21st February 2015, 08:27 PM
What should I do if I have failed Maths subject in 12th CBSE board?
Dear Sir/Mam,
I have failed in 12th cbse board exam in maths.I was from a school of Bihar. Now I have 2 options...1st is to pass out compartment and fill for improvement exam from same school. 2nd is to leave compartment exam and re-appear next year from a different school of delhi . Are these options correct and which should be choose??? |
22nd February 2015, 04:18 AM
Look if you have scored well in rest of the subjects and have only failed in Maths, then in that case I would suggest you to kindly remain in the same school in which you currently are. and appear for Improvement exam the very next year.
But however, if you have not scored quite well in some papers and want to appear for the whole year and for all subjects and get admission in any other school or board. NOTE: If you are changing your school along with your board then it can be quite difficult for you to cope up, but if you work hard it will eventually easier for you. |
22nd February 2015, 12:20 PM
If you have failed in Maths subject in your 12th standard, then you should apply for supplementary exam. I mean that you should choose your 1st option. You can apply for supplementary exam by visiting the examination branch of the college, where you have studied your 12th standard. You can get the application from the examination branch of the college, then you should fill up and submit that application by paying prescribed examination fee. After receiving Hall Ticket, you can appear for 12th standard Maths supplementary exam.
29th May 2015, 01:28 PM
Hello sir I'm an hsc student from maharashtra board commerce student I failed in may maths exam and I don't want to do maths is there any process that I change maths and take sp if there plz tell me as soon as possible
20th August 2017, 10:03 PM
I have failed in mathematics in 12th class of cbse and appeared in compartment examination of mathematics held on 17th july 2017 but i again failed in this subject. Can i take admission in bsc first year. If not ,what should i do ?
28th February 2019, 03:41 PM
If i have failed in maths but scored 75% in 4 main subjects plus 75% in the extra PHE subjects. 1. Can i get pass certificate, 2. Percentage 3. can i get admission in colleges on pass basis 4. After compartmental result how can i get admission in college pl suggest