14th December 2017, 02:41 PM
Cost and other details of Wedding Photography course
Sir, I have discontinued B.Sc and I am running the photo studio from last 3 years in macherla. I want to click the best photos in weddings. I will join the candid wedding photography, so please send me the details how much have to be paid for the course, etc. Please send the details ([email protected]).
15th December 2017, 06:38 PM
Colleges in India for Photography course:-
Delhi College of Photography, New Delhi Light and Life Academy, Ooty Jawarharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University, Hyderabad AJ Kidwai Mass Communication Research Center, New Delhi Asian Academy of Film and Television, Noida Osmania University, Hyderabad National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad Sir JJ Institute of Applied Arts, Mumbai National Institute of Photography, Mumbai The Indian Institute of Digital Art and Animation, Kolkata And the cost of this course is minimum Rs. 50,000/-. But the cost depend upon the type of course like Bachelor's degree course, diploma course. |