Junior Engineer, Sectional Officer, Delhi Development Authority



Delhi Development Authority was established in the year 1955 under the provisions of the Delhi Development Act. Currently, the authority is involved in the construction work for the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi. The major objective of the authority is to provide a well-planned, orderly and swift development of the state. The authority was established with the aim of providing smooth development for the state of Delhi.

Job Profile:

1. Recruitment of Junior Engineer (Civil):
No. of posts: Only 199 posts are available.
Age Limit: Candidates should not be more than 18 to 27 years of age.
Pay Scale: Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay of Rs. 4200.

2. Recruitment of Junior Engineer (Electrical/Mechanical):
No. of posts: Only 26 posts are available.
Age Limit: Candidates should not be more than 18 to 27 years of age.
Pay Scale: Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay of Rs. 4200.

3. Recruitment of Section Officer (Horticulture):
No. of posts: Only 22 posts are available.
Age Limit: Candidates should not be more than 18 to 27 years of age.
Pay Scale: Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay of Rs. 4200.

4. Recruitment of Lower Division Clerk:
No. of posts: Only 281 posts are available.
Age Limit: Candidates should not be more than 18 to 27 years of age.
Pay Scale: Rs. 5200-20200 + Grade Pay of Rs. 1900.

How to apply: An application fee of Rs. 100 (No fee for reserved category candidates) in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Delhi Development Authority payable at New Delhi is need to be sent alongwith the completely filled in application forms in the prescribed format at the address:

Post Box No. 7049,
Indraprastha, H.P.O.,
New Delhi - 110002.

Contact Details:

Delhi Development Authority,
Vikas Sadan, INA,
New Delhi - 110023.

Last date for receipt of application: 28 June 2010

For more information visit http://www.dda.org.in



Do you have any question? Please ask:

Questions will be answered on our Forum section

184 Responses to “Junior Engineer, Sectional Officer, Delhi Development Authority”

  1. 184
    gaurav nimesh:

    dda je ki to joining bhi ho chuki hai. dda ne website pe result nahi declare kiya tha.direct appointment letter ghar bhej diya tha.

  2. 183
    satish chandra maurya:

    i want dda je civil written exam held on 25/09/2011 my roll no is 14020001

  3. 182
    Satish Chandra Maurya:

    we want our result of exam for junior engineer civil engg held on 25/09/2011 my roll is 14020001

  4. 181
    suresh kumar:

    we want our result of exam for junior engg civil engg held on 25/9/2011 my roll no is 16020342

  5. 180
    vishal sharma:

    sir, I want the result of dda wirtten exam(je elect.) held on 25.09.2011 ROLL NO:18010252 My Email id:parasharsons@gmail.com

  6. 179
    alok mishra:

    please give mej.e[civil] result 2010

  7. 178
    izran miyan:

    when will be declared result of je civil which was held on 25 sep 2011

  8. 177
    amjad khan:

    when will held interview of je mechinical ecgg

  9. 176
    kabir khan:

    when result will be declared of JE civil which was held on 25/9/2011.

  10. 175

    sir, I want the result of dda wirtten exam(je civil) held on 25.09.2011 ROLL NO:14020279 My Email id:www.nathankamal26@gmail.com

  11. 174
    Ravinder aryabhat poltechnic (2006):

    I want’s know rerult of exam held on 25.09.2011 for j.e.(civil), when declared the result ! Plz informed me by mail or sms. Mob.No. 9990330516, mail Id-ravinder.ranjan@gmail.com (Thank’s for this act) Regards -RAVINDER

  12. 173

    see the above link for dda result

  13. 172

    My que is i give a test to be heldon25/09/2011 for the post of jemech.the post will be given by D.D.A

  14. 171

    when will be result announced for the post of JE civil, it has been a long time to wait for result.

  15. 170
    Hetram sharma:

    i want the result of dda written exam (je civil) result,held on 25/09/011

  16. 169
    Nilesh Ramteke:

    i want the result of dda written exam result ,held on25 .9.2011

  17. 168
    nitin kunar:

    i want the result of dda written exam result ,held on25 .9.2011

  18. 167

    pls tell me the result of junior eng. Civil which is held at 25/8/2011 my mobile no is 9785523040

  19. 166
    Rahul Kumar:

    i have taken dda enterance examp . tell me result is declare or not. Sir plz tell me if someone know .


  20. 165

    when you are going to anounce the je civil exam result held on 25 sep 2010.

  21. 164
    sourabh panwar:

    25-09-2011 ka result kab aa rha h
    my roll no is 17010090 je electrical & mechanical

  22. 163
    anil kumar:

    pls..tell me result of exam for junior engineer civil engg. held on 25/09/2011
    roll.no. 10002531………15020471

  23. 162
    Ravi Prakash shah:

    Dear sir
    Please tell me JE civil result when time in declare

  24. 161
    Rajeev Sharma:

    l want to know about the test result which i have given on 25-sept-2011 for the post of J.E MECHANICAL Engg

  25. 160
    kabir khan:

    plz tell me about the dda enterence test result for je civil held 25/9/2011

  26. 159
    mahender singh:

    dear sir

    pls confirm the entrance test result final date for dda je civil test held on 25.9.2011

  27. 158

    pls sir informa result of junior engg exam for mechanical

    exam date 25 sept 2011
    pls send my email id

  28. 157

    may i know the expected date of result anouncement of DDA je (civil)exam held on 25.10.11

  29. 156
    sunil kumar:

    what about the result of dda j.e civil ? plz tell me if someone know .

  30. 155
    janu pratap singh:

    when will come the result of dda (j.e civil) , held on 25-09-11

  31. 154
    amit kumar:

    i have taken dda enterance examp . tell me result is declare or not .


  32. 153

    When declare the dda j.e.(civil) result.which’s held on 25th september,2010

  33. 152
    gopal krishna:

    I have taken DDA enterance-exam on 25th sep. 2011, so i have been waiting for my result,could you please tell me that when is gonna come the result of dda for the post of JE(civil), please sir send all the information about result on my Email

    Thanks with Regards
    Gopal krishna bharti

  34. 151
    Gajan Singh:

    date of interview of LDC

  35. 150

    I have taken DDA enterance-exam on 25th sep. 2011, so i have been waiting for my result,could you please tell me that when is gonna come the result of dda for the post of JE(civil), please sir send all the information about result on my Email

    Thanks with Regards
    Ankit khandelwal

  36. 149

    sir,when will be the result of DDA 2010 je civil declare,held on 25 sep ?plz tell me

  37. 148

    hello, can any body plz tell me the approx cutt off fr this exam. i m of electrical.

  38. 147

    sir when will be the result of DDA 2010 junior engineer mech.declare, held on 25 sep?

  39. 146

    Plz let me Know the Details of results for Junior Engineer JE(Elect/Mech.)
    Electrical Results for exam dated 25.09.2011 (SUNDAY)
    roll no. 12020488
    mob. no. 9991030081

  40. 145
    gurpreet suri:

    l want to know about the test result which i have given on 25-sept-2011 for the post of J.E MECHANICAL Eng

  41. 144

    can any body tell me hw much will be the cut off. or hw much do u think will be sufficint score to get the selection.

  42. 143
    Jiyaul Hasan Siddiqui:

    Respected sir/madam,
    I would like to know that when will the result of DDA for the post of junior engineer (mechanical) be declared for the exam held as on 25th September 2011

    Thanking you
    Jiyaul hasan siddiqui
    roll no - 23010306

  43. 142

    i just want to know that result of test held on 25,11,2011 of post of jr.engr.(elect/mech.) which post have 26 and Last date for receipt of application: 28 June 2010. so plss give me response

    thank you
    Raj Kumar

  44. 141

    Plz let me Know the Details of results for Junior Engineer JE(Elect/Mech.)
    Electrical Results for exam dated 25.09.2011 (SUNDAY)
    Reference no 20050084
    Name of the candidate Manish kethoriya
    Mob 8109676949

  45. 140
    Anoop gupta:

    sir i would like to know that when will be the DDA results of Junior Engineer civil will come?

  46. 139
    Dhiraj Panchal:

    Respected Sir,
    i wish to know that when will be the result declared of je (civil) exam held on 25th Sep 2011.

  47. 138

    Please let me know the DDA civil JE result exam held on 25-Sep-11

  48. 137
    Sumit kwatra:

    Dear SIr, Whan will be the DDA results of Junior Engineer Mech will come?

  49. 136
    jitendra kumar meena:

    when will declare jr engineer mechanical result declare…..held in 25 september

  50. 135

    when will DDA declare results for the post of junior engg(Elec/Mech) for the exam held on 25 sept 2011
    reply asap

  51. 134
    harpal singh:

    sir, pl tell me when will be declare result of j.e. civil 25.09.2011 in dda. thax

  52. 133
    krishna pal:

    Sir G JE Electrical/Machenical,Civil ka Result kab tak ayega
    ok good night

  53. 132
    harpreet singh:

    sir when will be the result of DDA 2010 junior engineer mech.declare, held on 25 sep?

  54. 131

    I have taken DDA enterance-exam on 25th sep. 2011, so i have been waiting for my result,could you please tell me that when is gonna come the result of dda for the post of JE(civil), please sir send all the information about result on my Email

  55. 130
    Raju vedwal:

    Sir,when declare the result of jE civil pl. Tell. Me

  56. 129
    virender sharma:



  57. 128
    praveen kaushik:

    sir pls tell me when the result of jr engineer2012 wil open.pls send it to email id praveen.civil2001@gmail.com

  58. 127
    sumit kuamr:

    sir when will be the result of DDA 2010 junior engineer mech.declare, held on 25 sep. ?

    sumit kumar.

  59. 126
    sunil kumar:

    Sir, when declare the result of JE-CIVIL,exam held on 25.09.2011, pl.tell me.

  60. 125
    sumir bharti:

    respected sir/madam
    When wi££ the JE Elect/mech result declare? Held on 25th september 2011

  61. 124

    where i can see the results of entrance exam for JE. civil which is held by delhi development authority on 25/09/2011 (give me website)

  62. 123
    ankush sharma:

    when result will come for j.e electrical/mechanical held on 25/09/2011.
    I am waiting with more exitment.

  63. 122
    Alok raj:

    When declared the result of j.e. Civil . Held on 25/9/2011


  64. 121

    can any one tell me the expected lower cutt off for junior engineer civil exam held on 25 sep 2011…

    also the expected date of result.

  65. 120

    l want to know about the test result which i have given on 25-sept-2011 for the post of J.E MECHANICAL Eng

  66. 119

    can any one tell me the expected lower cutt off for junior engineer civil exam held on 25 sep 2011…

  67. 118
    Sumit kwatra:

    Dear Sir,
    When will be the result of jE mech. exam declared held on 25.09.2011 ?

  68. 117
    mohit kumar:

    when declare the result of JE-CIVIL,exam held on 25.09.2011, pl.tell me.


  69. 116
    mohit kumar:

    when declare the result of JE-CIVIL,exam held on 25.09.2011, pl.tell me.


  70. 115
    Karanjit Singh:

    when will the result of junior engineer exam declared held on 25/09/2011.

    Karanjit singh from Amritsar.

  71. 114

    when will be published dda je elect/mech result held on 25 sep 2011

  72. 113

    date of interview of JE mechanical

  73. 112
    Raju vedwal:

    Sir, when declare the result of JE-CIVIL,exam held on 25.09.2011, pl.tell me.

  74. 111
    kamlesh kumar:

    when will the result of junior engineer exam declared held on 25/09/2011.

  75. 110
    umesh kumar:

    respected sir,

    please, tell me about result declaration of junior engineer ( electrical / mechanical ).

    your faithfully

    umesh kumar

    ( 8826826961 )

  76. 109

    we know of exam DATE of DDA>…….

  77. 108

    exam date of DDA…

  78. 107
    ashwani attri:

    when will the result of this year jr. engg test wiil come

  79. 106

    this is enough wait for the result of dda for the post of je civil. please tell me the date of declaring result for the same.becausev i have alredy regine my previous govt. job

  80. 105
    nitin tandon:

    sir when will be the result of junior engineer mech.declare

  81. 104
    sanjeev thakur:

    when will the result of (DDA)junior engineer civil come????

  82. 103

    when the results will be published for the exam of je(civil) recruitment 2010 which was held on 25-09-2011.
    Thanking You

  83. 102
    priyaranjan kumar:

    when will dda je result come?

  84. 101
    vikrant singh:

    when will the results of junior engineer exams held on 25/9/2011 be displayed ? is tehre any interview for the shortlisted camdidates or there will be direct recruitment?please reply.

  85. 100
    naresh singh:

    when will be declared junior engineer(civil) exam result ad. no.-13/pr/2010

  86. 99
    harish sharma:

    I have given the Exam of DDA For JE Civil on 25.09.2011. Please Can you Confirm me the result displaying date.

  87. 98


  88. 97
    suraj garg:

    I have fill the form of juniour engineer of civil eng. in 2010 near about june july 2010.Please tell me about written test on my e-mail address that is( suraj.gargji@gmail.com

  89. 96
    Deepak sharma:

    Sir, will there be enterview for post of J.E.(electrical & mech.) inDDA

  90. 95
    Silky Sharma:

    when will be conduct exam of LDC.Plz tell me the date.

  91. 94
    Silky Sharma:

    I Want know the topic/chapter of civil engineer .

  92. 93

    Sir i have applied jr engieer electrical pl send selebus of electrical paper and also send solve pepar of previus year

  93. 92

    what is the syallabus for mechanical junior Engg in dda

  94. 91

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I applied for the post of JE (Civil) under the advertisement No 13/PR/2010. I didn’t get my admit card for the as many of my friends got it recently. My mentioned address is :-

    ashish kumar sati
    vill & post off. - mayapur
    near - state bank of india mayapur,
    diss - chamoli garhwal,
    pin code - 246472.

  95. 90
    Vishnu Gupta:

    i have applied in dda for je(electrical/mechanical).so plz provides me old paper of that post.

  96. 89

    wt is d syllabus for mechanical j.e exam in dda

  97. 88
    sunny bajaj:

    Sir plesse tell me the download the admi card of junior engineer civil exam held on 25 sep 2011 and give a Sylabus of junior Engineer civil. plz send by Email.
    thanku sir.

  98. 87
    rishi pal singh:

    i have applied for post of j.e civil but i did not get my roll number yet.

  99. 86
    Himanshu popli:

    wt is d syllabus for mechanical j.e exam in dda

  100. 85
    chandan kumar vidyarthi:

    Dear Sir/Madam
    i have applied for the post of je(civil).but till now i did not get my admit card.
    my date of birth-15-02-1987
    father name-Bijendra singh
    vill+po-khadi lodipur
    ps-ekangar sray,nalanda,bihar ,pin-801301

    mob no-09199620606, 09044644524


  101. 84

    wt is d syllabus for electrical j.e exam in dda

  102. 83

    please send me the syllabus of je electrical for dda exam

  103. 82
    Pankaj Kumar:

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I applied for the post of JE (Civil) under the advertisement No 13/PR/2010. I didn’t get my admit card for the as many of my friends got it recently. My mentioned address is :-
    Pankaj Kumar S/O Agya Ram Saini
    Vill - Fatehpur P.O - Herbertpur
    Distt- Dehradun State -Uttrakhand
    Mob - 09528745008,09897949567

  104. 81
    shiv kumar:

    Dear sir,
    I was watting the admit card for JE (civil/mech)exam ,Yesterday i have got my admit card for JE ( civil /mech) exam . Exam time is 10.00 am to 12.00 pm on dated 25/09/2011. same date & time schedule is for BHEL exam also. Both exam are in delhi.
    So i can not attand both exam because both exam date & time are same. both exam are important for me .
    So it is requested to you please changed the time sehedule ( 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm same date) for the exam. my rollnumber is 21010341.

  105. 80
    Pankaj Kumar:

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I applied for the post of JE (Civil) under the advertisement No 13/PR/2010. I didn’t get my admit card for the as many of my friends got it recently. My mentioned address is :-
    Pankaj Kumar C/o B K PG,
    Building No 16, Street No 01,
    Hans Enclave, Rajeev Chowk, Gurgoan - 122001.
    Mob - 09873329543.

    Pankaj Kumar.

  106. 79

    Sir i have not recieved my roll no of examination of JE civil yet plz upadate ur Web site AARTI SAxENA

  107. 78
    p k bharadwaj:

    sir plz tell me what is the exam date of j e civil .
    mob 9476151310

  108. 77

    what is the syllabus of junior engineers electrical in dda exam ?

  109. 76

    what is the exam date of je civil

  110. 75
    krishna kumar:

    syllabus of junior engineers in dda

  111. 74
    Sumit Suman:

    when will be conduct of exam of LDC in dda

  112. 73
    savi chaudhary:

    i have applied for j.e.(mechanical)in june 2011 in dda but i have no information till now.if any plz inform immidiately concerning entrance exam or interview.
    thanks & regards
    savi chaudhary

  113. 72
    aditi malhotra:

    what is exaimination date for the post of ldc in dda

  114. 71
    nihit gupta:

    when will be the written examination of ldc cum typist

  115. 70

    sir, i have applied for je civil… please kindly say me time table of exam

  116. 69
    jai parksash:

    I have applied for the post of mechanical engineer in dda in the month of jun 2010, but still I don’t have any information whether the exam is already conducted or will be held if so when?
    please inform thanks and regard.

  117. 68
    Rahul Saroha:

    Sir,i applied for the post je civil ,sir plz info me about the admit card,exam date.

  118. 67
    vipin kumar:

    sir/madam i applied for the job. sir plj tell me the above of my admit card on my website (vpn888@rediffmail.com) thanks.

  119. 66

    sir i applied ldc cum typist post pls send me examination date

  120. 65
    Rounaq Singh Ashan:

    Dear Sir,

    I had applied for Je electrical in May 10 , I want to know the exact date of written exam etc and seeking feedback on my above stated email ( rsashan@rediffmail.com )

  121. 64
    Anand sharma:

    i hav filled up the form of junior engineer mechanical 2 or 3 month befor . i want to know when this exam will conduct and how will i receive my permission letter.

  122. 63

    Dear Sir,
    I have applied for junior engineer (mechanical). Please tell me the date of entrace test and when will I receive call letter for entrace test.

  123. 62
    ravish dhillon:

    plz tell me the date of JE written exam.

    thank you.
    my mobile no. is: 09212244420

  124. 61

    dear sir,
    when will jr.civil engineers written exams will take, give thew exam date.

  125. 60
    Jai Parkash:

    I have applied for the post of JE (Mechanical) in Jun 2010. When the exam for htis post will be conducted ?

  126. 59
    Amarjit Singh:

    I want to know about the date of writtwn test of JE(M) of DDA

  127. 58

    i filled up the form of dda please tell me what is the date of lower division clerk entrance exam of dda. And also provide me the solved previous years question papers of LDC Exam.

  128. 57
    sanjeev kumar meena:

    please tell me date of written examinition for je (civil) by e-mail skmeena20feb@yahoo.in ,dy massage =9250211896,09042237285

  129. 56

    i have applied in dda for je(electrical/mechanical).so plz provides me old paper of that post.&date of written exam for that post.

  130. 55

    examination date of DDA JE(electrical/mechanical)?????????

  131. 54

    Exam of sectional officer is going to be held on 12 sept 2010
    Admit card for same has been despatched and also available on dda website under e-admit card

  132. 53

    i filled up the form of dda please tell me what is the date of lower division clerk entrance exam in dda.

  133. 52

    i filled up the form of dda please tell me what is the date of lower division clerk entrance exam in dda

  134. 51

    list of eligible candidates for Sectional Officers have been displayed on dda website !

  135. 50

    Dear Sir,
    I am applying for the post of section officer (Horticulture)you are requested to confirm the date of entrance of examination and please confirm the syllabus of the same.

  136. 49

    please send me the previose years solved or unsolved question papers for JE Civil exam. you can mail me to irshad.eskay@yahoo.com

  137. 48

    Examination date for junior Engineer(Civil)

  138. 47
    ravish dhillon:

    plase tell me written exm date for JE either by e-mail:ravish_1415@yahoo.co.in or by call or message on:09212244420.
    thnk you

  139. 46
    Sarin Prakash:

    i have filled the form of DDA for the post os LDC-cum-Typist-2010.
    but there is no response received from your side. I want to know the date of examination.
    pls give me detail about when will exam held and some previous sample papers for LDC exams.

  140. 45

    I have applied for the position of SO in horticulture department of DDA.
    What are the best books to prepare from

  141. 44
    sandeep singh:

    sir please send the previous question papers of J.E. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING and also tell the date of entrance test

  142. 43

    Dear sir,

    Please tell me about Examination date of Junior E ngineer(Mechanical/Electrical).And Send admit card in my Email Id

    With Thanks & Regards

  143. 42
    Kaushal Kishor Kushwaha:

    sir please tell me date of exam & send admit card in my Email Id(Junior Engineer (Electrical/Mechanical)
    tell me link to download admit card

  144. 41
    Ashwani Kaushik:

    sir i have applied for JE in mechanical ..so i want to know about the question papers/sample paper/syllabus.

  145. 40
    anoop gupta:

    je civil exam date

  146. 39

    i have filled the form of DDA for the post os JE.
    but there is no any kind of response means when will exams held.
    pls give me detail about when will exam held and some previous sample papers for JE exams

  147. 38

    please sir tell me ldc entrance test in dda. i am working com.opertor in dda contract basic in vikas sadan, new delhi.
    deatil me suggestion in id. vckvicky92@gmail.com

  148. 37

    sir , i have applied for junior engineer(mechanical) in dda,delhi…i want to get the information about the the type of questions and previous year papers of dda…

  149. 36
    jayati sharma:

    Respected Sir/Madam,
    I am jayati. I submit a form for the post of lower devision clerk in DDA. But I haven’t received any information of examination’s date. when will come examination, please give me advise.


  150. 35

    tell me about the date of examination for the post of junior engineer electrical \mechanical in dda

  151. 34
    prahalad shilla:

    sir …………..please tell me date of written exam for JE post of DDA delhi

  152. 33
    Sampreet Khalkho:

    pls. give me last year solved question paper of junior engineer civil exam and suggest me the best book for the practise

  153. 32

    Please tell me the entrance exam date of ldc.
    n tell me about my ldc admit card….
    i m waitng 4 ur positive rply

  154. 31
    babita jha:

    pls. give me last year solved question paper of ldc exam and suggest me the best book for the practise

  155. 30

    which type of tests are compulsary to clear by the candidate of mechanical dip. Holder?

  156. 29

    pls tell me what is the date of written exam 2010 for je civil/elec.

  157. 28
    Inder Jeet:

    Sir could you please send me previous year question papers Thank you.

  158. 27

    please send me the last year exams question solved papers.

    thank you

  159. 26
    pawan kumar:

    tell me about the date of examination for the post of junior engineer electrical \mechanical in dda

  160. 25

    Sir could you please send me exam date of j.e civil also previous year paper

  161. 24
    Akhtar Ali Khan:

    Sir could you please send me tentive date of j.e civil exam also previous/sample question paper

  162. 23
    preeti sharma:

    Dear sir

    Please tell me the entrance exam date of ldc.

  163. 22
    Ajit Kumar:

    Dear Sir

    Most Respected My Name is Ajit Kumar S/o Lt Shri Ram Kishan R/o K-II-110 Sangam Vihar New Delhi-62. I applied post for LDC Cum Typist. Plz provide the Exam date. When will exam for LDC. I request to you. Kindly needful revert to me on Mail or Contact No. 9818516943

    Thanks & Regards
    Ajit Kumar
    Contact No 9818516943

  164. 21
    Dharmender Singh:

    Dear Sir,

    I have applied for the post of section officer (Horticulture, can you kindly provide us the date of the exam & detailed syllabus so that I can schedule my preparation accordingly pls.

  165. 20

    plz tell me dda ldc 2010 exam date

  166. 19

    sir , i have applied for junior engineer(civil) in dda,delhi…i want to get the information about the the type of questions and previous year papers of dda…

  167. 18

    sir, pls send me old exam papers of ldc cum-typist dda

  168. 17

    i have aplied for the post of je (civil) so i want to have previous year question papers

  169. 16

    Dear sir,
    i m applied for the post of JE (Electrical/Mechanical). kindly provide me syllabus and sample paper.
    Thx & regards,

  170. 15

    Dear Sir,
    I am applying for the post of section officer (Horticulture)you are requested to confirm the date of entrance of examination and please confirm the syllabus of the same.

  171. 14
    pankaj kasaudhan:

    which type of qestion asked in dda for junior engineer post(electrical) and what is the syllabus for that one?

  172. 13

    sir i have applied for JE in mechanical ..so i want to know about the question papers/sample paper/syllabus which will help me for getting good marks in the examination. and also the source whee i can get those study materials.



  173. 12
    Ashish Rawat:

    can u just e-mail me the model test paper of dda ldc.

  174. 11
    deepakl kumar:

    sir , i have applied for junior engineer(electrical) in dda,delhi…i want to get the information about the the type of questions and previous year papers of dda…

  175. 10
    Pradeep Kumar:

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Please confirm the date of exam for LDC-CUM-TYPIST as it is not mentioned anywhere on DDA’s website.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Pradeep Kumar

  176. 9

    i have passed 12th class in 2010. For which post i have to applied?

  177. 8

    sir i am appliyng for JE in mechanical ..so i want to know about the question papers/sample paper/syllabus which will help me for getting good marks in the examination


    mukesh ramani

  178. 7

    Kindly provide sample papers related to LDC cum Typist post applied in DDA….

    Pls arrange to send on my ID that will help me……


  179. 6

    Sir, I have applied for the post of J.E(Electrical) in DDA, Plese provide sample question for the above mentioned test. Thanks.

    Phone- 9312383521 & 09694870398

  180. 5

    sir,iam applying for the post of LDC and i want to know about the type of question of DDA

  181. 4
    Sunil Kumar:

    sir , i have applied for junior engineer(mechanical) in dda,delhi…i want to get the information about the the type of questions and previous year papers of dda…

  182. 3


  183. 2
    atif ahmad:

    sir , i have applied for junior engineer(mechanical) in dda,delhi…i want to get the information about the the type of questions and previous year papers of dda…

  184. 1
    Hemanth Kumar G:

    I am Hemanth and i am applying for JE in DDA so can i get any info regarding the syllabus and the type of questions we get if possible i need a sample question paper.