6th November 2010, 07:24 AM
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first Iwill try to go with the field which suits me and of my interest but as the situation are not favourable always and sometimes we cannot do wht we wish so if such a situation comes I can change myself according to the situation.Because cahnge is the lawof nature
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9th November 2010, 10:48 AM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

it is good to choose a field of our interest but if other field is interesting with good salary amount there is nothing to think more about that.........
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11th November 2010, 07:13 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

choose your stream based on your interest and work hard then position and money,both will follow you
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12th November 2010, 11:09 PM
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Talking Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

Originally Posted by ForumModerator View Post
What would you prefer, Interest or Money

Consider that you like a certain field (branch) and you are dying to join it. But the thing which is refraining you from proceeding is the fear of monetary benefits in this field.

On the other hand you chose a field which has lots of money in it but unfortunately your interest or liking doesnt lie in it.

What would you chose?

Waiting for some interesting answers
I will choose a certain field (branch) to which I am dying to join it as no compromise to interest and health.This is my main moto
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16th November 2010, 04:46 PM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

most of the people go for interested jobs but some people would prefer high salary jobs for urge to earn a lot for royal life .if u go for interested ur working environment is satisfied.
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17th November 2010, 10:34 AM
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Default Re: Would you prefer a field that interests you or a field which has confirmed high salaried job?

if all field are interesting why not we go to high salary and a good famed field.
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19th November 2010, 11:36 PM
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i go with my interesting field. salary is not important than interest.
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