IFS Agriculture (Paper I) papers


IFS stand for Indian Forest Services. The IFS exam is under the control of Union Public Service Commission of India and it is conducted for recruiting able candidates for the various posts in Indian Forestry Department. Candidates have to appear for General Knowledge and General English Papers which are compulsory for every candidate. Then there are optional subjects in which candidates are given choice to select their own subjects. Every subject will have two papers, Paper I and Paper II.

The Agriculture Paper I contains 8 questions and equal weightage is given to all of them. The paper is divided into two sections, Section A and Section B. Both sections contain 4 questions each. Questions 1 and 5 are compulsory and candidates have to attempt these questions. In addition to this 3 more questions are to be attempted and atleast one question is to be answered from each section. The total marks for Paper I is 200 and time given to answer all the questions is 2 hours. The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of every question. Candidates are also instructed to write the answers in English only as no vernaculars are allowed.

Below you will get some of the papers which will definitely help to understand the paper pattern

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13 Responses to “IFS Agriculture (Paper I) papers”

  1. 13

    please tel me about bsc agri. entrance form dates

  2. 12
    M.Sc.(Ag) statistical science 10year catet question paper:

    M.Sc.(Ag.)statistical science 10year catet question paper

  3. 11

    2012 question of kcse

  4. 10

    please give me list of books for agricultural engg

  5. 9
    gibeah d.r:

    iam bsc biochemistry.can i go for ifs agri or not???

  6. 8

    I am Bsc Agriculture. Kindly let me know if I can Go for IFS Agri or not.

  7. 7

    please give me information on top ifs coching centres in hyderabad, top english coaching centres which are suitable for ifs preparation.

  8. 6

    Dear Sir,

    Is there any one or two books on agriculture which cover whole sylabus?
    How can i get the agri study material (not books)

  9. 5

    Where can I get the Question and answers to last ten years Questions in IFS ( Forests) examination in Agriculture subject?

  10. 4

    agricultural model question papers

  11. 3

    sir, pls tell me hw to apply online INDIAN FOREST EXAMINATION FORM.

  12. 2
    ajit kripal:

    please send the updated syllabus of UPSC PRE EXAM

  13. 1
    arun tomar:

    sir, i have taken admiission in B.tech (food technology )
    now i m alone in my trade please give me suggestion what to do and what to not do