29th August 2012, 09:41 AM
Maharashtra Public Service Commission, Assitant Public Procecutor Group-A Exam Paper-II(Indian Penal Code and All other minor Criminal Acts) Exam – Download Previous Year’s Question Papers
There are a total of 10 questions in The Indian Penal Code and All other minor Criminal Acts paper. Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. You need to answer any 8 questions from the remaining 9 questions which carry 10 marks each. The topics included in the paper are Cattle trespass, Bombay District Police Amendment Act, Maharashtra Forest Rules 1982, Maharashtra Juvenile Justice Rules, ill treatment to women, hurt, theft, extortion, wrongful restraint, wrongful confinement, Receipt of compensation, Bombay Police Act, Immoral Traffic Act 1956, penalty for misconduct by licensee, Bombay Gambling Act, Bombay Prohibition Act, child labour, transit pass, confiscation of forest wood, settlement of dispute in Forest Act, Observation home, Essential Commodities Act, Hoarding, Atrocity, Public Place of Entertainment, Untouchability under PCR Act, Child Act, section 66(1)(b) and section 65(f) of the Bombay Prohibition Act.
14th September 2012, 11:01 PM
I want ACIO IB exam papers and answers