Government jobs in Hardware & Networking Sector in India


Computer hardware is a term that denotes the different physical components and parts of a computer. The term networking is used for denoting the linking of a group of computer systems for sharing data and information. Professionals in this field are called as hardware and networking engineers and they oversee and design the process of manufacture and installation of hardware.

Most of us think that hardware and networking engineers can find employment opportunities in the private sector only, but the fact is that even government organizations recruit them for networking a number of computers and proper maintenance of computer system with respect to hardware and networking.

Recent government job notifications:

Recently, the following government organization recruited candidates for the hardware and networking field:

Administrative Officer for IT (hardware, software and networking) – New India Assurance Company Limited

Hardware Manager – Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute

Educational qualification:

Candidates, who wish for a challenging career in the hardware and networking field must possess a diploma or degree any branch of engineering like telecommunication, electrical, electronics and computer science. Many institutions are offering these engineering courses in India. For getting admission to these courses, candidates must have completed their higher secondary with science background and they will also have to get through the state-level or national-level entrance examination. The list of educational qualification requirement to find job opportunity as hardware and networking engineering is given below:

M.E/M. Tech in Information Technology

M.E/M. Tech in Computer Science

Master of Computer Applications

Masters of Information Technology

Masters in Computer Management

B. Tech IT/CS

Certificate course in computer networking

Certificate course in computer hardware

What are the job responsibilities of a hardware/networking engineer?

Normally candidates appointed as hardware/networking engineer in any organization irrespective of whether it is a government or private organization will be responsible for the following basic duties:

To work with server-based network and PC management software

To repair system software and hardware drives of server, network of PC, sound and printer

To repair major computer related hardware equipment like UPS, CPU, printer, monitor and related accessories

To monitor network and to check the health of PC

To provide configuration of hardware of computers in the organization

Troubleshooting problems pertaining to server, computers and networking

To perform such other functions as assigned by the higher authorities of the department of hardware and networking

Scope of hardware and networking jobs:

With the increasing usage of computers in every government organizations nowadays, the need for hardware and networking professionals in highly felt since these professionals are highly essential to ensure the proper functioning of the computers in the organization. Therefore, there are ample job opportunities for networking and hardware professionals in India. They can find employment opportunities in telecommunication companies like BSNL, MTNL, etc… in the government sector and hardware repair shops, BPO firms, call centres, software companies, system design companies and hardware manufacturing companies in the private sector.

Thus, hardware and networking is a developing field that will create more and more job opportunities in the near future.



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56 Responses to “Government jobs in Hardware & Networking Sector in India”

  1. 56

    Sir, i have completed three year diploma in computer engg. And also done network administrator course form jetking. I want job in this profile. If any job then tell me

  2. 55

    respected sir
    i want government job in any where
    i done my hardware & networking course frm jetking
    as will as in networking
    i need job pls contact me 8446549584

  3. 54

    Dear sir

    I am capable for this job my qualification is MCA and certification in this field
    and i have experience in this field

    plse give me chance so i can saw the my talent

    Thanks &Regards

    nagendra kumar sharma

  4. 53

    what is scope in govt/defense sector in hardware & networking

  5. 52
    akshaya das:

    dear sir,
    i have passed hardware networking course on 2007 and passed MCSE with global i want government job in any where orrisa.i have 5 years experience in field work in market. i do confidently laptop ,desktop, printer repair also laser , inkjet cartridge refilling . thanks s regard
    akshaya das

  6. 51
    Chaudhary Prakash:

    Dear Sir
    My Hardware,Networking course is complited from IANT Palnpur.
    i want to job in government…
    I am Ty Raning For Palnpur but i have 8 month experience For IANT And Inadra Gandi

    For Hardware and networking job for government

    Thanks & Regards
    Chaudhary Prakash
    +97 9712295571

  7. 50

    This letter is in response to your job advertisements l.This position is compatible with my skills and work experience. It also suits well to my career interests.As they have described the job profile which matches with my needs aptly.I like accepting challenges and prove myself by working to the best potential.

  8. 49
    Gurpreet singh:

    dear sir,
    I have complete my B.C.A In this session 2010-2013
    I have also complete my hardware and networking course from gurukull technologies pvt.limt, bathinda

    I have also MCITP Certified from microsoft, but i am a fresher, i wants the govt job in computer networking sector???

    SO Please tell me what type of efforts do for this???

  9. 48

    Respected sir, i have done btech in cse from uptu with certification courses in ccna and mcitp. I want to know about the job opportunities in both government and private sectors. Humbly requested to reply on my mail as soon as possible.

  10. 47

    i’m completed my hardware and networking can i apply this job

  11. 46
    Suraj Thapa:

    My Hardware,Networking course is complited from Jetking, Guwahati
    i want to job in government…
    I am graduate but i have not any experience .

  12. 45

    Job reqirment

  13. 44
    patel hiren:

    jobs in Hardware & Networking in gujarat.
    I have T.YB.A completed in Gujarat Uni.
    I have completed my (GCHNP Coures)Global Certify Hardware Networking Networking Professional (1Year 6 Month Course)IIHT Centre Godhra.
    I have completed my MCP (MICROSOFT CERTIFIED Professional) International exam.
    I have completed my MCTS(MICROSOFT CERTIFIED
    Technology Specialist) International exam.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Patel Hiren H.
    +91 9427227431.
    +91 8511175336.

  14. 43
    nitish kumar:

    dear sir/madam i donf appearing b-com present working drmo new delhi in hardware networking ihave done my hardware and networking course appearing please give me job

  15. 42
    Vasim Akil Shaikh:



    PERMANENT ADDRESS :Talegaon Dighe.
    Tal. Sangamner.
    Dist. A.Nagar.
    Pin Code 422611

    DATE OF BIRTH : 03 /07/1985

    SEX : Male

    MARITAL STATUS : Married

    NATIONALITY : Indian

    CASTE / RELIGION : Hindu / Muslim

    LANGUAGES KNOWN : English, Hindi, and Marathi
    E-Mail :


    1 S.S.C. Mar. 2002 Pune Borad 60% 1St.
    2 H.S.C.
    Oct.2004 Pune Borad 60.67% 1St.
    3 B.A. April 2008 Pune Univ 60% t1St.

    Jetking Shivajinagar, pune.
    TOTAL WORK EXPERIENCE: - 4 Years Experience In Hardware & Networking.



    Present Employment Details:-


    Subject: - Application for the post of “HARDWARE NETWORKING OPERATER”

    Dear Sir
    With reference to the above subject, I would like to offer as a candidature for the same. I Am A B.A. with further advanced training in computer Hardware Maintenance & networking. I
    Have more than 1 years of practical experience in almost all aspects of Computer Hardware &
    Networking Establishment & Maintenance works.

    I am enclosing herewith my curriculum vitae for your kind consideration.
    Expecting to get a positive response,

    Thanking You,

    You’re sincerely,


    VASIM SHAIKH Mob: 9860283717

    OBJECTIVE: - To work in a team environment and develops my skills contribution of the

    Educational Qualification: B.A. From Pune University.

    Advanced Diploma in Certified Hardware Engineering with Networking.

    Key Technical Skills are narrated below.
    Listed below are my areas of Technical expertise, which is ideally suited for IT company.
    Knowledge of PC assembling with software installation,& troubleshooting of
    oprating system MS Office, mailing Software & virus removal using antivirus.
    Installation, configuration & troubleshooting Simple LAN and Switched LAN
    Designing & configuring network setup with IP addressing scheme-using subnets.
    Implement Security using IP – Standard and extended access lists.\
    O.S. Know- Windows98/NT/2000/xp/Linux

    Fore 4 Year Working Experience in “INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER CARE SYSTEM, PUNE.” As a Hardware & Network Engineer.

  16. 41

    Hardware and networking engineers in army, police headquarters,home ministry

  17. 40

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I done my graduation, present working as Faculty in hardware and networking institution.
    I have done my hardware and networking courses, Certified MCSE,MCTS,A+,CCNA and RHCE. My age is 34.
    Total 9 years experience in providing Training.
    Shall I get any government job in related stream.


  18. 39
    Rupam Jana:

    Respected Sir / Madam,

    Myself Rupam Jana. I have passed B.A. in 2009 from Calcutta University. I have completed Diploma in Hardware & Networking from CMC Ltd. in 2009.
    I want to a government job in Kolkata in this Hardware & Networking sector.

    Thank you.

    Yours faithfully,
    Rupam Jana.
    Date: 18.10.2012

  19. 38
    Vineet Kumar:

    I have completed Hardware and Networking Course in Jetking ,MCSE, I have 2.6month networking feild and corenlty work in Wipro Infotech as a Network Support Engg. Now i am looking jobs in government side how to find jobs in networking side.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Vineet Kumar

  20. 37

    respected sir /madam
    sir i am ravi 26year . i completed computer hardware . mdtc govt of india . in 2010 batch i had 3 years experiance . i want government job in bangalore.

    thank you

  21. 36
    Vijay Kumar:

    Dear Sir,
    I want to know that
    at present i have done diploma in computer engineering at Guru Nanak Dev Polytechnic, Am i eligible for this job??
    And second thing is that how can i search the job to start my carrier with IT field please suggest me

  22. 35

    i have completed Hardware and Networking ,MCITP,CCNA, now i am looking jobs in government side how to find jobs in networking side

  23. 34

    Hello Sir/Madam,
    My Name is Ramandeep, My Age is 26
    I Have 3yrs & 1 Month Exp. in Network Support Engineer & 10 Months Exp. in CCNA Faulty.
    I Have Done MCSE,MCTS,CCNA,CCNP & One Module of CCSP.
    I Want a Job in Government Sector.

    Thanks & Regards:-
    +91 9896128081

  24. 33

    present iam working in private organisation ,
    plz send the latest government job updates in networking platform.

  25. 32
    mukesh lohar:

    my date of birth

  26. 31
    alok mishra:

    sir i have done my hardware@networking coures this year form hp institute how type jobs are ablabale for me suggest sir 08931824089

  27. 30
    kunal kumar majumder:

    Sir my age is 27.I have technical support experience.I have done A+,N+,Server+CCNA,MCITP.
    * how will I get to know about the updated openings?

    * Wil be very thankful if you can say a website.

    * Do force application work in this case?

  28. 29
    Ashish thakur:

    my hardware & networking course in uncomplete from jetking in chandigarh. my last paper in ccna.
    I want to job in government..
    But i have not any experience.

  29. 28
    mohd shabir:

    sir ,
    i wanna hardware and networking job in government sector
    so plz send me how to take entrace exam
    so contact me 9602548206
    and send email

  30. 27
    mohd shabir:

    my hardware and networking completed from iiht jaipur
    i wanna job in goverment sector
    i’m undergraduate
    but i haven’t exp.

  31. 26
    Nrupesh kale:

    My Hardware,Networking course is complited from cms in nagpur
    i want to job in government…
    I am graduate in commerce i have 1.5 year experience
    now i am working in hcl infosystem ltd

  32. 25
    Ashutosh kumar jha:

    My Hardware,Networking course is complited from IACM in delhi
    i want to job in government…
    I am graduate but i have not any experience .

  33. 24
    Ashutosh kumar jha:

    My Hardware,Networking course is complited from IACM in delhi.
    i want to job in government…
    I have not any experience .

  34. 23

    sir, im k.prasanth kumar computer hardware networking ,
    : B.COM
    computers GITAM UNIVERSITY (centre for distance learning)continu

  35. 22
    Shashikanta Singh Thokchom:

    Dear Sir,

    I’m certified CCNA & done training MCSE 2003 track working from last 4 yrs in this field so I wanna work on govt sector I’ll be so thankful if you suggest me how get govt job in this field.
    Shashikanta Singh Thokchom

  36. 21
    Rohan M.Panchmukh:

    My Hardware,Networking course is complited from St.Angelos Computer Education.
    i want to job in government…
    I have 3 Years experience of Network Support Engineer.

  37. 20

    dear sir;
    i read the topic above ‘government jobs in hardware & networking sector in india’.i am the qualified canditate for this job.will u pls tell can i apply for this job..this is my mail id-
    thanking u

  38. 19

    My Hardware and networking & CCNA course is complited from NHIC .I want job in Govt. now I have 3 yrs. working exprience of lab tech. in ECTS College. at BBSR.

  39. 18
    Wasim Raza:

    My Hardware,Networking & CCNA course is complited from IIJT.
    i want to job in government…
    I have 3 Years experience of Desktop Support Engineer.

  40. 17
    Mathew Roy:

    Respected sir/madam

    how to apply for govt. job for the post of system admin/network Engineer? I passed science) and done CCNA,MCSE.Now I am studying MCITP Enterprise Administration.Total 3 yrs experience in this field.

    Please tell me by mail or phone.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Mathew Roy
    e-mail id-

  41. 16
    Bharat bhushan:

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    How to apply for goverment jobs for the post of Desktop Support Engineer.
    Please tell by mail or Phone

    Thanks & Regards
    Bharat Bhushan
    Mail id,

  42. 15
    Gaurav Verma:

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    How to apply for govt. job for the post of Desktop Support Engineer i had done MCSA, RHCE (v5),CCNA AND MCP CERTIFIED (XP, SERVER).
    Please tell me by mail or phone.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Gaurav Verma
    Mail id -

  43. 14

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    How to apply for goverment jobs for the post of Desktop Support Engineer.
    Please tell by mail or Phone.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Suraj Kokane
    Mail id :-

  44. 13


  45. 12
    amit thakur:

    hardware & networking engineer

  46. 11
    Atul Dandage:

    I have done B. Com., and 6 months diploma in hardware & networking from a local institute & recently completed CCNA from IIJT institute. Now i want to make my carrier in IT sector, can I do it ? And also guide me regarding what should my next step.. waiting for your valuable guidance

  47. 10
    shekhar shaw:

    in how many exp in hardware and networking in govt sector, and what are the minimum qualification of this job?

  48. 9

    what is minimum qualification requirement for the post sr. network admin. in any communication sector companies.
    and how we can apply foe the said post. plz suggest me sir



  49. 8

    I have done hardware and ccna ….Pls forward me a job ….I want a government job

  50. 7
    Sameer saxena:

    I have done 1 year certification course from jetking in hardware & networking and my academic qualification is b.a. Now what can i do in this field to get govt. Job tel me abaut corses what i m igiable for

  51. 6
    Madhu Shree:

    Dear Sir,
    If there is any requirement for Microsoft certified system administrator or as that level then pls guide me.

    Madhu Shree

  52. 5
    Manish patil:

    my hardware & networking course is complited from jetking…
    i want to job in government…
    i m fresher..i have 3 months experience of hardware..
    now a days i m a computer teacher..

  53. 4
    santosh nishad:

    dear sir
    i am serch hardwear networking job in gov sectoy
    you have any requarment plz coll mee

    Thank & Reagard

    santosh nishad

  54. 3
    Debasis Swain:

    sir,now i am continue a course on advance diploma in computer hardware and networking management at cttc,bhubaneswar.i wants to know the advance degree course in this after the current course.

  55. 2

    what is highest salary in network

  56. 1

    i want doing ccna after hardware and networking
    and which instiutet